Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 195 The Cruel Little Devil

Chapter 195 The Cruel Little Devil
Looking at the children running into the village and yelling in front of them, and an adult running to the left of the village, a little devil and a puppet soldier who took up their guns took aim and pulled the trigger immediately.



The two ear-piercing gunshots seemed so abrupt and ear-piercing in this peaceful village.

"The devil is coming!"


The little boy Liu Dachun, who was running wildly into the village and kept reporting the news, was running when he suddenly felt heart-piercing pain from his back, and then blood spouted from his chest.

Before finishing the last sentence, Liu Dachun didn't stop at all, and directly fell forward fiercely under the inertia of running wildly.

The little boy Liu Dachun has been grinding forward on the ground for three or four meters on the cold ground, rolling, and finally rolling and bumping into the earth wall before stopping.

The little boy Liu Dachun looked at the sky helplessly, his face was covered with bloody cuts, he was dead.

Liu Dachun, who was talking and laughing with Ge Niudan just now, wishing to touch his ass, was beaten to death by the little devil. He was just a child!

Hearing the cry of the little boy Liu Dachun, the villagers in the village began to scream in horror and frantically fled towards the back mountain.


Ge Niudan, who ran to the other side to report the news, had already run up the small soil slope, and he was also shot by the puppet army at the same time, but the puppet army's marksmanship was not that good, and the shot hit him in the back. Above the waist, it went directly through his stomach.

After being hit by the gun, Ge Niudan fell down in an instant, rolled down the small slope, and disappeared.



Seeing the little boy who was hit and fell to the ground, the devil showed a satisfied smile on his face. He enjoyed this feeling, the feeling of mastering the life and death of Chinese people.

"Your, not bad!"

At the same time, the devil also saw the puppet army shooting next to him. The puppet army shot and killed the escaped Chinese pig excellently. Seeing this scene, the devil praised him.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing the imperial army's praise, the puppet army immediately burst into laughter, and at the same time felt a great honor in his heart. It was a great honor to be praised by the imperial army for his marksmanship. He was very excited in his heart. I thought in my heart that I must perform well in a while and win more honors from the imperial army.

The puppet soldiers next to him saw him being praised by the imperial army, and envy appeared on their faces.

"Hurry up, hurry up and work according to the plan!"

Immediately afterwards, Shao Zuo Murakami Hana Liu and Shao Zuo Hashimoto Nagao urged from behind.


Hearing the urging of Qu Zhen, the commander of the puppet army, he immediately gave orders loudly, and then this guy took the lead and entered the village.



Seeing the people in the village fleeing in panic, Qu Zhen had a happy smile on his face. At the same time, he thought in his heart, what good is it to be the Eighth Route Army and the National Army, being chased by devils everywhere, what's wrong with being a traitor , Being a traitor is to recognize the situation clearly, have devils as backers, and do whatever you want, how happy these days are.

As the saying goes, those who know current affairs are heroes, those who have money are masters, and those who have milk are mothers!

Soon, under the leadership of Qu Zhen, the puppet army was the vanguard, and the devils were behind, and they all entered the village.



The little devils and puppet soldiers who entered the village, without the slightest hesitation, immediately shot at the villagers who were fleeing in front of them.

The gunshot rang out, and the villagers who fled in front began to fall in a pool of blood one by one.

Those who were beaten to death were all older people, because they were all dragging their families. As long as an older person fell to the ground, his family and children immediately stopped in place and began to call for help. Loved ones on earth.


Gunshots continued to ring out, and as time passed, the fleeing villagers stopped in their tracks one after another. They all squatted on the ground, shaking the elders at home who were lying in a pool of blood with despair and helplessness on their faces. The parents lying in a pool of blood on the ground can still get up, they dare not imagine that their relatives have died.

Life and death are just a thin line!



There are also many villagers who were hit and did not die immediately, and some were hit in the leg and couldn't move directly, so they could only scream helplessly in place.

"Dad, get up, Dad!"

"Mom, what's wrong with you, mother!"

This crying and helpless cry spread across the streets of the village in an instant after the gunfire stopped.

"Haha, flower girl's, it's big!"

Major Hashimoto looked at the flower girls who were squatting on the ground shaking the four of them, and immediately burst out laughing.

"The work of the old man and the old lady is all dead!"

Seeing the crying Chinese in front of him, Murakami Hananagi Shaozuo frowned, feeling very upset, and immediately gave the order.

"Hi Yi!"

The little devils who heard the order quickly ran towards the crying crowd.

"Bagaya Road!"

The little devils who came to the crowd screamed and cursed ferociously, kicked the crying flower girl and the young man to the side, raised the bayonet in their hand, and pointed at the screaming and breathing man lying on the ground. The common people inserted it fiercely.




In an instant, the sound of the bayonet entering the body echoed in the street world.


The civilians who were stabbed by the bayonet bowed forward, grasped the bayonet with both hands, and there were large streams of bright red blood coming out of their mouths. Their eyes opened angrily, and they stared at the little devil in front of them until they died. .

"Bagaya Road!"

Seeing the horrible eyes of the people on the ground, some little devils were furious, pulled out their bayonets, and stabbed them in the eyes and on the face until the stabbing was blurred, and the beast stopped.




The girls and young people who saw this scene immediately burst into flames, their eyes were red, and they rushed towards the little devils recklessly.

However, he (she) really felt their own weakness at this time, and the little devil was so disdainful of their actions.

The little devil smiled ferociously, and kicked the young men and women who rushed to the ground. The woman said that she was a flower girl after all.

But male youths are different. As long as they were kicked to the ground, they all picked up the [-] caps in their hands, and smashed the young men's heads with the butt of their guns. The blood was bleeding, the flesh was bloody, and they didn't dare to make a sound, so the little devils stopped their movements.

"Taijun, Hua girl's, big one!"

At this time, Qu Zhen, the commander of the puppet army who rushed forward to intercept the villagers with the puppet army, came back. Behind him were men and women villagers who were forced back by the puppet army with guns. Full of despair, they knew that if it fell into the hands of the little devil, it was over.


Ten miles away from Dayang Village, Lei Zhan's convoy was advancing rapidly.

"Hurry up, speed up!"

Hearing the sudden sound of gunfire in the distance, Lei Zhan's face was immediately filled with anxiety. He knew that something had happened, and the little devil had already arrived in the village.


Hearing Lei Zhan's order, the driving warriors immediately stepped on the accelerator, and the trucks and motorcycles roared to Dayang Village.

"Independence Battalion of the Nineteenth Regiment, I'm an idiot!"

Lei Zhan roared in the truck, and at the same time he swore in his heart that as long as there were any casualties among the villagers in Dayang Village, he would definitely bloodbath the [-]th Regiment's Independent Battalion!
(End of this chapter)

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