Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 185 Takamori vomiting blood

Chapter 185 Takamori vomiting blood

"Your Majesty!"

Kawashima Yoshishita saw that Takamori Takada was coughing badly, and was startled. He came to Takamoritaka Takamori with a worried face, and wanted to help Takamori Takamori to lie down.


"Bagaya Road!"


But what responded to him was Colonel Takamori's angry curses and slaps!

"Hi Yi!"

Feeling the burning and burning pain on his face, Yoshishita Kawashima immediately stood there very respectfully, bowing his head and saying hello.


Takamori Takashi's eyes now had flames of anger. He stared angrily at Kawashima Yoshishita, who bowed his head respectfully and kept silent. Although he already had a guess in his heart at this time, he still wanted to hear the exact truth. Condition.

"Cough cough!"

Because the sound was too loud, his lungs fluttered, and Colonel Takamori coughed again.

Although he was coughing, his gaze, like a mad dog, was always on Lieutenant Zuo Kawashima Yoshita.

When Kawashima Yoshishita heard Takamori's cough, he felt worried again, but at this time, he had to say it for the sake of His Excellency's health. Anyway, he couldn't hide this matter anyway, so he organized it in his mind. After thinking for a while, he opened his mouth and said:
"Your Majesty, the spies in the LC county have reported that a brigade and ten squadrons of imperial warriors who went to attack Yangjiao Mountain will be smashed!"


Hearing these words, Takamori Takashi immediately felt five thunders on his head, and the dull pain in his chest made his face turn red at this moment.

"The planes supported by the North China Headquarters were all destroyed and killed. Koizo Koi and Ichiro Miyamoto, both of whom are missing. A total of more than a thousand imperial warriors were killed in a small depression outside LC County!"

Lieutenant Zuo Kawashima Yoshishita no longer concealed it, since he told the beginning, he should tell the whole thing.



Unexpectedly, as soon as Yoshishika Kawashima's words fell, Colonel Takamori Takamori, who was half lying on the bed, had veins exposed on his ferocious face, and instantly spewed out two big mouthfuls of blood.

Immediately, the white bed quilt stained red with blood looked shocking.

After spitting out blood, Takamori Takashi's ferocious face became extremely pale again.

Even Takamori Takashi's eyes showed a trace of fear at this time.

At this time, he thought of the massacre in the small depression. The feeling of being immersed in the killing at that time was so refreshing, but now thinking of the massacre in the small depression, combined with the tragic death in the small depression The imperial warrior, fear had already begun in his heart at this time.

He felt a large group of bloody figures walking towards him, and everyone who looked at him was full of hatred. They all stretched out their hands, as if they wanted to strangle him to death.

He saw that among the group of figures, everyone's mouths were opening and closing, as if they were saying something to him. As time went on, he finally understood what they were saying silently, that is:
"Give my life back!"

"Give my life back!"

Seeing Takamori Takashi who was spitting out blood, lying on the bed with dull eyes, motionless as if he was stupid, Kawashima Yoshishita's heart tightened suddenly, and he tentatively called out: "Your Excellency!"


Takamori, who was already immersed in fear, was pulled back to reality by Kawashima Yoshika's words, and he roared in fear. Takamori's forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat. With the blood on his mouth and his pale face, Takamori Takashi was like a white vampire at this moment.

After the roar, it seemed that the strength of Takamori Takashi's whole body was taken away. He leaned against the quilt behind him, motionless, and dressed in an extremely weak and rough voice.

"Jingle Bell……"

At this moment, the phone on the table next to him suddenly rang.


The sudden ringing of the phone made Takamori Takashi and Kawashima Yoshishita tremble again.

Then Kawashima Yoshishita hurried to the phone, picked up the phone, and asked, "Moses, Moses!"

"I'm Juichi Terauchi!"

Soon, a voice came from the phone.

"Hi Yi, Your Excellency the General!"

Hearing that it was General Terauchi Toshida of the North China General Command, Kawashima Yoshishita hurriedly stood at attention and said respectfully.

"Where is Takamori's?"

The tepid voice of General Shou in the temple came again.

"Da Zuo failed to attack Yangjiao Mountain last time, he was shot several times, and he is in the hospital right now!"

Kawashima Yoshishita did not dare to hide, and told the truth.

"Oh, Takamori was shot!"

There was a bit of surprise in the voice of Shouichi in the temple. He did not expect that Takamori Takashi, who participated in the Nanjing Massacre and was known as the "butcher", would also be injured. However, what puzzled him was why he didn't report it when he called for help last time. Hurt thing.

"give me a call!"

At this time, Kawashima Yoshishita was about to answer, but the weak voice of Takamori Takashi next to him came.

"Hi Yi!"

Kawashima Yoshishita did not dare to delay, and immediately handed the phone to Colonel Takamori Takashi, and then waited respectfully aside.

After Takamori took the phone, he closed his eyes, adjusted his emotions, and said in a weak tone, "Your Excellency, General, I am Takamori Takamori."

"Oh, Takamori-kun, how is your injury?"

General Kotobuki in the temple heard Takamori Takashi's weak voice, and immediately asked with concern.

Hearing His Excellency the General's concern, Takamori finally showed a smile on his pale face, and replied: "Thank you, Your Excellency General, for your concern, I have no problem."

Hearing Takashi Takamori saying that he was fine, General Toshiichi Terauchi immediately changed the topic to the battle situation: "How is the battle going on in the attack on Yangjiao Mountain? Why hasn't the plane that went to support it come back yet?"

Hearing the inquiry from General Kotobuki in the temple, Takamori Takashi paused for a moment, and said: "Your Excellency, I don't know the specific situation of the battle at this time, please wait a moment, Your Excellency, and I will give you a detailed explanation after I ask the people below. Report."


After hearing this, General Shouyi in the temple agreed, and then hung up the phone.


Takamori put down the phone, lay down on the bed suddenly, and took a deep breath again. At the same time, he was thinking about how to explain to His Excellency the General. After all, the loss this time was too great. One brigade, ten squadrons In terms of military strength, that's more than two thousand imperial warriors, not to mention the loss of five planes.

Such a heavy loss can be described as a heavy blow to the war against China in North China, adding fuel to the fire.

"Your Excellency, where is the general?"

Seeing Takamori's thinking, Kawashima Yoshishita asked worriedly.

"Record the battle situation in detail and report it truthfully. There is no way to hide this matter!"

When Takamori heard Kawashima Yoshishita's question, he sighed deeply and said.

"Hey, I'm going to call the doctor!"

Kawashima Yoshishita, who received the order, finished speaking respectfully, then turned and left.


At this time, Takamori Takashi seemed to have aged ten years at this moment. He thought of the Wolf Warriors on Yangjiao Mountain, and Lei Zhan, the leader of the Wolf Warriors, and a sense of helplessness and helplessness arose in his heart.

At the same time, he also sighed in his heart, why did such a powerful commander suddenly appear in China, causing the elites of his empire to suffer such serious losses!

(End of this chapter)

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