Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 197 Hunting King Feng Xiao 6

Chapter 197 Hunting King Feng Xiaoliu

"This is the end of the rebellion against the big RB imperial army!"

After yelling, Murakami Hanalyu raised the baby crying in the swaddle in her hands, with a ferocious expression, and ruthlessly fell to the ground.


After a muffled sound, the baby who fell to the ground stopped crying.


Murakami Hanalyu did not give up, but pulled out a pistol and shot at the swaddle until the swaddle was soaked in blood.

"Okay! Taijun is very majestic!"

Qu Zhen, commander of the puppet army, laughed when he saw this scene, and gave a thumbs up to Murakami Hana Liu Shaozuo.

"Ha ha!"

The little devils next to them all showed joy on their faces.

The villagers who saw this scene all fell silent. Their faces seemed to have lost something at this moment, and their eyes all became a little dull. Today's scene shocked them deeply.

"Hurry up, kill them, load the food, the work of chickens, ducks and geese into the car, and open the way!"

Major Hashimoto Yongkang gave the order at this time.


Hearing Hashimoto Yongkang's order, the little devils and the puppet soldiers raised their guns and started shooting at the people who were rushed by the puppet army commander Qu Zhen on the street.

In an instant, the unarmed people were all splashed with blood and fell into a pool of blood. The dark red blood stained the ground.

Afterwards, amidst the screams of the remaining girls and women, the little devil took out the ropes, tied up all the remaining women and young adults with ropes, and connected them together.

"Open the way!"

Murakami Hananagi looked at this scene with satisfaction, and gave the order to loot, as long as it is valuable, it will be loaded and taken away.


What's even worse is that Major Hashimoto Yongkang walked up to a woman, stretched out his dog's paw, and started groping.


But what responded to him was the woman's saliva.

After Hashimoto Yongkang escaped, he turned around laughing and walked aside.

Following Murakami Hana Liu Shaozuo's order, the little devils began to search from house to house, but in the same place, only blood corpses were left everywhere.


Ge Niudan, who was hit by the puppet army, rolled down the small soil slope, vomited a mouthful of blood, resisted the severe pain in his lower back and stomach, he got up tenaciously, held the blood on his stomach, walked He staggered towards Fengjiazhuang two miles away.

He wants to report, he can't just watch the people of Fengjiazhuang being massacred by little devils.

After the little devil came to Dayang Village, Ge Niudan knew in his heart that the people of Dayang Village couldn't escape, so he could only turn around and run away, even the little boy Liu Dachun didn't care.

Ge Niudan is an orphan, so to speak, he grew up eating a variety of meals. If there were no people in Dayang Village and Fengjiazhuang, he might have starved to death when he was young.

"Bang bang bang!"

Hearing the gunshots in the village behind, Ge Niudan knew that Dayang Village was over, and he couldn't watch the people of Fengjiazhuang being killed by devils.

Ge Niudan vomited blood step by step, the blood gushing up from his mouth couldn't be stopped at all, and the blood gushing out from his stomach and back was ticking all the way.

He was not reconciled, he gritted his teeth and insisted that he must live to bring the news to Fengjiazhuang, not to mention that Feng Xiaoliu, who treated him like his own brother, was still in Fengjiazhuang.


But Ge Niudan, who persisted for more than a mile, spewed out a mouthful of blood. Looking at the Fengjiazhuang in front of him, Ge Niudan fell to the ground with an expression of unwillingness on his face.

Five minutes later, more than a dozen figures appeared from the direction of Fengjiazhuang. The speed of these more than ten people was very fast. They rushed towards the direction of Dayang Village.

These people were all wearing animal skin vests, with bows and arrows on their backs, and crossbows hanging around their waists. They were dressed as hunters, and a few of them carried old-fashioned firecrackers on their backs.

The most striking thing among them was the man who took the lead. There was a hideous scar on his neck, which extended to his lips.

This person is the new generation of hunting king of Fengjiazhuang, Feng Xiaoliu, this guy can kill black and blind people in the mountains and forests.

"Brother Liu, look, there is someone there!"

The speed of these ten people was very fast. At this time, a thin man with sharp eyes among the ten people saw Ge Niudan lying not far in front.

Hearing Shouji's words, Feng Xiaoliu immediately stopped and looked intently.

Seeing him stop, the dozen or so people also stopped.

"Cow eggs!"

At this moment, Feng Xiaoliu yelled suddenly, and he recognized that the person lying on the ground was his brother, Ge Niudan, especially when he saw the blood on Ge Niudan's body, Feng Xiaoliu's eyes immediately froze. Red up.

"Cow eggs!"

Feng Xiaoliu anxiously ran to Ge Niudan's side, embraced Ge Niudan who was covered in blood, and called Ge Niudan worriedly.

"Cow eggs!"

Seeing Ge Niudan lying on the ground, the rest of the people immediately surrounded him and called him worriedly.

Soon, Ge Niudan's eyes slowly opened. Ge Niudan, who was called to wake up, saw Feng Xiaoliu in front of him, and a smile appeared on his face covered with blood.

"Cow eggs!"

Seeing Ge Niudan wake up, Feng Xiaoliu immediately grabbed Ge Niudan's bloody hand, with a bitter smile on his face.

"Brother Liu, little, little, the little devil is here, hurry up, hurry up...!"

Before the words were finished, Ge Niudan's head drooped, his eyes looked into the distance, and his eyes were full of nostalgia. It could be seen that he was worried about something.

"Cow eggs! Ah! Ah!"


Seeing his brother's death, Feng Xiaoliu couldn't bear it any longer, and wailed to the sky, tears streaming down his face uncontrollably.

He knew that his brother was gone, the brother who had been together since he was a child, was gone, and he would never see him again.


Seeing Ge Niudan's death, the rest of the people also sighed heavily, their faces full of grief.

"Little devil, I, cao, your grandma!"

After Feng Xiaoliu roared in grief, he gritted his back teeth and said every word with a murderous look and hatred on his face.

"Go, go back to Zhuangzi, gather all the hunters, old and weak, women and children, all go into the mountain, I will make these beasts pay the price!"

Feng Xiaoliu's cold voice echoed in the air, his voice was like the wind in the twelfth lunar month, icy cold and chilling.

Companions who heard Feng Xiaoliu's voice knew that Feng Xiaoliu, the hunting king of Fengjiazhuang, was really angry this time.

Afterwards, Feng Xiaoliu picked up his brother Ge Niudan who was on the ground, and hurried towards Fengjiazhuang.

His companions followed closely behind, and at the same time, their hearts were full of worries, worrying whether they could survive under the fire of the little devil.


Ocean Village.

The little devils had already looted all the supplies in Dayang Village and loaded them into vehicles. Finally, under the order of Murakami Hana Liu Shaozuo, the little devils rushed towards Feng's Village with the flower girl and the young and middle-aged man.

Because they brought flower girls and young adults, their speed was much slower!

(End of this chapter)

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