Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 179 Paying homage to the souls of the dead with the blood of devils

Chapter 179 Paying homage to the souls of the dead with the blood of devils

Ichiro Miyamoto and several staff officers who had just entered the city heard a loud roar.

Then they were horrified to see that a large number of warriors from the Wolf Warrior Group appeared in front of them, and all of these warriors pointed their black guns at them.


Seeing the situation in front of him, Zhongzuo Miyamoto Ichiro was instantly blinded, and after uttering a horrified cry, he froze in place. His mind was completely confused and he couldn't make a turn. He never thought of it anyway. , their base camp county will be occupied by the Wolf Warriors.

Thinking of this, the figure of Lei Zhan that Xiao Jing Cangkong described to him appeared in his mind. This person is really too insidious. They took down their base camp county.

It's so insidious!

The several staff officers beside Ichiro Miyamoto were horrified at this moment, and their bodies trembled involuntarily. They knew that it was over, everything was over, and they knew their fate very well.

"take away!"

Wang Yang looked at the big fish in front of him, and a deep smile appeared on his face. He never thought that he could catch these big fish at the gate of the city. The results made him very excited.

Hearing Wang Yang's order, the soldiers on the side immediately stepped forward, arrested a few people, and then escorted them to the headquarters, but the soldiers suddenly discovered that the battalion commander Yang Fei and the rest of the soldiers were escorting Shao Zuo Mukai Minming walked towards the gate of the city.

"Battalion Commander! Arrest five big fish!"

When the battalion commander Yang Fei came to his side, Wang Yang immediately reported his battle achievements in surprise.


Yang Fei had already noticed the five big fish being held, and walked over immediately, laughing and patted Wang Yang's shoulder as encouragement.

"Give me all of them, and go to the small depression outside the city. The leader and the others are coming soon, and the memorial service will be held later!"

Yang Fei looked at the five big fish with a smile, nodded his head in satisfaction and said, then lifted his feet and continued to walk out of the city.


Hearing that the regiment leader was coming, Wang Yang smirked and led the soldiers to follow quickly. He hadn't seen the regiment leader for a long time, and he missed him very much.

Five minutes later, Yang Fei led the soldiers to a small low-lying area.

At this time, in the small depression, there are already full of small graves, which are countless at a glance.These graves were quietly built by the Communist Party with militia soldiers and villagers who came here voluntarily. They could not let the bones of the people leak here like this. install.

Seeing the small graves slowly unfolding in the small depression, all the soldiers present fell silent, their faces were full of grief, and at this moment, the idea of ​​fighting devils in their hearts became more determined.

Blood debt must be paid in blood!
"Let them kneel here for me!"

Yang Fei turned around at this time, looked at Miyamoto Ichiro and other little devil officers who were trembling aside, and ordered in a cold tone.


The soldiers who heard Yang Fei's order slammed down on the knees of these little devil officers with the butt of their guns.


Ichiro Miyamoto and Toshiaki Mukai and the other minors cried out in pain when they were slammed, and knelt down on the ground with a plop.

The staff officer, who was carrying the comatose Koizumi on his back, knelt down for a moment, because of the pain in the bend of his leg, the staff officer on his body slipped off him and fell heavily on the ground. .


After Koizo Koi fell to the ground, he groaned in pain, his originally pale face became even paler, and even at this moment his body began to tremble.

At this time, Nakazuo Miyamoto Ichiro didn't have time to care about Soko Koi, after all, their fate is still unknown.

But Toshiaki Mukai, who was on the side, had a terrified face at this time, and his whole body was trembling. Others didn't know why the Wolf Warriors brought them here, but he knew very well in his heart that they were there some time ago. The scene of the massacre here is vivid, and he understands very well that the RB people present will all be killed. This is a fate that no one can escape, and they can only blame themselves for committing too many crimes!
Yang Fei and the others are quietly waiting for the arrival of Lei Zhan and others.

At this time, Lei Zhan's escort troops were less than half away from the county seat. Political commissar Zhang Jibing was already in Yangjiao Mountain, escorting the chief criminal of the massacre, Major Noda Takeshi. Complete.

Lei Zhan followed behind the team, thinking about the battle constantly in his mind, because he did not find a lieutenant officer during the battle.

According to the information sent by Wang Yang and Lu Yifan, the devil has two lieutenant officers in the county seat, and he does not believe that these two lieutenant officers are both in the county seat and did not come to command the battle.

Thinking of this, Lei Zhan felt that the devil's lieutenant officer might have fled because he saw that the situation was over.

But thinking of the devil officer fleeing, a smile suddenly appeared on Lei Zhan's face. As long as he didn't flee to Gaoping, then everything would be easy to say, because the county is now theirs. If the little devil Zhongzuo fled to the county, it must be Throw yourself into a trap.

Political Commissar Zhang Jibing was talking with the brothers from the Third Battalion of the Eighteenth Regiment at the back.

It's just that his face is already covered with grief at this time, he now knows that his old army, the 100rd Battalion of the [-]th Regiment, suffered heavy losses, and there are less than [-] soldiers left. All the soldiers under him have been sacrificed.

The faces of the rest of the soldiers were very serious, because they knew that they were almost at their destination, and when they thought of the more than [-] compatriots who died tragically, their hearts felt as if they were being pricked by needles.

At this time, the soldiers surrounded the center with guns, and the faces of the prisoners walking forward were full of despair at this time. It's okay for the little devil, after all, they don't know where they are going next.

But the bandits were different. They knew very well that they went to the small low-lying area, and when they thought of the massacre that happened in the small low-lying area some time ago, their hearts became even more desperate.

Major Noda Takeshi, who was in front of the entire captive team, was extremely embarrassed at this moment. He drooped his head and looked ashen. It seemed that he also knew his own fate.

After all, it was obvious that the Wolf Warriors had captured so many imperial soldiers, and Noda Takeshi immediately thought that they had failed again in this battle, and the result of the failure was very clear in his mind.Originally, he still had a glimmer of hope in his heart, but after such a series of blows, he was completely hopeless.

An hour later, with the county seat in sight, Lei Zhan and his team finally arrived at the destination.

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(End of this chapter)

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