Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 177 Completely Annihilating the Little Devil

Chapter 177 Completely Annihilating the Little Devil

"Damn it! I told you to escape!"

Seeing the little devil's plane rising up and about to flee, Lei Zhan cursed loudly, and aimed the sniper rifle in his hand at one of the planes again.


After firing the first shot, Lei Zhan didn't hesitate at all, and didn't look at the result of the first shot. The muzzle moved, aimed directly at another little devil plane, and pulled the trigger in his hand without hesitation.



This time, it was the sound of two sniper rifle shots.

The result was very satisfying. The ghost planes that wanted to lift up and flee were hit one after another and hit the nearby mountain peaks.


With a bang, flames and thick smoke rose, and the three planes were completely wiped out.

"Okay! Captain Shenwu!"

"The head of the team is awesome!"


When the soldiers of the Wolf Warriors saw the plane shot down by Lei Zhan, smiles appeared on their faces full of pain, and they all started to applaud.

When Yang Jian and the company commanders around him saw the scene of the plane crash, a trace of comfort appeared on their grieving faces. Five planes crashed, and their brother Yang Xiao could rest in peace.




The little devil saw that the wolf group had knocked down the plane of the big RB empire, and he felt infinite fear again in his heart. He didn't dare to shoot again, and he yelled and turned around and ran. They want to leave, leave this scary place place.

"Comrades, kill!"

Seeing the little devils fleeing again, Lei Zhan threw the sniper rifle to Lei Ming, roared again, raised the machete, and charged towards the little devils.

The fighters, who were originally bombarded by the little devil's plane, were extremely depressed. Seeing the brave charge of the regiment leader, and beheading all the little devils one by one, the fighting spirit in their hearts suddenly rose, and they rushed towards the little devil quickly. go.

"Head, we are here, kill!"

At this moment, a large number of armed men suddenly appeared in front of the little devil's escape. These people took the lead in front, all wearing the uniform of the Eighth Route Army.

All of a sudden, the gang of armed men completely surrounded the little devils with less than 1000 people.

"Okay! Yang Jun, you are doing well!"

Lei Zhan was rushing to kill, and when he heard the shout, he could tell at a glance that the leader was Yang Jun, the battalion commander of the Wolf Fang Battalion, beside him was Yang Peng, the commander of the third company, and the cold-faced Special Operations Battalion Deputy Battalion Commander Yang Hu.

Yang Hu's rescue went very smoothly. He successfully led the Special Operations Battalion and Yang Peng to attack back and forth, completely annihilating the two squadrons of the little devil.

Then they joined Yang Jun. Similarly, on the main road with more than [-] militiamen, Yang Jun directly encountered a squadron of soldiers retreating from the devils. Crush and completely wipe out the strength of this devil squadron.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing Yang Jun coming with troops, Yang Jian and others also burst into laughter.

"Surrender, we surrender to work!"

"Surrender to work!"

"Don't kill us!"


Suddenly surrounded by more than 4000 armed men, the remaining little devils were about to piss in fright. Without the slightest hesitation, they quickly gave up resistance, raised their guns, squatted on the ground, and begged for mercy.

"Ha ha!"

All the members of the Wolf Warriors sneered when they saw this scene.

Let them go?

Do not!This is impossible!

They have firmly remembered Lei Zhan's words in their hearts: "Blood debt must be paid in blood!"

"Disarm, take into custody!"

Lei Zhan said with a cold face, it is absolutely impossible to let these little devils go, if they hadn't surrendered just now, Lei Zhan's plan was to kill all these little devils directly.

Now that these little devils have surrendered, they should be killed in another place. The place is to go to the small low-lying area, where Lei Zhan will execute these little devils, and use their blood to commemorate the more than six thousand innocent people who died tragically in the small low-lying area. common people.

"Commander, it's not good. More than 1000 bandits attacked the mountain aggressively, and the brothers in the third battalion of the [-]th Regiment suffered heavy losses!"

Suddenly, a soldier of the Wolf Warriors, covered in blood and extremely embarrassed, ran over from the side, shouting as he ran.

"Chen Nie, I.*****grandma!"

Hearing what this soldier said, Lei Zhan once again scolded the dead Chen Nie. It must be Chen Nie. This little dog. Ri's stuff told the RB people all the information. Otherwise, how could the RB people know about Yangjiao Mountain All the people in the village were transferred to Heihu Mountain.

Hearing the news that Heihu Mountain was besieged and the third battalion of the [-]th Regiment had suffered heavy losses, Yang Jian, Yang Hu and the others showed anxious expressions on their faces.

Lei Kangri on the side tightly held the saber in his hand, with a strong killing intent on his face. He respected the people of Yangjiao Mountain very much in his heart, because the people of Yangjiao Mountain usually treated him very well, just like Like a family, this is the warmth that he can't feel in RB, so after hearing the news, Lei Kangri has already issued a killing order for those hateful bandits in his heart.

"Yang Jun, leave one thousand soldiers behind and escort these little devils to the small depression near the county seat. The remaining three thousand soldiers, follow me!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Lei Zhan quickly issued an order, he must rush to rescue, after all, the people of Yangjiao Mountain are the root of his Wolf Warriors.

A fish cannot survive out of water!
In a short while, the team was assembled. Under the leadership of Lei Zhan, the team of more than 3000 people quickly rushed towards the Black Tiger Mountain.

Yang Hu was left behind by Lei Zhan. He was in charge of leading the special forces team and assisting more than a thousand militia soldiers to escort the [-] to [-] remaining little devils to avoid any accidents on the road.

Black Tiger Mountain.


In front of Heihuzhai, these more than 1000 bandits with blood on their hands are bombarding the entrance of Heihuzhai with incomparable arrogance.

At this time, the entrance of the Heihuzhai village has been bombarded in a disastrous manner.

"Da da da……"

"Clap clap..."


The gunfire was extremely chaotic.

"Haha, little ones, rush for me, whoever rushes in for me first will get a big reward, and the RB people will get a big gold!"

"Ha ha!"

The bandit leader Chen Huhu ordered arrogantly and laughed.

The other eight or nine leaders around him also started laughing when they heard what Chen Huhu said.



Hearing the leader Chen Huhu's order and the little devil's astonishing reward, hundreds of little bandits rushed towards the entrance of Heihuzhai, screaming like mad dogs.

Black Tiger Village, inside the entrance of the village.

There are corpses everywhere, all brothers from the Third Battalion of the Eighteenth Regiment, most of them died under the gunfire of the bandits.

"Comrades, when my third battalion was in peril, it was Commander Lei who saved our third battalion. Without Commander Lei, there would be no third battalion. Brothers, take the bayonets in your hands and rush to kill them. Think about it There are thousands of people behind us, we must fight the evil to the end!"

Instructor Xu Weisong's face was stained with blood, and he spoke righteously to the remaining hundreds of soldiers in front of him.

"The head is injured, let us kill the enemy instead of the head, kill!"

The deputy battalion commander Zhou Weicheng, who was standing shirtless and covered in blood, roared and rushed out first with a machete in his hand.




Driven by Zhou Weicheng, the deputy battalion commander, the soldiers of the third battalion were in high spirits, put on their bayonets, and raised their bayonets to fight towards the bandits charging outside.

Deputy Battalion Commander Zhou Weicheng's saber technique was very sharp, opening and closing, as soon as he came into contact with the enemy, he cut down several young men in an instant, with incomparable power.

At this moment, a bandit leader at the rear saw this scene, raised the bastard box in his hand with a sneer, and pointed it at Zhou Weicheng who was in the bloody battle.

(End of this chapter)

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