Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 201 The Hunter Attacks

Chapter 201 The Hunter Attacks
The puppet army and the little devils swaggered and quickly approached Fengjiazhuang.

"Haha, I don't know why Major Murakami is so vigilant. Look at the village in front of us. We wiped it out so easily."

Among them, the puppet soldier who took the lead smiled and talked to his companions beside him with a no-nonsense smile.

"that is!"

After hearing this, the companions beside him nodded their heads in agreement.

"Quick, quick!"

The little devil at the back saw the puppet army China pig laughing and talking, and immediately urged him dissatisfied.

"Hi Yi, Hi Yi, Taijun!"

After hearing the imperial army's urging, the leading puppet army immediately turned around and bowed his head to answer respectfully.

"call out!"

Just at this moment, there was an ear-piercing screaming sound.

The leader of the puppet army, who was bowing his head and answering with the devil, just turned around, and before he made any other movements, with a puff, a dark arrow pierced through his eyebrows.

This arrow directly pierced his head, and with the red and white matter splashed out, it shot into the head of the little devil who was urging him just now, and directly inserted half of it.

Then, the front was pierced through the head, and the bloody puppet soldier and the little devil with arrows stuck in his head fell limply to the ground with dull eyes.


"Bagaya Road!"


Seeing the death of their companions, the little devils and the puppet soldiers immediately shouted and became vigilant, lifted the [-] cap in their hands, and pointed it at the place where the arrow was shot in front, but unfortunately, there was no one in front.

"Bagaya Road!"

Murakami Hananagi and Hashimoto Nagashi, who had been watching the battle from the rear, saw the power of this arrow, and suddenly shrank their eyes suddenly, and yelled inconceivably.

They didn't expect that the original weapon of the pig was so powerful, and then, a bad premonition rose in their hearts.

"whoosh whoosh"

Murakami Hualiu and the others had just settled their thoughts when they heard a sound of breaking through the air in front of them. They looked up, but they really couldn't see anything.

The ear-piercing sound before was a signal, the opening dish, but now the arrows that pierced through the air were the main dish.




Murakami Hana Liu and the others stared dumbfounded at the imperial warriors and puppet soldiers who were yelling and cursing, and fell to the ground one after another after the sound of breaking through the air.

The heads of the imperial warriors and puppet soldiers who fell on the ground, including their chests, were all pierced by the flying arrows and killed on the spot.

"Bagaya Road!"

Seeing this scene, Major Hashimoto Yongkang was furious. After yelling and cursing in despair, he immediately pulled out the command knife at his waist, swung it forward violently, and gave the order to charge.

"Kill the chicken!"

Murakami Hana Liu Shaozuo's face was also ashen. He didn't expect that the original weapon of the pig was really so powerful. This kind of cold weapon could have the same effect as a gun.

The two ghost captains and Qu Zhen next to them also had ugly faces. Compared with the massacre of the first village, the village in front of them slapped them hard on the face, and they still slapped crackle.

"Kill the chicken!"

"Kill the chicken!"


The little devils and puppet soldiers who heard the order immediately started to charge, yelling like mad dogs, and rushed towards Fengjiazhuang.


Behind the small slope.

At this time, Feng Xiaoliu, who was behind Xiaotupo, frowned when he saw a large number of little devils and yellow-skinned dogs charging towards him.

There are too many enemies. The hunters in their village add up to 100 people, but the little devils on the other side have five or six hundred people charging this time. They are far from being opponents.

But it is one thing not to be an opponent, but another thing to do it or not. For the sake of the people of Fengjiazhuang who are retreating into the mountains behind, Feng Xiaoliu, more than 100 hunters, will stop the little devils in front of Fengjiazhuang even if they die. .

"Brothers, do it hard, our relatives are behind us, even if you die, you can't let the little devil enter Zhuangzi!"

Feng Xiaoliu let out a loud roar, drew his bow and shot an arrow, and with a whoosh sound, he shot one of the little devils who were charging in front to death.

Uncle Feng on the side did not show any weakness, he fired his bow again and again, and the puppet soldiers were shot to death on the spot by him.

Including the hunters behind, they all shot the arrows in the quiver with all their might.

"Bang bang bang!"

Immediately afterwards, the dull sound of the old firecracker hitting steel balls sounded.

Afterwards, a large group of little devils who charged fell down, a total of 30 people, and these little devils were all killed by steel balls that shot out in all directions.

"Kill the chicken!"


The nearly one hundred little devils and puppet soldiers who died in an instant did not scare off the charging guys, on the contrary, they aroused the ferocity in their hearts even more, and they rushed towards the village screaming and howling.

Now, the little devils and the puppet soldiers are less than 20 meters away from the entrance of Fengjiazhuang village.

After these rounds of shooting, the quiver of the hunters in Fengjiazhuang was almost exhausted, and the firecrackers were basically scrapped with the rapid shooting.

"Brothers, uncles, do it with them!"

Seeing that things could not be done, the little devils and puppet soldiers were about to rush to Zhuangzi, Feng Xiaoliu let out a loud roar, stood up on the hillside, pulled out a hunting knife from his waist, and rushed towards the charging little devils and puppet soldiers.

"Haha, have fun, kill the jackal!"

Uncle Feng and the few old hunters behind him roared with laughter, pulled out the shiny hunting knives around their waists, followed Feng Xiaoliu's footsteps, and rushed towards the little devils and puppet soldiers below.

The hunters hiding in the haystacks at the entrance of the village, seeing Feng Xiaoliu charging, immediately dropped the thing in their hands, pulled out their hunting knives, and rushed towards the little devils and puppet soldiers with murderous intent and hatred on their faces.

At this moment, when several puppet soldiers in the puppet army saw Feng Xiaoliu leading the charge, grim smiles appeared on their faces, and they raised their guns and were about to shoot.

But what I didn't expect was that the little devils around them immediately raised their feet, kicked the puppet soldiers holding guns beside them to the ground, and cursed disdainfully, then stopped and started to click on the spot With a click, the bullet was retracted.

Seeing the little devils retreat their bullets, the puppet soldiers also began to learn to retreat their bullets.

"Yo Xi! The spirit of Bushido is very good!"

Shao Zuo Murakami, who saw this scene in the back, immediately smiled. He praised his imperial warriors. Conquering China by force is the belief and pursuit of all their imperial soldiers!
"Kill the jackal!"

Feng Xiaoliu took the lead and charged forward, and immediately came into contact with the little devils.

Looking at the little devil stabbing towards him, a trace of contempt flashed in Feng Xiaoliu's eyes, he grasped the stabbed [-] cover in his hand, and yanked it forward, the hunting knife in his hand immediately fell on the ground. It touched the little devil's neck.


While the little devil screamed, blood spurted from his neck, and then Feng Xiaoliu kicked the little devil aside.


On the other side, Lei Zhan has already arrived with the special warfare battalion, because the truck behind the devil team blocked Lei Zhan and the soldiers could not see the situation ahead.

But Lei Zhan heard the sound of fighting ahead, and immediately after, Lei Zhan issued a combat order and immediately entered the battlefield to wipe out the little devil.

(End of this chapter)

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