Chapter 199 Kill
Lei Zhan led the soldiers of the Special Forces and the sniper team to attack quickly and catch up with the little devil's escort team.

Lei Zhan and the soldiers quickly climbed up the small slope, lay down on the small slope, and aimed all their guns at the devils and puppet soldiers below the small slope.

Lei Zhan looked at the little devils who took off their pants and were about to commit violence under the small soil slope. The murderous aura and anger in his heart could no longer be suppressed, and it burst into flames immediately.

Yang Fei, Lei Ming, and the hundreds of soldiers around them also couldn't bear the anger in their hearts. Their eyes were red, and they tightly grasped the steel guns in their hands, waiting for Lei Zhan's battle order.

"Fight the devils first, do it!"

Lei Zhan observed the situation, made a quick decision in his mind, and immediately issued an order.


When Lei Zhan gave the order, he pulled the trigger in his hand without hesitation.Immediately after the sniper rifle made strange gunshots, three little devils standing in a line and laughing were immediately headshot, three in a row, all of them were headshot, red one white one Splashing, the body fell limply.


Hearing Lei Zhan's order, the soldiers, who had already been impatient, immediately pulled the trigger in their hands.




Originally, he was laughing loudly at this time, watching the ghost soldiers who took off their trousers to perform in the middle, but they were stunned by Lei Zhan's first shot, killing three of them with one shot!
But then the dense gunfire that followed completely stunned them. Before raising their guns, this squadron, more than 70 little devils, were killed by Lei Zhan and more than a hundred soldiers of the special warfare battalion. die.

Blood sprayed from the heads of the little devils, and they fell limply to the ground with an uh sound. They died without seeing who beat them to death.

In an instant, Xiao Tupo, who was full of obscene laughter, returned to silence.

More than 100 special forces team members sniped and killed more than 70 little devils and won the victory.

The total distance is less than 50 meters, and with the marksmanship fed by the special forces with bullets, the little devil is completely abused.

The gunshot sounded in an instant, and disappeared in an instant. In this instant, the battle ended, and the gunshot seemed so abrupt.

"Ah! Bagaya Road!"

The little devil who was on the ground preparing to commit suicide, heard the gunshots and saw his companions being beaten to death one after another. He didn't even lift his pants, but stood up directly. His face was full of anger and fear, and he looked up. Swear as soon as you open your mouth.


But the reality is very cruel. It was Lei Zhan and others who responded to these little devils with cold bullets.

"Ah! Ah!"

After the gunshots, the little devils screamed while holding their hands. Their lower abdomen, between their legs, was completely soaked in blood.

Their dirty and sinful thing was directly smashed to pieces by Lei Zhan and the soldiers, leaving a bloody mess.

Seeing the little devils screaming in front of them, all the young and middle-aged men being escorted, as well as the girls and women, all of them showed joy on their faces.

At the same time, the light of hope burst out in their eyes. If the little devil died, it meant that someone had come to save him (them), and he (them) had hope of surviving.


A moment later, the gunshots rang out again, and several little devils who were screaming in place were headshot to death one after another.

Lei Zhan, Lei Ming and others ended their filthy lives.


At this time, the puppet soldiers who were very arrogant in place were all stunned, and those who were frightened shouted.

There were also those who boldly tried to resist. They directly raised the guns in their hands, and pointed them at the young and middle-aged men squatting on the ground with cruel faces.

They attempted to use the young and middle-aged people on the ground to threaten the unknown armed forces in the dark.

"Crack. Crack. Crack!"

The reality is cruel, and their attempt is just a fantasy. The moment they raised their guns, a large number of soldiers in the uniform of the Eighth Route Army stood up on the small slope, all holding guns in their hands. The puppet soldiers who raised their guns were headshot to death one after another.

"Ah! Eighth Route Army"

"We surrender!"

"We surrender!"


The deaths of the little devils did not break the psychological bottom line of the puppet soldiers, but the death of the companions in front of them completely broke their psychology, making them feel as if they were facing an abyss, and aroused infinite fear.

There was only one thought in their minds, and that was to surrender, hoping to escape this catastrophe by surrendering.

The puppet soldiers were horrified and yelled in fear. They squatted on the ground one after another, put the [-] caps in their hands on the ground, and the grenades around their waists, etc., and took them down one after another and put them on the ground.

Afterwards, these puppet soldiers looked up the small soil slope with horror in their eyes. They didn't know their fate and could only hope to save their lives. But they had heard before that the Eighth Route Army treated prisoners preferentially, so they felt that they would survive There is still great hope.

After the puppet army holding the gun was killed, Lei Zhan led the soldiers to rush down on the small slope, and immediately surrounded the puppet army squatting on the ground. The faces of the soldiers were cold and murderous. Looking at the puppet soldiers squatting on the ground.

"We surrendered, we surrendered, didn't your Eighth Route Army give preferential treatment to prisoners?"

A guy who looked like a puppet army commander looked terrified and tremblingly looked at Lei Zhan, who was leading the way, and said with trembling lips.

"I'm going to fuck your mother!"

Hearing the puppet army commander's words, Yang Fei kicked the puppet army commander to the ground with a face full of anger, raised the [-] cover in his hand, and smashed the puppet army commander's head with the butt of the gun.


Seeing the furious Yang Fei, some puppet soldiers yelled in fear again, and some even peed their pants in fright.


Curled up on the ground, the puppet army commander who was slammed by Yang Fei didn't dare to let go of a fart at this time. He could only hold his head in his hands on the ground and bear it. He thought in his heart that as long as he could survive, he would It's worth being beaten half to death.Don't wait for him to go back, as long as he goes back, he will definitely lead the imperial army to kill all these Eighth Route Army in order to avenge the beating today.

At this time, the young and middle-aged men who were squatting on the side saw the supernatural power, beating all the little devils to death, and the Eighth Route Army soldiers who were so frightened that the puppet soldiers trembled and peed their pants, their eyes glowed with admiration, At the same time, a seed was planted in their hearts that they also wanted to become such mighty and mighty Eighth Route Army soldiers.


Looking at these puppet soldiers who are worse than little devils, Lei Zhan snorted coldly. At this time, the villagers in Dayang Village appeared in his mind, especially the one who was killed by blood. The swaddle that was dyed red, it was still a baby, was brutally killed by them, thinking of this, the strong murderous intent in Lei Zhan's heart rose again.

Let them go?

These people in front of them are all executioners!
Their hands are stained with the blood of their compatriots!

Blood debt must be paid in blood!
"Kill them all, leave none!"

(End of this chapter)

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