Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 202 The Truck Kills Devils

Chapter 202 The Truck Kills Devils
Lei Zhan listened to the sound of fighting in front of the truck, without any hesitation, reached out and handed the sniper rifle in his hand to Lei Ming beside him, and immediately issued a combat order.

"Yang Fei, you take thirty soldiers and detour to the front of Fengjiazhuang from the side to help the villagers who are fighting!
Lei Ming, you take the members of the sniper team, quickly find a favorable sniper position, and snipe and kill the devil officer above Cao Chang.

The rest of the fighters, follow me to contain the little devil head-on! "


Lei Zhan's order was issued, and Yang Fei and Lei Ming, who received the order, set off quickly with the soldiers.

Immediately afterwards, Lei Zhan took a crooked handle in the hands of a soldier, clicked on the insurance, and led the soldiers with a murderous look, sticking to the devil's truck, and rushed towards the little devils in front.

At this time, the soldiers following Lei Zhan were speechless. They put all their anger on the guns in their hands. They held the steel guns in their hands tightly, and only hoped that in the middle of the battle, they would fire angry bullets for a while. All the little devils and yellow dogs were wiped out.

Standing in front of Lei Zhan and the soldiers were three large trucks, which were basically empty at this time.

Lei Zhan moved forward quickly, and soon he drove to the front of the first truck. Lei Zhan leaned over and looked into the cab. There was a devil driver inside, smoking a cigarette boredly.

Seeing this, Lei Zhan turned around and gestured to the soldiers behind to stop advancing, and at the same time issued a kill order to the first soldier who took the lead.

The soldiers who received Lei Zhan's order crawled under the car and quickly approached the devil's driver.

Seeing that the soldiers had arrived at the combat position, Lei Zhan stood by the co-pilot's door and knocked on the co-pilot's door.

The sound of dong dong dong caught the devil's driver's attention. The moment the devil's driver turned his head to look at the co-pilot, the soldier on the other side shot and opened the car door. With a dagger in his hand like a poisonous snake, he dealt with the little devil.

Afterwards, Lei Zhan led the soldiers to move on. According to the first plan, the devil driver on the second truck went to meet Hades again.

The driver of the third car, Lei Zhan needs to solve it himself, after all he has his plan.

Lei Zhan asked the soldiers behind him to wait vigilantly on the spot, and then he took a dozen grenades and touched the driver's side of the truck, then Lei Zhan got under the truck, and connected to the truck's fuel tank under the truck, A special booby trap was deployed.

Then Lei Zhan got out of the car and touched the devil driver.


At this moment, to Lei Zhan's surprise, the devil driver opened the door and jumped out of the car.

After the devil driver jumped off, he touched his waistband and raised his head to find a place to pee. However, to his horror, a large number of Chinese soldiers appeared behind his truck.

Seeing this scene, the ghost driver was about to open his mouth and yell, and his action was to turn around and try to run.


Seeing the little devil's movements, a [-]-style bayonet suddenly appeared in Lei Zhan's hand. With a flick of his wrist, with a whoosh, the [-]-style bayonet was inserted into the neck of the devil driver on the other side.

At this moment, the voice of the little devil driver who was about to shout was suddenly choked. He grabbed the [-]-style bayonet above his neck with both hands, and blood gushed out from his mouth. He rolled his eyes, his face was full of pain and despair color.

Seeing this, Lei Zhan came to the side of the little devil's driver, and punched the little devil's chest. After hearing a few clicks, the little devil's driver trembled and went to Met Hades.

Afterwards, Lei Zhan first climbed into the car and looked at the devil team 50 meters away from the front of the car. Lei Zhan got the little devil driver into the car, and using the little devil's body as a support system, he started the truck according to the method he learned in his previous life. .

After that, Lei Zhan thrust the [-]-style bayonet in his hand into the waist of the little devil driver. For a moment, it was like a nerve reflex. The dead little devil, his foot on the accelerator, Immediately, the accelerator was stepped on, and the truck began to roar.

Lei Zhan put it into gear and immediately jumped off the co-pilot. Afterwards, the Devil's truck was like a wild horse running wild, rushing frantically towards the team of little devils 50 meters ahead.

The roar of the truck alarmed the little devils who were looking ahead 50 meters away, but when they turned their heads and saw that it was their own truck rushing, they immediately let down their vigilance.

Two of the little devil soldiers put away the [-] big covers, and started waving at the truck and shouting, reminding the driver on the truck to stop quickly.

But it was a pity that the truck was still roaring wildly towards them.

These two little devils couldn't dodge at all, one of them was directly knocked into the air, and the other was directly crushed under the car.

Seeing this scene, the little devils in front immediately turned pale in shock and hid to both sides.

"Bagaya Road!"

Major Murakami, who was in front of the team, also noticed this situation, and immediately cursed angrily. At the same time, a look of confusion appeared on his face. He didn't know what the imperial driver was going crazy.

The crazy truck ran over dozens of little devils along the way. Finally, one of the little devils triggered the special mine under the chassis of the truck. With a bang, the big truck that was running wildly exploded immediately.

At this moment, the little devils who were avoiding to both sides were immediately hit. Most of the little devils in front were immediately enveloped in the flames of the explosion. Under the impact of the grenade explosion, stray bullets mixed with various fragments , inserted into the bodies of the little devils around them one after another.

The explosion caused more than 100 little devils to be reimbursed directly. There are still many little devils who are howling around. They haven't died yet, but their bodies are already bloody.

"Bagaya Road! What the hell is going on here?"

Shaozuo Hashimoto Yongkang broke out. He yelled and cursed like a mad dog. At the same time, he looked at Shaozuo Hashimoto Hananagi next to him, hoping to hear his opinion, but he saw that Shaozuo Murakami Hananagi had already stayed where he was. .



Major Hashimoto Yongkang was so angry that he had nowhere to vent his anger. At this time, he saw Qu Zhen, the commander of the puppet army beside him, and immediately found the target of venting. He raised his arm and slapped the puppet army hard. The face of the military commander Qu Zhen.

With a bang, Qu Zhen, the commander of the puppet army who was watching the truck burst into flames, staggered and fell to the ground after being beaten.

At this time Qu Zhen was completely stunned, he didn't know what happened, he just felt a force hit his face fiercely, and then he fell backwards.


At this time, Hashimoto Yongkang Shaozuo looked like a madman, strode to Qu Zhen's side, kicked down hard, and he yelled and cursed while kicking.

At this time, Qu Zhen felt the pain in his body, and he reacted, but after seeing that it was Major Hashimoto beating him, he could only keep silent and let Major Hashimoto do the violence. He knew that if he resisted , his consequences will be even more tragic.


After Lei Zhan jumped out of the car, he immediately ran to the back of the second truck and joined the soldiers hiding behind the truck.

After hearing the sound of the explosion, Lei Zhan took the crooked light machine gun in the arms of the soldiers next to him, and rushed out with the soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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