Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 198 The Arrival of the Wolf Warriors

Chapter 198 The Arrival of the Wolf Warriors
Dayang Village, half an hour after the little devil left, Lei Zhan's convoy finally arrived. Because of the speeding along the way, the truck's front machine was buzzing like an old bellows, and some of them had even started smoke.

The three motorcycles leading the way in front have all been scrapped.

"Bastards of dog day!"

Before he got out of the car, Lei Zhan smelled the smell of blood wafting around. Lei Zhan cursed with an extremely ugly face, and got out of the car.

Afterwards, Yang Fei gathered the soldiers of the Special Operations Battalion, and Lei Ming gathered the soldiers of the sniper team.

But after everyone looked at the village for the first time, their eyes were all red, and they saw bloody corpses everywhere, as well as burning gunpowder smoke.

Without the slightest hesitation, Lei Zhan quickly ran into the village, and looked at the people and villagers who were lying on the ground in front of him. After Lei Zhan gritted his molars, he clenched his fist tightly, and between his brows His upper veins were exposed, and his whole body exuded a strong murderous aura.

Although he and the soldiers tried their best and rushed here as fast as possible, it was still too late, the little devil had brutally killed the villagers of Dayang Village.

Especially seeing not far away, the blood-soaked swaddle, the blood-colored swaddle is so shocking, how heartless the little devil is, even such a young baby who can't babble is not spared.

"Ah! Nineteenth Regiment's Independent Battalion, wait for me, I will not wash your blood, I swear I will not be human!"

Lei Zhan roared with hatred on his face. The hatred in his heart for the massacre of the little devils, the National Army of the [-]th Regiment Independent Battalion, was assigned the first place by him. If the National Army Independent Battalion is slightly If it can resist for a while, then it will not be the current result at all.

Therefore, Lei Zhan hates that the little devil is a massacre, and the independent battalion of the [-]th Army Regiment of the National Army is a helper and abuser, damn it!Damn it!Damn it!

The soldiers who ran into the village behind were all silent at this time, their faces were extremely ugly, and the hands that were holding the guns tightly in their hands had already begun to turn pale.

They used silent silence to declare their hatred for the little devil.

"Head, the dead are basically older uncles and aunts, and the younger ones are not here!"

Yang Fei glanced at the corpses of the common people on the ground with a sad expression, and said with a frown.


Thunder on the side nodded.

"These bastards, they must have kidnapped the young one!"

Lei Zhan has noticed this problem a long time ago, and at the same time he also understands the reason why the little devil did this, because in the records of later generations, there are many innocent girls and women who were forced to become comfort women, and a large number of young laborers , was sent to the rear of the devils to build various fortifications.

In the end, none of these people ended up well. Girls and women were tortured and died of madness, and young adults were also hurt by heavy labor. When they were hurt and unable to work, welcome Theirs is death, shot!

"Go, keep up, the little devils should not have gone far, save the people, and pay with blood!"

Lei Zhan was really angry, he roared, turned around and took the extra sniper rifle in Lei Ming's hand, and ran forward, he was going to kill the enemy, he was going to take revenge.

"eye for eye!"

"eye for eye!"


The soldiers roared and closely followed Lei Zhan's footsteps. They were going to take the head of the enemy to pay homage to the tragic death of the people in Dayang Village.


At this time, the hunting king Feng Xiaoliu had already entered the village with Ge Niudan on his back, and after putting Ge Niudan in the first home of Uncle Feng in the village, Feng Xiaoliu told Uncle Feng the detailed process, and the little devil came .

Hearing that the little devil was coming, the grey-haired Uncle Feng didn't say a word, and when he entered the room, he took out an old shiny black bow, with a quiver full of arrows on his back, and a bow pinned to his waist. A shiny hunting knife.

"Master Feng, you!"

Seeing Uncle Feng who was fully armed, worried expression appeared on Feng Xiaoliu's face, after all, Uncle Feng is old now.

"What are you doing, you little bastard, you Uncle Feng is very strong, hurry up, let the hunters in Zhuangzi gather quickly, I really want to see what kind of legs these little devils have!"

Unexpectedly, when Uncle Feng heard Feng Xiaoliu's words, he immediately stared at Feng Xiaoliu and yelled at Feng Xiaoliu. You must know that when he was young, he could easily catch the big prey in the mountains every time. I don't believe it, these little devils will grow up to be three-headed and six-armed.

At this time, the entire Fengjiazhuang had received the news under the loud notification of Feng Xiaoliu's companions, and the villagers all began to retreat towards the back mountain in an orderly manner.

And the young and middle-aged people and the old father's generation, all holding bows in their hands and wearing the same luggage as Uncle Feng, quickly gathered at the village head.

If wolves want to attack their home, hunters like them must take on the heavy responsibility of protecting their home and kill the wolves outside the village.


At this moment, the little devil was already approaching Feng's village.

"Jiangbian-jun, yours, let a small team work, Qu Sang, yours let a hundred soldiers work, assist Jiangbian-jun's work, take care of the flower girls and prisoners here, guard the supply carts, we Yes, keep going!"

Seeing that he was approaching Fengjiazhuang, Murakami Hanalyu began to issue orders. After all, it was very inconvenient to take prisoners with him, so he decided to let the small team and the puppet army guard this road, and wait for him to destroy Fengjiazhuang before gathering and moving forward.

"Hi Yi!"

After hearing the order, Captain Jiang Bian Ichiro and Qu Zhen, commander of the puppet army, immediately went to give the order.


Seeing the two leaving obediently, Murakami Hana Liu had a smile on her face, and then picked up the binoculars and looked towards Feng's Village not far away.

Seeing the villagers gathering at the entrance of Fengjiazhuang Village with primitive weapons, Murakami Hualiu showed a funny and cruel smile on her face.

"Ha ha!"

After Hashimoto Yongkang saw this scene through the telescope, he covered his stomach and laughed, with a look of disdain and playfulness.

He thought in his heart that it was too funny, the Chinese pigs in front of him were too funny, and now he still wants to use the weapons of primitive people to block the footsteps of their big RB imperial army, Hashimoto Yongkang thought, let these primitive people Know what is crushing and what is crushing.

Afterwards, under the leadership of the two majors Murakami Hana Liu and Hashimoto Yongkang, the large force rushed towards Fengjiazhuang quickly.

In the same place, more than 70 little devils and more than a hundred puppet soldiers were left. They surrounded the young and middle-aged men and young women who looked terrified, and guarded them.

"Yoxi, flower girl, thank you very much!"

There are quite a few little devils among them, looking at the girls squatting on the ground with lewd smiles on their faces, their hearts have already started to heat up, several little devils are smiling lewdly while unbuttoning their belts , and slowly walked towards the girls squatting on the ground.

"Ha ha!"

The puppet soldiers who saw this scene all laughed and gave a thumbs up for the little devil who took action.

At this time, on the small slope behind, a large number of black muzzles suddenly appeared, and at the same time there were pairs of red eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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