Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 194 Here Comes the Devil

Chapter 194 Here Comes the Devil
The devil's team was advancing until a village with smoke from cooking appeared in front of them. Their team stopped, and it was a puppet traitor at the front of the team who gave orders.


Seeing the village appearing ahead, Qu Zhen, the commander of the puppet army, immediately raised his hand to signal the advancing troops to stop.

Immediately afterwards, Qu Zhen ran towards the team of little devils behind.


Seeing the stop of the team, the two major commanders Murakami Hanalyu and Hashimoto Yongyasu and the two captains beside them looked at the front suspiciously at this moment. At this time, they also discovered the village that appeared in front of them.

After a while, Qu Zhen, the commander of the puppet army, ran to the side of the two majors with a flattering smile on his face. Qu Zhen, the two majors and the captain beside him nodded and bowed to say hello, and immediately saluted a crooked and very informal military salute. , and reported with a flattering smile on his face.

"Report to the two squadron leaders, we have already arrived at the village, are we?"

Qu Zhen, the commander of the puppet army, asked for instructions with a smirk on his face. At the same time, this guy's heart was already happy. When he arrived in the village, he could have a good time. long.


When Murakami Hana Liu Shaozuo heard Qu Zhen's report, a cruel smile appeared on his grim face, then he picked up the binoculars and observed the village ahead.

He saw through the binoculars that many people in the village were busy working in the fenced yard, among them were many big and little flower girls.

"Yo Xi, it's great, Miss Hua, it's great!"

Shao Zuo Murakami Hananagi hadn't spoken yet. Major Hashimoto Yongkang, who was standing beside him, was watching through the binoculars while laughing lasciviously. The saliva in the mouth began to swirl around the lips, and it was about to flow out.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing the words of Major Hashimoto Yongkang, the two captains behind him, Ichiro Ebe and Murano Inobe, also laughed.

These little devils all looked the same. After seeing the village, their laughter and expressions exuded a cruel taste.

"Quickly, those who open the way to work, those who are flower girls stay, those who are young and middle-aged stay, those who are old men and old ladies, all of them are dead."

Soon, Murakami Hana Liu Shaozuo put down the binoculars, looked at the village 200 meters ahead with a cruel smile, and said ruthlessly.

"Quick, quick!"

Major Hashimoto Yongkang began to urge him, he felt his heart burning, especially after seeing Hua girl, the fire in his heart burned even more intensely.

"Hey! Die, die!"

Qu Zhen, the commander of the puppet army who received the order, had a flattering smile on his pockmarked face. After bowing his head and bowing, he turned and ran towards his puppet army ahead.

"Go ahead and open the way, the princes said, the young and middle-aged flower girls will stay, and the old men and old ladies will all die!"

Coming to the front of the puppet army, Qu Zhen immediately repeated the orders of the princes on one side.

"Haha, die, die!"

Hearing Commander Qu Zhen's order, the puppet soldiers laughed one by one. They didn't feel how cruel the little devil's order was, but they were excited in their hearts. They didn't expect that the people in the village in front The villagers are all their compatriots, brothers and sisters.

Seeing the appearance of this group of puppet soldiers, you know that they have been completely assimilated by the little devils, and have become the same products as the little devils, animals who have lost their conscience and wiped out their human conscience.

Then, under the leadership of the puppet army, the team quickly rushed towards Dayang Village in front.


At the entrance of Dayang Village.

At this time, Ge Niudan was strolling around the entrance of the village as if nothing had happened after eating, with a piece of grass in his mouth. Liu went hunting in the mountains behind, after all, it was already spring.

I thought in my heart that Feng Xiaoliu had already married a beautiful woman by hunting, and slept in the bed every day. He, mother, that feeling was so comfortable.

Ge Niudan thought about the two oceans he had accumulated from hunting with Feng Xiaoliu last year, and immediately opened his mouth and laughed, thinking in his heart, as long as he went hunting with Feng Xiaoliu once, it would definitely be If he can save enough four dollars, then he will be able to use the four dollars to marry a beautiful woman like Feng Xiaoliu.

"Ha ha"

The smile on Ge Niudan's face became even stronger when he thought of the feeling of marrying a family and sleeping with Mei Jiao Niang in his arms.

"Uncle Niudan, do you miss my widow and auntie again, look at the way you smile, you have no future at all!"

With a dirty face, holding a wooden stick in his hand, and wearing a torn padded jacket, Liu Dachun said to Ge Niudan beside him with his mouth curled up.

Immediately afterwards, a sly smile suddenly appeared on the face of this little boy: "Uncle Niudan, if you marry my widow. Auntie, you have to let me touch her big butt."

This little kid, at first glance, looks like a guy the size of a kid.

"Fuck off, you little ji. What do you know about this thing? You're a fart. Go home and touch your mother."

Hearing what the little boy Liu Dachun said, Ge Niudan immediately laughed and cursed.

"Hey, Uncle Niudan, you are a gutless thing. Last time you made a big hole in the toilet wall of my widow's aunt's house. Tell me, are you drooling?"

When the little boy Liu Dachun said this, the scene of peeping with Ge Niudan that day suddenly appeared in his mind, the big white flowers...!
"Go away...!"

"Ha ha!"

Ge Niudan hadn't finished speaking when he heard the sound of laughter not far behind, and he turned around quickly.

Seeing the scene behind, Ge Niudan's originally smiling face, the smile immediately focused, and instantly turned into horror, the second devil came, and the second devil came with the little devil, thinking of this, Ge Niudan His face turned pale in an instant. He knew that when the devil came, the people in the village would suffer.

"Devil, devil, Uncle Niudan!"

At this time, the little boy Liu Dachun also saw the second devil and the little devil not far away, and immediately cried out in horror.

"Dachun, hurry up, hurry up and report to the village, run straight ahead, take your mother into the mountains quickly, I will find your sixth uncle, hurry up!"

Seeing this scene, Ge Niudan no longer hesitated. After shouting loudly, he ran towards the small road on the side of the village entrance. He was going to find the hunting king Feng Xiaoliu and tell Feng Xiaoliu that the devil is here. It's impossible to keep it, but Feng Xiaoliu's village must be kept, and he's going to report.

At the same time, he had to see what Feng Xiaoliu could do to resist this wave of little devils. Although he knew how ridiculous his idea was, Feng Xiaoliu was the only thing he could think of right now.

"The devil is coming!"

"The devil is coming!"


Liu Dachun, the little boy who heard Ge Niudan's words, ran towards the village without hesitation, yelling.


At this time, the little devils and the puppet soldiers who were almost at the entrance of the village saw Ge Niudan and Liu Dachun running towards the two sides.

Seeing this scene, a puppet army and a devil immediately laughed cruelly, and at the same time raised the [-] cover in their hands, and aimed at Ge Niudan and Liu Dachun.

(End of this chapter)

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