Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 193 The little devil who crossed the border

Chapter 193 The little devil who crossed the border
Looking at the out-of-breath recruit Xiao Zhang who quickly ran to his side, Lei Zhan hurriedly asked: "What's the matter, Xiao Zhang, so flustered?"


The soldiers of the sniper team who were practicing at the side finished firing the bullets in their guns. When they heard Xiao Zhang's anxious cry, they did not reload again. Instead, they came directly to Lei Zhan's side, and looked at the recruit Xiao open.


Xiao Zhang gasped heavily, and out of breath, he handed the telegram to Lei Zhan: "Regiment, regiment leader, you, you..."

Because of running all the way, Xiao Zhang was almost suffocated at this time, and he couldn't say a complete sentence at all.

Seeing Xiao Zhang's uncomfortable appearance, Lei Zhan quickly raised his hand to stop Xiao Zhang from speaking, and directly took the telegram from Xiao Zhang's hand, and looked up, the content was:
"Warriors of the Wolf Warriors, hello, two squadrons of little devils and a large number of puppet troops have entered your territory, Lingchuan Dayang Village. I heard that you have captured Lingchuan now, so please send this Annihilate this group of little devils, because this group of little devils once caused massacres in our first theater, so please wipe them out.

Our department and the frontal battlefield are blocking the large army of devils, and now there is no spare force to encircle and suppress them. Please, you wolf regiment, must take down this group of little devils.

Signed: National Army [-]th Division [-]th Regiment Independent Battalion! "

"Oh shit!"

Seeing this telegram, Lei Zhan cursed with an ugly face. What the hell is he? He obviously didn't want to kill the enemy, and he said it so high-soundingly. Same as that bald head.

Although he cursed his mother, Lei Zhan knew that he couldn't hesitate at this time, no matter whether the telegram was true or not, he couldn't delay it, if it was true, the people would suffer in the end.

Damn, these little devils don't want to live anymore, they dare to fight across borders, they are looking for death.

Thinking of this, Lei Zhan said loudly to Lei Ming who was stunned at the side: "The nearest to here is the special warfare battalion, hurry up and ask Yang Fei to bring the special warfare battalion to gather outside the mountain, and say urgent mission!"


Lei Ming responded, picked up the sniper rifle on the ground, and ran towards the mountain forest. His figure flicked left and right, and disappeared into the dense forest.

"The rest of you, hurry back to the county seat, bring the ammunition and mortar, and drive the truck out of the forest, speed, speed, fast, fast!"


Lei Zhan gave the order without any hesitation.

After receiving the order, the rest of the sniper team quickly rushed towards the county town with Xiao Zhang.

"Hmph, little devil, do you really fucking think I'm easy to bully, idiot!"

Lei Zhan looked into the distance, his face was full of anger, and his eyes were full of murderous intent. Since he came to the Anti-Japanese War, he has never had a peaceful day.

Every time it was the little devil who came to attack, although he won a big victory every time, but every time it was the little devil who came to provoke him, which made Lei Zhan feel angry.

So Lei Zhan decided that after annihilating this group of little devils, he would bring the Special Forces into the first war zone, and do a good job in the first war zone to express the bird spirit in his heart.

Afterwards, Lei Zhan stopped to meditate, and walked out of the forest. He went outside to wait for the soldiers of the Special Operations Battalion to gather.

After coming outside, Lei Zhan sat on the boulder, thinking about the independent battalion of the [-]th Division and [-]th Regiment of the National Army. From the telegram, it can be seen that the National Army's attitude towards the War of Resistance is very negative.

Although there are many generals in the national army who are dedicated to the country, they are only a minority. For the rest, including the big bald head, Lei Zhan can only hehehe in his heart.

"Tap Tap!"

Five minutes later, the soldiers of the Special Operations Battalion emerged from the forest one by one, and quickly gathered in front of Lei Zhan. When they heard that there was going to be a fight, they were very excited. Killing devils, they were most willing to do it.

After a while, the special warfare battalion was assembled, but the number of people in front of them was not enough, there were only more than 100 people.

Seeing this, Lei Zhan frowned. The devil's strength is more than 400 people in two squadrons, plus a lot of puppet troops. Although one of his fighters can be compared to ten, there are not many hungry wolves against a good man, let alone all of them are armed Enemies with guns.

"Regiment commander, because time is too tight, we can only gather so many soldiers. Yang Hu took the rest of the soldiers, the political commissar, and the deputy commander to practice mountain forest warfare for the recruits. It will not be able to gather for a while, but I have already The troops were sent to inform, and they should arrive soon."

Yang Fei and Lei Ming came out from the forest behind them.




At this time, the roar of motorcycles and the roar of trucks came.

I saw the convoy approaching quickly in the distance.

Seeing this, Lei Zhan knew that he had to take these soldiers with him. After all, the battle situation cannot be delayed. If it is delayed, the safety of the people will not be so easy to say.


There was a sudden sound of brakes, and three military trucks and three motorcycles stopped beside the team.

"set off!"

Immediately afterwards, Lei Zhan issued an order.

The soldiers who heard the order all got into the car without hesitation.

In the special warfare battalion, there were three very burly soldiers who walked out of the team with light machine guns on their shoulders, got on the three leading motorcycles, and mounted the light machine guns on their shoulders on the motorcycles.


After Lei Zhan and the soldiers all boarded the truck, the truck started, and led by the three motorcycles in front, the convoy began to drive towards Dayang Village.


The edge of the Lingchuan area, where it meets the Jiaozuo area.

In Dayang Village, a mile away, a large number of devils and puppet troops are advancing. These little devils are led by people in front, and four large empty trucks are behind them.

The leader is the puppet army, which seems to have 800 people, in the middle are two squadrons of little devils, more than 400 people, and behind them are trucks.

"Yoxi, Mr. Murakami, this time, ours will be robbed a lot. All the comfort women's work for the flower girl, and all the slaves' work for the ammunition depot."

The squadron leader in the middle of the team, Major Hashimoto Yongkang laughed and said, his expression was extremely arrogant, and he directly pronounced the fate of innocent people.

"Haha, big one, Hashimoto-kun, flower girl comfort woman, big one, I like it!"

Another squadron leader, Shao Zuo Murakami Hanyanagi, bent over after hearing what Hashimoto Nagao said, laughing and agreeing.

This guy's eyes were extremely sinister, and he looked like an executioner with blood on his hands.

"Yo Xi, the two majors have great vision!"

"Haha, Hua girl's work as a comfort woman, me and the soldiers' work, all like it!"

The deputy squadron leaders next to the two squadron leaders, the two captains, Ichiro Ebe and Murano Inobe, laughed and agreed with the two squadron leaders when they heard what the two squadron leaders said.

Following their conversation, Dayang Village, which was emitting green smoke, appeared before the eyes of these beasts.

(End of this chapter)

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