Chapter 196

"Taijun, Hua girl's, big one!"

At this time, Qu Zhen, the commander of the puppet army who rushed forward to intercept the villagers with the puppet army, came back. Behind him were men and women villagers who were forced back by the puppet army with guns. Full of despair, they knew that if it fell into the hands of the little devil, it was over.

Those who were escorted by Qu Zhen, the commander of the puppet army, were all villagers from the back of the village, and some villagers ran over when they heard the shouts.

But they didn't expect that the old and cunning Qu Zhen had expected them to escape, so when he entered the village, he sent people to intercept them, and he didn't escort the surrounded villagers until the imperial army started killing them. return.

"Yoxi, Qusang, your kindness!"

Seeing this scene, Shao Zuo Murakami Hana Liu and Shao Zuo Hashimoto Yongkang immediately praised Qu Zhen and gave Qu Zhen a thumbs up. They are very satisfied with this dog slave who has a plan and is quick to do things. of.

Although they look down on China pigs in their hearts, sometimes China pigs are more considerate than their big RB imperial army, because China pigs like to beat up little ones, so they are perfect and comprehensive in handling things after all.

"Hi Yi, thank you Majesty for your compliment, I will definitely work harder in my humble post!"

Hearing the praise from Shao Zuo Taijun, Qu Zhen immediately became excited. It was a great honor to be praised by the imperial army, and his face was very embarrassing.


"Dog traitor, you must die!"

Suddenly, among the crowd next to Qu Zhen, commander of the puppet army, a woman spat at Qu Zhen, and then cursed.



"Dog traitor, I'm going to be a whole family of sisters!"

"You and your family will die!"


There was this woman who took the lead, and the people who knew they were going to die all went all out, spitting and cursing at Qu Zhen, and made Qu Zhen bloody in an instant.

"Oh shit!"

Qu Zhen was furious, and wiped off the phlegm on his face with disgust and anger. So many people spit at him in an instant, and he didn't dodge at all. At this moment, his face and body were all It is phlegm.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing this scene, the two majors and two captains, Murakami Hananagi and Hashimoto Yongyasu, burst into laughter immediately.

They are very happy to see the Chinese pigs biting each other,

"Ah! Grass mud horse!"

Hearing the Taijun's laughter, Qu Zhen felt a great insult. With a loud roar, he kicked the crowd away and grabbed the leading woman inside. After pulling the woman out, Qu Zhen found that the leading woman is a pregnant woman.

"Haha, dog traitor!"

The woman who was dragged out was still laughing and cursing, her cursing was full of joy, she knew that she would die today, so she went all out.

There is another important reason, that is, she is pregnant now, she absolutely does not allow the little devil to spoil her, she can only do this, let the traitor in front of her kill her in anger.

"Go away. Damn it!"

After pulling the leading woman out, Qu Zhen kicked the leading woman's swollen belly without the slightest hesitation.


After being kicked, the leading woman let out a miserable scream and fell backwards. After falling to the ground, her lower legs were immediately soaked in blood and turned red.

"Son, mother is sorry for you!"

The leading pregnant woman rubbed her belly sadly, and whispered in a voice she heard. At the same time, a hint of relief appeared on her face.

"go to hell!"

Seeing the blood on the pregnant woman's legs soaked in the trousers, Qu Zhen's ferocious face immediately revealed a look of joy, and then he pulled out a gun from his waist, and shot the pregnant woman without the slightest hesitation.

One shot hit the pregnant woman's stomach, two shots hit the pregnant woman's chest, and the last shot hit the pregnant woman's head.

"Beast, beast!"



The villagers who saw this scene exploded. They rushed towards Qu Zhen, and they wanted to tear the demon in front of them.


But the reality is cruel. The guns in the hands of the puppet soldiers are not for display. Seeing the villagers move, the puppet soldiers surrounded immediately opened fire.

After the gunshot, all the leading villagers in front fell into a pool of blood. This time, the villagers behind were shocked and stopped in place, their eyes full of fear.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing this scene, Qu Zhen laughed wildly, and his heart was full of joy.

This is the advantage of being a traitor. You have the freedom to kill, and you can kill whoever you want. Anyway, the backstage is the imperial army, and no one dares to offend them.

"Dachun, ah, Dachun!"

Suddenly, a 30-year-old woman holding a baby in the crowd rushed out of the crowd. She rushed towards the dead little boy Liu Dachun lying at the base of the wall.

Unfortunately, in front of the little boy Liu Dachun, there happened to be a little devil standing in front of Liu Dachun's body.


Liu's mother went crazy, bypassing the corpse on the ground, and knocked the little devil aside, then put the baby in her hand on the ground, picked up the dead Liu Dachun, and cried crazily, her Crying is so desperate, heartache!

"Wow, wow!"

"Wow, wow!"

As if hearing the mother's crying, the baby in the swaddle also burst into tears at this time.

"Bagaya Road!"

The little devil who was knocked away by Liu's mother became furious in an instant. He didn't expect that the Chinese flower girl in front of him was so bold that he dared to knock him aside.

Without the slightest hesitation, the little devil came to Mother Liu's side with a furious face, raised the bayonet, and stabbed the crying Mother Liu fiercely in the back.


The cold bayonet entered the body.

Mother Liu spit out blood from her mouth, and her bright red blood fell on Liu Dachun's clothes.

At this moment, Mother Liu suddenly showed a smile, looked lovingly at Dachun, her child, and said in her heart: "Dachun, mother is here to accompany you, don't be afraid!"

Soon, Mother Liu drooped her head.

"Wow, wow!"

At this time, the baby was crying all the time, and he didn't know that his brother and mother were both dead.

"Haha, Yoshi!"

The two majors and two captains who saw this scene on the other side immediately burst out laughing. They enjoyed the killing of soldiers very much.

While laughing, Shao Zuo Murakami Hanyanagi kicked away the youths and girls blocking the road, and walked towards the crying baby on the ground.

"Hi Yi!"

Seeing the Shao Zuo coming, the little devil immediately stood aside respectfully.

"Ha ha!"

Murakami Hana Liu Shaozuo bent over with a big laugh and hugged the baby on the ground, turned around and glanced at the Chinese villagers in front of him, his face became ferocious in an instant, and he shouted loudly:

"This is the end of the rebellion against the big RB imperial army!"

After yelling, Murakami Hanalyu raised the baby crying in the swaddle in her hands, with a ferocious expression, and ruthlessly fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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