Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 184 Takamori vomiting blood

Chapter 184 Takamori vomiting blood

Hearing the scream of Yang Jian tilting his head and grinning, Lei Zhan, Zhang Jibing and others immediately looked at their hands.

I saw that Miss Karina's small hand had already been pulled out from Yang Jian's hand at some point, and pinched fiercely on the back of Yang Jian's hand. She only pinched such a piece of skin, and Yang Jian was in pain. It's a grinning scream.

Seeing the screaming Yang Jian, Miss Karina showed a sly smile on her face.

Lei Kangri on the side had a very serious face at this time. He stared at Miss Karina closely, replaying in his mind repeatedly the scene of Karina pulling her hand out of Yang Jian's hand and pinching the back of Yang Jian's hand. Observing Karina, so he observed this detail.

You must know that Yang Jian's skill is not ordinary. If he can play this move in Yang Jian's hands, then Karina's skill can be imagined.

After Lei Zhan saw this scene, he was also thinking about it, and he also thought about Karina's skill.Even if Yang Jian underestimates the enemy because of his beauty, even if he underestimates the enemy, Karina can do this, which means that Karina is not easy.

"Little aunt, let go!"

Yang Jian had no choice but to beg for mercy at this time, because this feeling was too painful, and he didn't dare to yank his hand violently when being pinched by the little foreign girl Karina, otherwise, he would definitely be 'bleeding and injured'.


Seeing Yang Jian begging for mercy, Karina finally let go of her hand, and she smiled triumphantly and slyly.


Yang Jian, who was let go, looked at the back of his hand that had been deformed, whistling, with a look of regret on his face, and couldn't help thinking in his heart, it's better not to provoke this little foreign girl in the future, it's not a good Lord.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing this scene, Lei Zhan, Zhang Jibing and others all laughed.


Seeing everyone laughing, Yang Jian glanced at them with disdain, snorted coldly, turned around and left, losing face in front of his comrades, he didn't want to stay here anymore, stealing chickens won't make money, It doesn't count.

Seeing Yang Jian leave, Karina's expression became even more smug.

In the following time, Karina, Zhang Jibing and the others greeted one by one, then turned to look at Lei Zhan, and asked, "Master Lei, am I free now?"

As soon as Karina's words were spoken, Lei Zhan saw Lei Kangri wink at him, and at the same time shook his head slightly, signaling Lei Zhan not to let this little foreign girl go.

"Congratulations, Miss Karina, you are free!"

Lei Zhan turned his mind and said with a smile.

"Thank you, Captain Lei."

Hearing Lei Zhan's agreement, Karina's pretty face immediately showed a happy smile. Originally, he planned to leave this place quickly, but seeing Lei Zhan who is proficient in English, Karina decided to stay here temporarily and explore To explore the bottom of the mine war, to see if she can pass the mine war and complete the test task her grandfather entrusted to her.

"However, your freedom is only in the county seat. Without my permission, you cannot step out of the county seat."

Immediately afterwards, Lei Zhan said again with a serious face.

Without finding out Karina's real identity and details, Lei Zhan would not let her leave K County.

Originally, I was still a little puzzled as to why Lei Zhan would let Karina leave Lei Kangri. After hearing Lei Zhan's words, he felt relieved, because now he remembered one thing. Ever since he saw Karina and After seeing Karina's skills, he suspected that that incident might have something to do with Karina.

"No problem, Captain Lei!"

Hearing Lei Zhan's words again, Karina smiled slightly and said, anyway, he is not in a hurry to leave now, as long as he can get out of the little devil's headquarters, it means that her trial can start.

"Well, you rest, I still have something to do, don't bother me!"

Seeing that Karina agreed, Lei Zhan left the small courtyard with Zhang Jibing and others after saying goodbye to Karina.

Karina didn't mention her identity now, Lei Zhan knew that even if he tried to inquire about it, it would be useless, this matter could only be done slowly, not in a hurry.

Karina, who was in the house, watched Lei Zhan and others leave the small courtyard, a sly smile appeared on her face again, and then she closed the door.


"This woman is not simple!"

Just as Lei Zhan and Zhang Jibing came out of the courtyard, Lei Kangri behind him suddenly reminded them.

"Yes, the anti-Japanese talk is good, this little foreign girl, it's not easy!"

Just after Lei Kangri finished speaking, Yang Jian, who was waiting outside the courtyard, came out with a serious expression on his face. At this time, he did not show any trace of cynicism, and his attitude was very serious.

Hearing what the two said, Zhang Jibing and Yang Xingguo nodded in agreement.

"I know what you're talking about, and I know what's going on, so don't worry, this Karina may be the biggest fish in the county!"

Lei Zhan looked at the few people and said with a smile, seeing the careful observation of the few people in front of him, Lei Zhan was very satisfied.

Several people heard that Lei Zhan knew it well, and they all breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts. They were really afraid that Lei Zhan would be negligent, but then they thought of Lei Zhan's mystery and caution, and they felt that their worries were a bit unnecessary.

"Brother-in-law, don't forget about my sister, don't let this little foreign girl take your soul away!"

At this time, Yang Fei who was following Lei Zhan suddenly reminded Lei Zhan with a strange voice.

"Ha ha!"

Zhang Jibing and Yang Jian who heard Yang Fei's words burst into laughter.

"Grass, you little bastard!"

When Lei Zhan heard Yang Fei's words, he immediately pretended to be furious and raised his hand to hit him.

But Yang Fei moved faster than him, raised his foot and ran away quickly after speaking.


Gao Ping, Devil Sakura Hospital.

After Mr. Takamori returned to Gaoping, he was immediately arranged to enter the Sakura Hospital, where he was personally treated by the devil expert doctor, and his complexion finally improved.

"Mr. Kawashima, how is the battle going on in Lingchuan? Has Mr. Xiaojing captured Yangjiao Mountain at this time? After all, this time we have the help of the Imperial Aircraft and the Dark Line Artillery Battalion."

Colonel Takamori was half lying on the white hospital bed at this time, looking at Lieutenant Kawashima Yoshishita standing beside him and said.

At this moment, Colonel Takamori Takashi's face was still a little pale, after all, his anger hurt his body and it was difficult to recuperate.

"Your Excellency, the matter..."

Thinking that Colonel Takamori’s condition has not recovered yet, Lieutenant Yoshika Kawashima hesitated to speak. He doesn’t know how to report to Takata Takashi at all now. One is that the battle report must be reported to Takata Takada, and the other is that he is worried about Takataka Takamori. After the Colonel heard the news, he couldn't bear the stimulation, and the injury recurred again, which is not good.


Grand Master Takamori, who was lying on the bed, saw Yoshika Kawashima hesitant to speak, and a bad premonition had already arisen in his heart. At this time, he was extremely worried about the battle situation in Yangjiao Mountain, and then he said loudly.

"Cough cough!"

Because he shouted too loudly, Colonel Takamori coughed again, and this cough made his face even paler.

"Your Majesty!"

Kawashima Yoshishita saw that Takamori Takada was coughing badly, and was startled. He came to Takamoritaka Takamori with a worried face, and wanted to help Takamori Takamori to lie down.


"Bagaya Road!"


But what responded to him was Colonel Takamori's angry curses and slaps!

(End of this chapter)

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