Chapter 176

Outside Yangjiao Mountain, the battlefield is filled with smoke.


Blood Road!
The battlefield is bloody and there are corpses everywhere.

"Comrades, kill me hard, and leave none of these devils and beasts behind!"

Lei Zhan charged among the group of devils, he chopped off the heads of every little devil, and headless corpses sprayed blood and fell down.

He was covered in blood, and he had turned into a blood man at this time. The machete in his hand kept slashing and slashing, and the blood halo stained on the blade gave the machete a layer of bewitching evil spirit.





At this time, there was only one thought in the hearts of the soldiers of the Wolf Warriors, and that was to kill, to kill fiercely, to kill all the little devils in front of them, and to cut off all the heads of the little devils, in order to commemorate the tens of thousands of people who died tragically in China. fellow countrymen.


At this moment, a deafening roar suddenly came from the sky in front of him. Looking carefully, it was the 'Big Bird' who was getting closer and closer.

"Ah, long live the Emperor, His Majesty the Emperor has come to save us!"

"Thanks to the Emperor, long live the Great RB Empire!"


Seeing the plane in the sky, the thousands of little devils who were fleeing in panic stopped on the spot and roared. They waved their military caps excitedly and greeted the pilots above.

"Damn, get down, get down for me!"

Seeing this scene, Lei Zhan was shocked. He didn't expect that the little devil would send out a plane in this battle.

Anxious in his heart, he stopped hacking, turned around and raised his machete to remind the soldiers behind him.


The plane of the little devil above seemed to have seen the signal of the little devil below, and the five planes began to swoop down and attack the bottom.

"Get down!"

The soldiers who heard Lei Zhan's reminder immediately fell to the ground.


The moment the soldiers got down on the ground, the gray-green devil plane swooped over the battlefield and dropped several shells.



The originally one-sided battlefield was instantly enveloped by artillery fire. Many soldiers of the Wolf Warriors died heroically under this round of bombing.

"Yo Xi, great job, hurry up, work with a gun and shoot!"

Seeing that the soldiers of the Wolf Warriors were killed and injured by the bombing, the little devils who had fled far away burst into laughter. At the same time, they raised their guns and shot at the soldiers of the Wolf Warriors who were lying on the ground. stand up.

"Ha ha!"

The little devils grinned grinningly. They were like dogs. Now that their master had arrived, they began to fight against others.

More than a thousand little devils raised their guns and began to shoot and kill the soldiers of the Wolf Warriors.



At this moment, more than ten soldiers were shot and killed on the spot!

Seeing the soldiers who were bombed and killed, Lei Zhan's eyes instantly turned red. With a loud roar, he picked up a light machine gun left by the little devil on the ground, roared in the artillery fire, and moved forward extremely arrogantly The little devils shot away.


The little devil, who was hit by this sudden blow, screamed again and fell down a large piece.


Immediately afterwards, the second dive of the little devil plane began.

"Ah, go to hell, you little devil!"

Suddenly, Yang Xiao, the battalion commander of the Sharp Knife Battalion, who was lying on the ground at this time, suddenly got up on the ground, picked up the light machine gun, and fired at the little devil plane that swooped in.

"Da da da da..."

At this time, Yang Xiao was like a god of war. He was covered in blood, holding a machine gun, and masturbating the plane. He only had one belief in his mind at this time, that is to kill the devil's plane and stop letting the plane bomb their soldiers. .



Yang Xiao's machine gun fire didn't have any effect. The little devil's plane swooped down right on him, and a shell landed right beside him.

With a bang, under the horrified eyes of the soldiers of the Wolf Warriors, their company commander, Yang Xiao, one of the Thirteen Taibao, was blown to pieces alive.


The soldiers of the Wolf Warriors who saw this scene were all angry, their faces were full of sadness, they roared, picked up their guns on the ground, got up and shot at the plane in the sky.

They wanted revenge and shot down the little devil's plane.

"Bang bang bang!"

At this time, Lei Ming's sniper team also started shooting. Instead of hitting the little devil, they aimed their sniper rifles at the plane.

But it is a pity that the members of the sniper team have never practiced killing fast-moving objects at all. That is to say, their current marksmanship has not yet reached the level of being able to shoot an airplane.

Seeing that he couldn't hit the plane with his marksmanship, Lei Ming's face turned hard, he grabbed the sniper rifle from a team member behind him, got up immediately, and rushed towards Lei Zhan who was shooting the little devil with a machine gun go.

He knew that Lei Zhan could do it, and Lei Zhan's marksmanship was absolutely capable of hitting planes.


On the battlefield shrouded in artillery fire, soldiers were constantly being bombed to death. Yang Jian and the rest of the company commanders held their guns with red eyes and shot at the plane above them. At this time, they were completely dazzled by hatred and ignored Their own safety, they only knew in their hearts that their brother was blown to pieces, blown to pieces alive.

"Head, here it is!"

Lei Ming bowed and ran to Lei Zhan, and handed the sniper rifle in his hand to Lei Zhan.

The soldiers accompanying him took Lei Zhan's position and started shooting at the little devil in front. Soon, the little devil's firepower was suppressed again.


The five planes buzzed, as if they were gods of death, and swooped down on the position again.

Seeing Lei Ming coming to his side, Lei Zhan had a hint of surprise in his eyes, and immediately took the sniper rifle that Lei Ming handed him, loaded the bullets with a click, raised the muzzle, and aimed at the plane that was swooping down.

"Thunder, hold your breath, calculate the moving distance, and shoot!"


As soon as Lei Zhan finished speaking, he pulled the trigger in his hand without hesitation.


Immediately after the gunshot, one of the planes above, with black smoke coming from its tail, rushed down towards the place where there were more than a thousand little devils below.




The little devils who saw this scene were immediately shrouded in fear again. They didn't even have time to run, and with a bang, they were swooped down by the falling plane, killing a large number of people.


Hearing Lei Zhan's instruction, after Lei Ming locked onto one of the planes, he immediately pulled the trigger, his face full of expectation.


This time, he succeeded, he successfully hit a dive plane, and the plane hit by him fell down again with black smoke.

"Good boy!"

Seeing this, Lei Zhan smiled and gave Lei Ming a thumbs up.


The other three planes, seeing their companions being shot down, were about to pee in fright. After swooping over the heads of the soldiers of the Wolf Warriors, they didn't even dare to drop a shell, so they quickly pulled up and were about to flee.

They didn't know what kind of army was below, and they were able to shoot down the plane! !
Black Tiger Mountain.

At this time, Heihu Village was also covered by artillery fire. The brothers from the 1000rd Battalion of the [-]th Regiment were here to protect the people of Yangjiao Mountain. Outside the village, there were more than [-] bandits who attacked. The weapons of these bandits were very powerful. Sound, there are all machine guns and mortars.

The brothers of the [-]rd Battalion of the [-]th Regiment suffered heavy losses under the onslaught of bandits, but even if they suffered heavy losses, they would never take a step back. After all, there are still people behind them to protect.

(End of this chapter)

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