Chapter 183 Karina

After entering the county town, Lei Zhan arranged for the soldiers to stand guard on the city wall and ordered not to disturb the people. Under Yang Fei's leadership, Lei Zhan, Zhang Jibing, Yang Xingguo, and Lei Kangri followed Yang Fei to the little devil's headquarters.

Lei Zhan's purpose was to find out the real identity of this foreign girl, but the other few people were completely holding the attitude of watching a Western scene, after all, they had never seen a foreign girl.

Lei Kangri was an exception, he was purely here to play soy sauce, foreign girls and so on, he had seen quite a few of them when he challenged various seniors before.

Lei Zhan was no stranger to the little devil's headquarters, after all, he had already been here once.

Following Yang Fei, he made a big circle in the little devil's headquarters, and came to a small courtyard in the backyard.

Entering the yard, Lei Zhan saw more than a dozen soldiers from the special warfare battalion guarding outside.

"Hello, Captain!"

"Good morning, political commissar!"


Seeing the arrival of Lei Zhan and others, the soldiers saluted and greeted them.


After Lei Zhan and the others returned the salute with a smile, they followed Yang Fei's footsteps into the room.

"Wori! What a beautiful bastard!"

After Yang Jian entered the room, when he saw the foreign girl sitting by the table, he immediately exclaimed and said with bright eyes.

Political commissar Zhang Jibing and deputy head Yang Xingguo also showed surprise in their eyes when they saw it. This foreign girl is a little different.

Seeing Lei Zhan of the big foreign girl at the table, his face was very calm, his eyes fixed on the foreign girl's face, and at the same time met her eyes.

At this moment, Lei Zhan read a lot of information, and at the same time he thought in his heart that this foreign girl is not simple.

"I am innocent, please let me go!"

Seeing the big men rushing in before her, Karina immediately spoke, but, as for her language, no one present except Lei Zhan could understand her at all.


"What bird language did he speak?"

Hearing Karina babbling a lot, Yang Jian, Zhang Jibing and the others were stunned immediately. They couldn't understand the language of the little devil. Language, they are completely incomprehensible.

"Your identity, name, and purpose of coming to the county seat, you can only leave after explaining these clearly."

Hearing what the foreign girl said, Lei Zhan immediately spoke to the foreign girl in fluent English and asked.


Hearing the birdsong from Lei Zhan's mouth, Yang Jian's face was shocked, and he exclaimed again, looking at Lei Zhan with admiration.

The eyes and thoughts of Yang Xingguo and others were similar to Yang Jian's. They didn't expect Lei Zhan to be able to speak birds like this. This situation really surprised them, and they looked at Lei Zhan with admiration.

They found that Lei Zhan is really incomparably mysterious. It seems that there is nothing that Lei Zhan doesn't know or understand. Ever since they got to know Lei Zhan, everything Lei Zhan has done has surprised them. It seems to be omnipotent.

After hearing Lei Zhan's words, Karina's pretty and lovely face was filled with surprise, and her eyes radiated a strong color of curiosity. She didn't expect that the tall man in front of her would say She speaks English so fluently, which makes her more and more curious about the Chinese man in front of her.

"I was brought by the RB people. After they brought me, they didn't let me go and kept me imprisoned here. Are you the commander of this force?"

Karina talked about her situation to Lei Zhan, and said that when she was imprisoned here by the little devil, her beautiful face was full of anger, and this anger made her little face even more lovely.

After briefly introducing herself, Karina asked suspiciously about Lei Zhan's identity.

Hearing the words of the foreign girl in front of him, Lei Zhan felt that the identity of this foreign girl was even more difficult. The little devil could be brought here and imprisoned without being violated. This is the biggest clue that can reflect the important identity of the foreign girl .

Lei Zhan understands the nature of the little devil very well. For such a beautiful foreign girl "flower girl" in front of him, if it weren't for her identity, it would be impossible for the little devil to let go of such a "flower girl". After all, she is white and tender. , the beautiful lamb is the little devil's favorite.

"I am the commander of this unit, Lei Zhan!"

Lei Zhan suppressed the doubts in his heart, and replied with a smile, he was even more curious about the identity of the foreign girl, maybe this foreign girl is really the biggest big fish in the county.

Hearing Lei Zhan's self-introduction of his identity, Karina's beautiful eyes burst out with astonishing brilliance. The identity of the regiment leader, in their country, is at the rank of a colonel.

Thinking of this, Karina stood up with a smile, stretched out her snow-white hands to Lei Zhan, and said, "My name is Karina, nice to meet you!"

Seeing the foreign girl in front of him greeted him with a smile upon hearing his identity, Lei Zhan felt that this foreign girl was very thoughtful.

"Hi, my name is Lei Zhan!"

Lei Zhan smiled and held Karina's little hand, and said.The little snow-white hands were not as soft as imagined. Lei Zhan felt the power contained in Karina's little snow-white hands through his own hands. This Karina was not simple.

"Wori, we don't understand what you two are talking about!"

Seeing Lei Zhan chatting with Dayang Niu, Yang Jian couldn't help it, and complained loudly to Lei Zhan.

Seeing Yang Jian's appearance, Zhang Jibing, Yang Xingguo and the others immediately laughed. They knew that Yang Jian's heart was tickling.

"Miss Karina, these are my comrades in arms."

Hearing Yang Jian's words, Lei Zhan smiled and glared at the smirking Yang Jian, and then introduced to Miss Karina beside him.

"Everyone.. Hello! I'm. Karina, very. Nice to meet you!"

Hearing Lei Zhan's words, Karina smiled and introduced herself to Yang Jian and the others in blunt Chinese.

"Hey! Hello, what is that card, Miss Linna, my name is Yang Jian, and I am the battalion commander of the Sharp Knife Battalion of the Wolf Warriors!"

Yang Jianjian said with a smile while extending his hand to Miss Karina.

Regarding Yang Jian's purpose, Lei Zhan and others knew it well, this guy was a guy who felt itchy when he saw a beautiful woman.

But Miss Karina was very generous, she reached out and shook hands with Yang Jian.


Touching Miss Karina's hand, Yang Jian laughed cheaply again. He looked very lewd. He was completely different from the Yang Jian who fought bravely on the battlefield and fought bloody battles.


Suddenly, Yang Jian let out a cry of pain.

(End of this chapter)

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