Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 192 About the Treasure of the Treasure Map

Chapter 192 About the Treasure of the Treasure Map
Seeing the result of this shot, there was a trace of disappointment in Lei Ming's eyes. He didn't expect his first shot to miss. You know, since he became the captain of the sniper team, he has never missed a shot again.

Every time the trigger was pulled, the enemy on the opposite side would fall, but this time, he failed and missed the target.


The team members behind Lei Ming saw that none of Lei Ming's marksmanship hit the target, and they felt a sudden thump in their hearts, imitating in their hearts whether they could hit the target.

Lei Ming, who was in front of him, quickly sorted out his emotions. After all, it was the first time, so there is nothing wrong with poor grades, Lei Ming thought.

Afterwards, his face became extremely firm again, and there was a huge fighting spirit in his eyes. He wanted to challenge again. He believed that his results this time would definitely be better than the last time.

Lei Zhan looked at Lei Ming who quickly adjusted his emotions, a smile appeared on his face, and his eyes were full of satisfaction.

Only a sniper who can quickly adjust his emotions is a truly qualified sniper.

After the gunshot, another piece of gravel was thrown from the side mountain.

Seeing the gravel, the soldiers all picked up their guns and simulated themselves.

Lei Ming calmed down, aimed at the fast-falling stone, calculated the distance in his mind, and pulled the trigger again.



Thunder did not miss this shot, the sound of the gun was still echoing in the mountains, and the rapidly falling broken stones had already exploded in the middle, pieces of stones the size of fingernails were flying in all directions.

Seeing the shot work, a smile appeared on Lei Ming's face.

And the comrades behind him were also inspired by this shot at the same time, and their faces showed eager looks.

"Okay, not bad!"

Lei Zhan put down the binoculars, looked at Lei Ming with satisfaction, and praised.

Lei Ming's shot was not bad. Lei Zhan observed from the telescope that the shot hit the middle of the broken stones and directly smashed the broken stones into tiny pieces, which was far beyond Lei Zhan's ability. expected.

From this point, it can be seen that Lei Zhan's vision is not wrong, Lei Ming is a natural sniper, his eagle-like eyes can quickly lock on the target, and quickly analyze and shoot.

This kind of talent is not possessed by ordinary people. Of the eight fighters in the entire sniper team, only Lei Ming has this kind of talent.


Hearing Lei Zhan's praise, Lei Ming giggled silly, he has always had a special feeling for Lei Zhan in front of him, this special feeling Lei Ming can't describe, he has never experienced it before.

In the following time, Lei Zhan personally guided the remaining eight members of the sniper team. After all, they did not have the talent of Lei Ming and could quickly master this skill. Only after Lei Zhan personally taught them could they master this skill as soon as possible.


LC County.

The plan arranged by Ms. Karina has already worked. The third monkey who got the gold and the note has followed Karina's order to draw the pattern on the note in every crowded place in the county. The restaurant, the entrance of the chamber of commerce, and the market are all painted with patterns by this guy.

The special arrows on these patterns all point to the headquarters of the Wolf Warriors Group in the center of the county.

It didn't take long for the pattern to be drawn by the third child of the thin monkey. Some people noticed the pattern. Some of these people were vegetable vendors, some were ordinary people, there were more than a dozen people from various industries and various costumes, and they all noticed it. The pattern drawn by the third child of the thin monkey.

When they saw the pattern, they all showed joy on their faces, and then these people followed the guidance of the arrow on the pattern they found, and began to follow, until they walked outside the headquarters of the Wolf Warriors Group.

When they arrived here, the dozen or so people who met each other saw each other. They nodded to each other without any extra expressions, and then quickly turned and left outside the Wolf Warriors headquarters.

"Tap Tap!"

Not long after the dozen or so people had left, the recruit Xiao Zhang was holding a telegram in his hand, and rushed towards the training ground outside the city in a panic, not knowing what happened to make this little guy so anxious.


Inside the sniper training ground.


Seeing the soldiers in front of him keep shooting at the broken rocks thrown from the mountain peak, Lei Zhan had a smile on his face, and he nodded in satisfaction.

Lei Zhan is very satisfied with the shooting results and learning progress of the soldiers in front of him. According to the training conditions of this life, the soldiers of the sniper team can reach the current stage, which already makes Lei Zhan very satisfied.

At this time, Lei Zhan's thoughts became active again. He thought that although the sniper rifle is easy to use, it does not have enough ammunition. Let's go to the big cities outside to find some arms dealers. After all, those arms dealers have their own purchase channels and transportation routes.

As long as those people can be contacted, it is more than enough to buy a batch of FAC-50 sniper rifle bullets in large quantities with the money in hand.

However, if he wants to buy other guys, his money will be stretched. After all, the soldiers still need to support themselves and buy medicinal materials. After all, the training of the soldiers cannot be delayed.

Anyway, as long as you want to really build LC County, you must have strong guys. Without strong guys, it is not an easy task to consolidate the Eighth Route Army's base in Lingchuan.

After all, the tanks, cannons and planes of the devils are not made of mud, just for fun. If the little devils use tanks and cannons to fight in the Lingchuan area or the Gaoping area, the loss of the wolf group will be as high as The casualties of the common people would be great.

Lei Zhan can't afford this price, so Lei Zhan has been thinking of a solution.

Finding underground arms dealers is the only solution now. Only by truly arming yourself will you not be afraid of enemy attacks and conspiracy.

As for the money to buy arms, Lei Zhan had already thought about it, and that was the treasure location marked on the treasure map.

As for the records on the treasure map, Lei Zhan had already investigated it. Combined with what the young master of the Yang family said before he was killed when the team was formed for the first time, Lei Zhan can be sure that these treasures are the same as The Yang family is related.

After his inquiries and searches in the camp, he found the record on a piece of yellow paper in the Yang family's collection of books.

The information on the yellow paper records that when the Yang family was in Daming, it was very brilliant, as if it was a very big official, and had its own fief, which was Yangjiao Mountain.

The most important piece of information above is that the Yang family once colluded with the Japanese and robbed a batch of treasures...


"It's not good, Captain, something went wrong!"

At this moment, the anxious cry of recruit Xiao Zhang came.

Lei Zhan's thoughts were interrupted by the sudden appearance of a yelling recruit Xiao Zhang!

(End of this chapter)

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