Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 208 Feng Xiao6 Joins the 8th Road

Chapter 208 Feng Xiaoliu Participates in the Eighth Route

Zheng Kang saw the appearance of Lei Zhan and the Eighth Route fighters, and suddenly had a bold guess in his heart. Thinking of the result of the guess, Zheng Kang's face suddenly turned pale.


The roar of the truck came from far and near, and in a short while came to the back of the little devil's truck,

Then, with the sound of dense footsteps, a large number of Eighth Route Army soldiers surrounded Zheng Kang and the others.

Zheng Kang and his soldiers, seeing all the Eighth Route Army soldiers behind them, could no longer bear the fear in their hearts, and began to sway on the spot.

Many soldiers among them all peed in their pants.

What are they? Before they were incorporated, they were nothing more than a group of bandits who occupied the mountains as kings. Although they have been incorporated now, they are still doing bandit activities, but they just put on the skin of the national army and did things It's more above board.



Without the slightest hesitation, under the leadership of Yang Jian, Yang Jun and others, the surrounding soldiers, seeing the situation in front of them, without the slightest hesitation, went straight to the insurance and pointed their cold muzzles at the national army in front.

From their point of view, these people in front of them dared to surround the head of the group.

Because of the rebellion of the Seventh Artillery Battalion, the soldiers of the Wolf Warriors did not have a good impression of the National Army, especially when they saw that they aimed their guns at the head of the regiment. Army, I hate it even more.

Zheng Kang looked at the more than a thousand soldiers of the Eighth Route Army who were overwhelmed by dark clouds in front of him, and couldn't hold on any longer, so he knelt down in front of Lei Zhan.

Including his soldiers, at this moment, all made wise choices, disarmed and surrendered, and squatted on the ground honestly.

"Captain Lei, I beg you to raise your hand high, I beg you to have eyes that don't know Mount Tai!"

Zheng Kang begged while clutching his bleeding wrist. He knew in his heart that if he didn't ask for Lei Zhan, they would probably confess here today. The devil has cooperated.

However, Lei Zhan ignored him and walked directly towards Yang Jian and Yang Jun.


Seeing Lei Zhan approaching, Yang Jian and Yang Jun immediately stood at attention and saluted.

"Suppress these guys, interrogate them separately, let them report to each other, as long as they can prove themselves, let them go, as long as they have the blood of their compatriots, kill them all, and leave no one behind!"

When he came to the two of them, Lei Zhan gave the order with a vicious look on his face. After all, he couldn't directly kill these 200 soldiers of the national army.

What he needs now is criminal evidence, as long as there is no evil among these people, then let it go, but if there is blood on the hands of compatriots, then I am sorry!

Afterwards, Yang Jian and Yang Jun took their respective soldiers and took the national army soldiers down individually to investigate.

The remaining soldiers, under the leadership of Yang Fei, began to clean up the battlefield. After all, there were not a few little devils and puppet soldiers killed this time, so the remaining guns and ammunition were also considerable.

"Captain Lei!"

While Lei Zhan was looking into the distance and meditating, Feng Xiaoliu brought the villagers to Lei Zhan's side, and they wanted to express their gratitude. If there were no Wolf Warriors of the Eighth Route Army, the fate of their Fengjiazhuang would be hard to say. up.


Hearing the shout, Lei Zhan turned around, looked at the villagers in front of him, and greeted them warmly with a smile.

Especially when he saw Feng Xiaoliu who took the lead, Lei Zhan's eyes lit up. He felt that this kid was not simple. This guy gave him the same feeling as his special team Leopard in his previous life. If the predictions are good, the kid in front of him must be an outstanding hunter.

"Captain Lei, thank you very much, if it wasn't for you this time, our Fengjiazhuang would be finished!"

Uncle Feng pulled Feng Xiaoliu to his side, thanked Lei Zhan, and at the same time led the hunters of Feng's Village to bow to Lei Zhan.

"This can't be done, this can't be done!"

Seeing the enthusiastic people, Lei Zhan looked flattered and astonished, hurried to Uncle Feng, and helped Uncle Feng and the people around him up.

He Lei Zhan can't afford this great gift!

"Master, this is what our Eighth Route Army should do. Our Eighth Route Army is a team of the people, a team of the people. We should do this."

Lei Zhan smiled and explained to the people in front of him. At the same time, Lei Zhan decided to develop militias in each village and be taught by soldiers of the Eighth Route Army.

In the last recruitment plan, there were only a few people in each village who signed up to join the army, not many, so as long as militia squads and militia platoons can be formed in each village, they will definitely be able to protect themselves in the future, no matter what Infested by enemies, live a peaceful life.

"Commander Lei, I want to join the Eighth Route Army and follow you to kill devils and traitors!"

At this moment, Feng Xiaoliu looked at Lei Zhan and said in a firm tone.

Seeing Feng Xiaoliu's appearance, Lei Zhan knew the reason why Feng Xiaoliu joined the Eighth Route Army. From Feng Xiaoliu's eyes, he saw unwillingness and powerlessness when facing the little devil.

"That's right, Captain Lei, you just accept the little six!"

"Well, Captain Lei, Little Six is ​​the king of hunters in our Zhuangzi, with top-notch hunting skills!"


After hearing Feng Xiaoliu's words, the hunters of Fengjiazhuang immediately opened their mouths to help Feng Xiaoliu. After all, they also hope that Feng Xiaoliu will become a talent, and they don't want Feng Xiaoliu to be trapped in this small Fengjiazhuang.

No matter how good your hunting skills are, you are just a hunter. However, as long as Feng Xiaoliu can join the Eighth Route Army and apply hunting skills to killing devils, then Feng Xiaoliu's fate will be completely changed.

"Well, okay, I agree!"

Because the first time he saw Feng Xiaoliu, Lei Zhan knew that this little guy had extraordinary skills. At this time, after seeing the praise and recommendation of the villagers, Lei Zhan decided to agree with Feng Xiaoliu to join the Eighth Route Army. As for Feng Xiaoliu How far he can go in the Wolf Warriors depends on Feng Xiaoliu himself.

"Thank you Captain Lei, I will definitely not let you down!"

Seeing that Lei Zhan agreed, Feng Xiaoliu immediately became happy, and quickly promised Lei Zhan.

"Thank you, Captain Lei, Little Six will definitely not let you down, so don't worry!"

Seeing that Lei Zhan agreed, the hunters in Fengjiazhuang also showed a smile, and at the same time gave Lei Zhan a guarantee.

At this time, Yang Jun, who had completed the interrogation, came to Lei Zhan and reported loudly:

"Regimental Commander, the interrogation is complete. Of the more than 200 people, only more than 30 of them are newly recruited soldiers. The rest, before they were recruited, were all bandits who burned, killed and looted. How to deal with bandit activities, please give instructions to the regiment leader!"

(End of this chapter)

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