Chapter 203
Because of the thick smoke from the explosion of the truck, the little devils did not notice the soldiers of the thunder war and the special warfare battalion who were rushing towards them at first.

By the time they realized it, it was already too late. The light machine guns in the hands of Lei Zhan and the soldiers of the Special Operations Battalion immediately became the gods of death who harvested the lives of the little devils.

"Da da da da!"

"Da da da da!"


Lei Zhan charged forward, the crooked machine gun in his hand continuously shooting at the little devils in front.

The soldiers of the special warfare battalion behind, holding the captured Czech light machine guns of the Seventh Artillery Battalion in their hands, were also harvesting the lives of the little devils.




At this moment, Lei Zhan and the little devil in front of the soldiers immediately paid the price with their lives.

Under the machine gun fire, the little devils screamed, their heads and bodies were all spattered with blood, and they fell to the ground one after another.

Murakami Hananagi, who was directly in front of the devil team, and Hashimoto Yongkang, who was beating Qu Zhen violently, were all stunned by this sudden blow.

Watching the imperial warriors in front of them fall down like cutting wheat, they simply forgot to give the order to counterattack at this moment.

At the same time, Feng Xiaoliu and the hunters in Zhuangzi, who were fighting bloody battles in front of Fengjiazhuang, lay a pile of corpses of little devils and puppet soldiers behind them. That said, they can be said to have achieved a big victory.

Hunters who live in the mountains all year round are not so easy to provoke. After all, hunters wander in the mountains and forests all year round, and encounter many life and death crises. Facing the fight, their hearts are more excited.


The hunting knife in Feng Xiaoliu's hand slashed repeatedly, killing little devils one by one to the ground.


Uncle Feng, who had already turned white, was young and strong, and his sword was still young, and he was also slashing bravely. Most of his white hair was already soaked in blood at this moment, making it extremely dazzling.


"Da da da da!"


At this moment, more than 30 soldiers with guns suddenly appeared on both sides of Fengjiazhuang. As soon as they appeared, the guns in their hands immediately burst into flames, and the little devils who were fighting were instantly killed to the ground.

The soldiers of the special warfare battalion were very good at marksmanship, basically every little devil and puppet soldier was killed with one shot, and the gun shot hit the little devil and puppet soldier's head.

Feng Xiaoliu and the hunters in Zhuangzi saw the sudden appearance of the gunman, and their faces were full of doubts. Although they were puzzled, after seeing them coming and killing the little devil, Feng Xiaoliu and the hunters' faces were full of doubts. I immediately became happy in my heart.

Killing the devils meant that they were safe, and the people, the old and the weak, women and children in the entire Fengjiazhuang were all safe.

"Da da da!"



With the sound of gunfire, the little devils kept falling down. Although some little devils fought back, they were quickly suppressed under the strong firepower of the soldiers of the special warfare battalion.

"Kill the chicken!"

The devil Cao Chang tried to restore the morale of the imperial warriors and let them fight back against the inexplicable armed forces, but soon, all the devil Cao Chang who raised his command knife and shouted were all shot to death by the thunder sniper team hidden in the dark.

The constant death of Cao Chang made the morale of the little devils and puppet soldiers even lower. Some of them lay on the ground, using the corpses of their companions as a cover, and did not dare to move at all. .

Murakami Hananagi Shaozuo was stunned!

Major Hashimoto Yongkang was dumbfounded!

Captain Ebebe Ichiro was stunned!
Captain Ibe Murano was dumbfounded!

Qu Zhen, who was lying on the ground with a bruised face like a pig's head, was even more dazed, but what filled his heart was fear and fear, because he was a traitor, as long as he was caught by the Chinese armed forces, No matter the country.The army is still the Eighth Route Army, so his end must be death without a place to bury him!

At this moment, the soldiers of the special warfare battalion led by Lei Zhan and the soldiers of the special warfare battalion led by Yang Fei successfully surrounded the little devil who attacked this time.

One hundred soldiers encircling a thousand devils and puppet troops sounds like a fantasy, but under the leadership of Lei Zhan, they succeeded.

Because the little devils were at a disadvantage from the beginning, Lei Zhan's sudden attack on them had completely suppressed them and lost the chance to fight back.

So now the little devils and puppet soldiers can only lead the slaughter!

"Da da da da!"

Lei Zhan was extremely powerful, like a god of war. The crooked light machine gun in his arms was completely the hand of death, shooting all the little devils to the ground.

At this moment, blood splattered on the battlefield, corpses were everywhere, the screams of the devils and puppet soldiers, the sound of gunfire, and the sound of bullets entering the body, instantly interweaved into a new movement of death.


At this time, Feng Xiaoliu and the hunters of Fengjiazhuang saw the little devils and traitors who were slaughtered alive at the hands of these soldiers, and there was a deep envy in their eyes.

They also hope that with such a powerful weapon, they can ruthlessly kill devils, protect their loved ones and villagers in Zhuangzi, and let them live a stable life.

"Could it be that they are the Wolf Warriors!"

At this time, Feng Xiaoliu's eyes suddenly burst into light. He thought of the famous Wolf Warriors in the Lingchuan area. The god of war that devils slay, the warriors of the Wolf Warriors.

At the same time, a desire rose in his heart, that is, he also wanted to join the Wolf Warriors and become a soldier of the Wolf Warriors.


"Da da……"

As the gunfire stopped, Lei Zhan and the soldiers of the Wolf Warriors officially completed the encirclement, completely surrounding the remaining little devils and puppet troops.

Behind Lei Zhan and the soldiers of the Wolf Warriors was the blood-stained land, covered with blood-soaked corpses of little devils.

Gunpowder smoke is everywhere, blood is stained on the ground, and corpses are everywhere!
"Your, eight-way work?"

Seeing the tragic deaths of the imperial warriors and the Chinese soldiers who surrounded them, Murakami Hanalyu's face was full of desolation. He did not expect that his squadron would be wiped out by the Tuba Road of China.

What he didn't expect was that these earthy equipment were so powerful, Czech-style light machine guns, crooked light machine guns, and all [-] big covers.

This kind of equipment is better than that of their big RB Imperial Army, he couldn't believe it.

"You are the Wolf Warriors!"

At this moment, Major Hashimoto Yongkang suddenly exclaimed, with a look of horror on his face, and his tone was full of disbelief.

He wasn't sure at first, but when he thought of the clear telegram before, he immediately thought of this army in Lingchuan, because this army had already disabled the Yingsen United.

He didn't expect that the Wolf Warriors after fighting against the elite brigade of the empire would still have such a strong force. If they knew this, they wouldn't come to Lingchuan to plunder.

"Your Excellency, can you follow the spirit of Bushido and have a fight with us!"

At this time, the voice of Murakami Hana Liu Shaozuo came.

(End of this chapter)

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