Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 181 Paying homage to the souls of the dead with the blood of devils

Chapter 181 Paying homage to the souls of the dead with the blood of devils

After seeing this tragic scene, the surrounded little devils became rioted instantly. Some little devils poured out feces and urine, and some little devils cried with their heads in their arms.


The little devils, who couldn't bear the fright, immediately began to attack the soldiers. They wanted to escape, they didn't want to die, they wanted to live.

Ants still steal their lives, let alone this kind of little devil who used to control the life and death of others.

"Da da da da..."

"Da da da……"


Seeing the little devils who wanted to riot, political commissar Zhang Jibing and deputy head Yang Xingguo immediately took the light machine guns in the hands of the soldiers, and shot towards the sky with a grim expression.

In an instant, the extremely piercing sound of machine guns was deafening.


The little devils who were screaming and the little devils who were about to riot stayed in place the moment the gunshot rang out. Their eyes were full of fear, because the gunshots passed through their minds, The scene of the tragic death of the companions emerged again, and that extremely tragic scene severely stimulated their brain nerves.

Thinking of that scene, they didn't dare to move, they could only stay in place blankly.

"Hehe, let them run!"

At this time, Lei Zhan's sneer sounded.

Then Lei Zhan came to the little devils, and said:

"It's impossible for you to die like the bandits. Although they were bandits and were executed by shooting, they are all Chinese after all. Because of this, I will give them a good time and give them a chance to redeem their sins.

But you, that's different. What are you little devils? They're beasts, wild beasts. You even ma.You are not even as good as animals, you are stinky dogs who have lost their conscience. Shit, do you know that you are shit, everyone hates disgusting stinky dogs. Shit.

Since the July [-]th Incident, how many tragedies have you caused in China?

Slaughter the village!

Burn my house, kill my compatriots, humiliate my sisters, burn, kill, loot, rape and do evil, you do all kinds of evil.


How many horrific tragedies you have caused, the Nanjing Massacre, and more than ten thousand of my compatriots were brutally massacred by you unarmed.

You bastards have caused countless tragedies in China, and you have lost your conscience and humanity.

In my eyes, you guys are worse than stinky dogs. Shit!

I will let you die in pain, and I will let you repent for all the compatriots who died tragically in my great China!

I want to use your blood, your bones, and your filthy lives to honor my dead compatriots! "

Lei Zhan's voice was extremely passionate, and his words completely aroused the hatred for the little devil in the hearts of all the soldiers and Chinese present.

"Okay, Captain Lei is right!"

"Okay, Captain Lei is right!"

"Okay, Captain Lei is right!"


At this moment, deafening applause came from not far away.

Lei Zhan and all the soldiers looked not far away, only to see countless civilians approaching in a dense mass not far away, they all raised their hands with the enemy and roared angrily.

It was Lu Yifan who took the lead.

Seeing these common people who came to pay homage, a smile appeared on Lei Zhan's serious face, and at the same time, there was a little more comfort in his heart.

"Lei Tuan Zhang, I am here to represent the people of the entire Lingchuan area, thank you!"

"Thank you!"


Lu Yifan came in front of Lei Zhan, and bowed deeply to Lei Zhan and the soldiers of the Wolf Warriors, including the common people behind him.

At this moment, Lei Zhan felt that there was something more on his shoulders. He knew that it was a responsibility, the responsibility of defending the country, and the trust of the common people in him and the Wolf Warriors.

"Thank you folks, I, Lei Zhan, swear here that as long as I am alive, I will lead my soldiers to fight against the little devils to the end! Swear to kill the Japanese invaders!"

Lei Zhan's voice was sonorous, and his resolute face was full of determination.

"War to the end! Swear to kill the Japanese invaders!"

"War to the end! Swear to kill the Japanese invaders!"


After hearing Lei Zhan's words, the soldiers in the back blushed, and shouted in an extremely firm tone.

"War to the end! Swear to kill the Japanese invaders!"


Seeing the confidence of the soldiers, the people also began to cry out in their hearts!
At this moment, Lei Zhan, the soldiers of the Wolf Warriors and the common people are united as one!
Hearing this firm and heroic voice that soared into the sky, the faces of the captive little devils became horrified again. This voice of one heart completely defeated their psychological defense line and their bushido spirit. They had great faith The image of His Majesty the Emperor suddenly collapsed in the hearts of these little devils.

At this moment, all the little devils stood there with a sluggish expression, and the passionate words of Lei Zhan and others were still echoing in their minds.

Among them, Major Toshiaki Mukai and Major Noda Takeshi were the most unbearable. The two of them fell directly on the ground, pouring out feces and urine.


The passionate shouting lasted for more than five minutes. After it stopped, Lei Zhan immediately announced the execution.

In an instant, the soldiers moved into action, and the two escorted a little devil towards the small depression below.

The common people and the rest of the soldiers were all watching from above. The remnants of the devils, who were less than a thousand soldiers, were all escorted by the soldiers to the graves in the small depression.

The little devils' legs were trembling. The fear in their hearts at this moment was beyond words. They regretted, regretted coming to China, and regretted causing such a big murder in China.

In particular, the two majors, Toshiaki Mukai and Takeshi Noda, the two real participants in the Nanjing Massacre, the two executioners who agreed to kill in the Nanjing Massacre, no longer have the original might and prestige!At this moment, the two executioners had completely turned into frightened stinky dogs. Shit.


"Da da da da..."

Seeing the soldiers who had put these executioners in place, Lei Zhan roared, raised his light machine gun and shot towards the sky.

If there is no mourning cannon, use a gun instead.

The soldiers who heard Lei Zhan's order did not hesitate at all. They pulled out the [-]-style bayonet from their waists, grabbed the little devil's head with one hand, and pointed the [-]-style bayonet at the little devil's neck with the other hand. Artery, 'gently' cut a small opening.

Feeling the pain in his neck, the little devil immediately subconsciously covered the wound.

After making the cut, the soldiers let go of the little devils in an instant and quickly evacuated.

The soldiers above the small depression instantly surrounded the entire small depression, raised their guns, and aimed at the little devils below.




Just after the soldiers evacuated up, the little devils in the small depression began to howl in despair.

(End of this chapter)

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