Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 180 Paying homage to the souls of the dead with the blood of devils

Chapter 180 Paying homage to the souls of the dead with the blood of devils
Seeing Lei Zhan leading a large army and escorting a large number of captives, a smile finally appeared on Yang Fei's face, and he and Wang Yang rushed to greet him.


At this time, Ichiro Miyamoto and several devil officers who heard the movement in the rear, turned their heads and saw the imperial warriors who had been captured in large numbers. After they sighed, they turned their heads away without saying a word, and waited for the war wolf in fear. Judgment on them.

"Reporting to the commander, my special warfare battalion successfully captured LC County, and arrested two lieutenants and four majors!"

Coming to Lei Zhan's side, Yang Fei hurriedly reported the results to Lei Zhan.

"Wang Yang, a member of Team A of Wolf Warriors, ask the team leader for permission to return to the team!"

Wang Yang also came to Lei Zhan's side with a serious face at this time, and saluted loudly.

"Okay! You are all my good fighters, Yang Fei, you did a good job!"

Lei Zhan glanced at the soldiers around and praised, then his eyes fell on Wang Yang, who was selected by him to be in Team A of Wolf Warriors, and he personally arranged for Wang Yang to be an undercover agent in the county.

Seeing that Wang Yang came safely to his side at this time, Lei Zhan felt a little more comfort in his heart, and said with a smile: "Wang Yang, you are doing very well, Wolf Warriors, welcome your return!"


Hearing that Lei Zhan approved his return to the team, Wang Yang shouted loudly, with a smile on his face.

Political commissar Zhang Jibing, Yang Jian and other company commanders watched this scene with a smile.

"Ha ha!"

At this moment, Lei Kangri suddenly sneered, holding the saber in his hand, he quickly walked towards Zhongzuo Miyamoto Ichiro who was kneeling on the ground in front of him.

Seeing Lei Kangri's appearance, Lei Zhan narrowed his eyes slightly, he already guessed in his heart what Lei Kangri was going to do next.

Zhang Jibing, Yang Xingguo and the rest of the soldiers looked at Lei Kangri who sneered suspiciously, they didn't know what this guy was going to do next.

In an instant, everyone's eyes were focused on Lei Kangri.

"Ichiro Miyamoto!"

Lei Kangri came to Miyamoto Ichiro's side, gritted his teeth and shouted, his face was extremely angry at this time, and his whole body exuded a huge murderous aura.


Miyamoto Ichiro, who had lowered his head and was terrified in his heart, suddenly trembled when he heard this strange but familiar voice, raised his head suddenly, and looked up at the people beside him.

When he saw Lei Kangri standing beside him, his face turned pale with shock, he dodged backwards and sat on the ground, looking at Lei Kangri in front of him with uncertain eyes.

At this time, he couldn't help but think of when he was a captain many years ago, when RB participated in a door-killing event, after the door-killing, he was chased and killed many times, and the person who chased and killed him was Lei Kangri in front of him , if it wasn't for the protection of the military, he would have died long ago.

"It's you!"

After confirming the identity of the person in front of him, Miyamoto Ichiro exclaimed with disbelief.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing that Ichiro Miyamoto recognized him and turned pale with fright, Lei Kangri laughed and said, "Ichiro Miyamoto, you killed 56 people in my family. Today, you will pay with your life!"

"no, do not want……!"

After Lei Kangri finished speaking with a ferocious expression, he grabbed Miyamoto Ichiro who was on the ground in shock, and then the saber in his right hand was unsheathed in an instant. After that, Lei Kangri held the handle of the knife with both hands, and knelt on the ground begging for mercy. Miyamoto Ichiro stabbed down the back of the neck suddenly.



Lei Kangri's knife directly pierced Miyamoto Ichiro's chest under the back of his neck.

Miyamoto Ichiro just let out an 'uh', then drooped his head, and died with blood dripping from his mouth.


Lei Kangri pulled out his saber abruptly, and the spurt of blood splashed all over his face.

Then Lei Kangri put away his saber, turned around and came to Lei Zhan, bowed to Lei Zhan, and said sincerely: "Thank you, Captain Lei!"

"What are you polite, we are all a family, your surname is Lei, right?"

Lei Zhan looked at Lei Kangri with a smile and said.

Seeing Lei Zhan's smile, Lei Kangri felt sincerity in it, and a warmth rose in his heart.

"Okay, anti-Japanese, what kind of politeness, it's his brother! Don't live in the past, look forward!"

Yang Jian laughed and came over and patted Lei Kangri on the shoulder, encouraging him.


Lei Kangri nodded with a smile.

Seeing the death of the little devil and a high-ranking officer, the bandit leaders among the captives were all filled with fear on their faces, and their bodies began to shake. They already knew their fate clearly.

"Next, the sacrifice begins!"

At this time, Lei Zhan's voice suddenly sounded, and Lei Zhan's face at this time was extremely serious.

Hearing Lei Zhan's words, the faces of all the people present became incomparably serious, and none of them dared to neglect the next thing.

Seeing the scene that instantly became quiet, Lei Zhan took a glance and said loudly: "General, the direct participants in the massacre of [-] compatriots who died tragically, take me there, kneel in front of them, and let them face the six people in the small depression." Tombs of thousands of compatriots, repent!"


After hearing Lei Zhan's order, the soldiers of the Wolf Warriors immediately raised their guns, and with the cooperation of the militia fighters, they escorted the bandits to the side of the small depression.

There are more than [-] bandits in total, and the leader is ten bandit leaders!
"bang bang"

After bringing these bandits to the small depression, the soldiers kicked them and knelt on the ground one after another. In front of them were countless small graves in the small depression.

"Don't kill us, don't kill..."


"Bang! Bang!"

The bandits who knew their end were all trembling and trembling, and those who were peeing on their pants were desperately begging for mercy.

But what greeted them was the cold gunstocks in the hands of the soldiers.

Hearing the begging for mercy, the soldiers slammed their heads with the butts of their guns, and they would not hold back the wicked.

"Folks, we are soldiers from the Eighth Route Army Wolf Warriors. Today, the soldiers and I brought you the murderer. Rest in peace and have a good journey!"

Lei Zhan looked at the group of small graves in the small depression, his resolute face was full of grief, his eyes were moist, and he shouted loudly into the small depression.


After Lei Zhan finished speaking, the soldiers who were holding the bandits were instantly loaded, and their eyes turned red.


Lei Zhan turned around with a cold face, looked at the kneeling bandits in front of him, and gave an order.





Hearing Lei Zhan's order, the soldiers immediately pulled the triggers in their hands. In an instant, the bandits who were kneeling in front of them to repent had blood spurting from their heads, and then fell to the ground.

They paid the due price for the sins they committed!
Although they didn't do it themselves, what they did was even more cruel than those who did it, because they drove innocent people out of their homes!
The bandits paid the price for their sins, and then below, there are little devils who have lost their conscience and conscience like animals!
(End of this chapter)

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