Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 209 Traitor, Kill!

Chapter 209 Traitor, Kill!

"Well, is there anything else?"

After hearing the report, Lei Zhan nodded with a serious face, and continued to ask, this matter must not be sloppy.

"Yes, many of them reported that the three leaders of the [-]th Regiment's Independent Battalion had cooperated with the little devil. Therefore, I suspect that these guys are probably the little devil's spy in the national army. , internal response!"

After hearing Lei Zhan's inquiry, Yang Jian replied again, and also stated the situation he had analyzed.


After Lei Zhan heard it, his face instantly returned to the icy color, and there was a flash of murderous intent, and he immediately ordered: "The more than 30 soldiers who are sure to be fine, let go, and the rest of the people, kill them all, damn it, collusion To pass a devil, no matter what the reason, is treason, traitor, kill!"

"What's more, the little devils who came to loot this time have nothing to do with them. If they hadn't let the little devils come here, then the people of Dayang Village would not have died tragically. So, kill!"




Hearing Lei Zhan's words, the eyes of the hunters in Fengjiazhuang also turned red. They shouted to kill, kill, kill. After all, their relationship between Fengjiazhuang and Dayang Village is good, and many of them are even intermarried. People in Dayang Village were killed , many of their relatives, so they support the killing!


Then Lei Zhan led the hunters and followed Yang Jian to the temporary execution ground on the other side.

When Lei Zhan came here, the warriors of the Wolf Warriors had already bound the hands of all the bandits in Laogashan, and put them on the open space in front of them.

Among them, the captain officer, Zheng Kang, the third master, knelt at the front with a bruised face, and behind him were more than 100 bandit soldiers.

It has been proved that more than 30 people who have just joined the army have been escorted to the back at this time, and they will be released after Lei Zhan has completely resolved the matter.

Seeing Lei Zhan coming, the guards with guns gave way to Lei Zhan.

"Haha, those named Lei, if you kill me, you will regret it. The national army will not let you go. If you want to compete with the national army, you will be overestimated. As long as you kill me , My eldest brother and second brother will definitely report this matter to the commander-in-chief of the first war zone, and then you will be dismissed and investigated!"

Seeing Lei Zhan's arrival, Zheng Kang, who already knew his fate, immediately yelled, his tone was extremely arrogant, but Lei Zhan still saw fear in his eyes.

"Let anyone sue, wherever you want, even if you sue Jiang Jiangjiang, I will not show mercy to you!"

Lei Zhan looked at Zheng Kang who was clamoring in front of him, and said calmly and extremely firmly.

"Do you know what you are, traitors, traitors, in my eyes, as long as they are traitors, no matter who they are, there is only one end, that is, death!"

After Lei Zhan finished speaking, he ignored Zheng Kang who was still shouting, took the hunting knife in Feng Xiaoliu's hand beside him, and walked towards Zheng Kang.


At the same time, the soldiers raised their guns, pointed their guns at the convicted bandits in front, put on the insurance, and prepared to shoot these traitors.

"Tap Tap!"

Lei Zhan's footsteps were like the bell of death, and it was so piercing on the execution ground at this moment.

After all, he was once a bandit, Zheng Kang stared at Lei Zhan walking towards him with frenzied resentment, as if he wanted to keep Lei Zhan in his heart and eat him up.

While walking, Lei Zhan stared coldly at Zheng Kang. Although Zheng Kang's eyes were crazy and resentful, he still couldn't hide the fear in his heart. For such a person, Lei Zhan would never be soft-hearted.

If there were fewer such evildoers on the land of China, and they all pointed their guns at the little devil, then the little devil would definitely not be so arrogant.

It is because of these extremely selfish things that help the evildoers and only think about their own enjoyment and interests that the little devils are so arrogant on the land of China.

The soldiers of the Special Operations Battalion watched the advancing Lei Zhan, and the hunters in Fengjiazhuang looked at the bandits who were about to die, with joy in their eyes.

They also hated the bandits, hated these bandits who tried to get something for nothing, burn, kill and loot for their own enjoyment.

Lei Zhan came to Zheng Kang's side, staring at him icily, and slowly raised the hunting knife in his hand.

"Heh heh!"

Zheng Kang still couldn't hold back the fear in his heart, his body began to tremble involuntarily, his lips trembled, and the voice from his mouth was extremely awkward. At this moment, infinite fear completely enveloped him.

"Traitors, only death, next life, don't go the wrong way!"

Lei Zhan looked at the trembling Zheng Kang, and gave him a dying advice. Afterwards, the hunting knife in Lei Zhan's hand dropped quickly.


Accompanied by Zheng Kang's terrified shouting in his heart, after a puff, a chubby head rolled to one side, but the eyes above the head exuded the color of resentment, and there was a monstrous look. hate.

It seems that Zheng Kang will not repent even if he dies.


There was no surprise at all, the moment the head rolled out, a column of blood sprayed out from the headless blood-red neck immediately, and the scarlet column of blood sprayed forward for more than two meters, directly dyeing the land in front of Zheng Kang red , This piece of blood represents that Zheng Kang paid the due price for the evil things he did.


The blood flowed out, and Zheng Kang's headless corpse fell to the ground.

At this time, Lei Zhan suddenly raised the hunting knife dripping blood in his hand, and shouted angrily, "Traitors must die!"

"Traitors must die!"

"Traitors must die!"


Lei Zhan's words completely ignited the blood and passion in the hearts of everyone present. They roared, and they felt the blood burning all over their bodies. At the same time, a belief rose in their hearts, and this belief was extremely firm. .

This belief is: kill devils, punish traitors!

Looking at the anti-Japanese belief shown by everyone in front of him, Lei Zhan nodded in satisfaction, then walked towards the soldiers of the special warfare battalion, and at the same time issued an order loudly: "Execution!"



Accompanied by the word Lei Zhan's execution fell, the soldiers of the special warfare battalion pulled the trigger in their hands without hesitation.





In an instant, the execution ground was charged with screams and gunshots.

Blood splattered, blood mist shrouded!
They paid the price for what they had done before.

Lei Zhan's definition: No matter who you are, as long as you collude with little devils, there is only one word: die!

No matter what skin you put on, you will not escape justice!

Traitor, traitor, die!
Traitors, traitors, kill!

Traitors, traitors, punish!
(End of this chapter)

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