Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2095 Echelon Attack

Chapter 2095 Echelon Attack
For what happened below, Yang Hu, Lei Ming and others on the sniper position could see clearly.

They have all the movements of these little devils in their eyes, and even, what these little devils want to do next is clear in their hearts.

After all, the training they received was several grades higher than these little devils.

It can be said that these little devils' current special warfare training, etc., what they have mastered, in front of Yang Hu, Lei Ming and others, is completely what they have left.

They have the qualifications to say so.

Of course, these little devils at this time simply don't know about this point.

If they knew, would they be pissed off by this situation?

Believe me, this is for sure!

"Captain, the method these little devils came up with is really good. Using mud to fight instead of bullets is completely feasible. It avoids casualties during training and achieves results."

Seeing the mud of these little devils, Lei Ming agreed.

Although I look down on these little devils and don't treat these little devils as human beings, they are just animals and want to kill all these little devils.

However, the method they came up with is absolutely undeniable, it is useful as long as it is useful, and they will not lie or nonsense.


Yang Hu nodded, his eyes were full of curiosity, this method must be useful, but Yang Hu couldn't guess which devil officer thought of this method, it was indeed good.

"The method is a good method, but unfortunately, it was used by these beasts."

At this time, Yang Hu's eyes had regained the murderous intent, he looked at the little devils who were about to act, and said.

"Hey, anyway, these little devils won't be jumping around for long, so why bother?"

The corners of Lei Ming's mouth curled up, and his eyes also said with murderous intent: "Next, kill their officers, and make sure that all the plans of these little devils will be paralyzed. If it is Zeyang, whether it is them It is useless to master any skills, anyway, they are already dead."


Yang Hu said: "No matter how good the method is, it can only be used when the person is alive. If the person is dead, then everything is useless!"

"Ha ha!"

Lei Ming and Yang Hu looked at each other and laughed one after another.

The situation is such a situation, no matter how good your plan is, no matter how good your plan is, but if you die, it will be useless.

If a person does not die, all these can be accomplished, but after a person dies, it is useless to say anything.

"Get ready to snipe, watch now, and wait for these devil's special forces to complete the beheading task, that is the moment we snipe."

Yang Hu said: "At the last moment, we are going to let these little devil's special forces, in the excitement of victory, instantly fall into despair, hit them hard, and hit them hard at what they are best at. Hit them hard. This is what I need to do most here, how can I deal the biggest blow to these little devils while completing the plan and tasks."

Yang Hu had his own thoughts in his heart, and at this moment, he directly told Lei Ming about his thoughts.

"Hey, I thought so too!"

Lei Ming laughed and said: "I believe, all of our team members think so at this time, and now we have this tacit understanding!"

"Ha ha!"

Yang Hu smiled, stopped talking, but turned his gaze back to the devil's battlefield in front of him.

At this time, they can already start preparations. Yang Hu and the others are done. As long as these little devils start acting, it won't take long for the distance to end.

Although, the special warfare members of these little devils only received ordinary special warfare training.

However, ordinary basic special warfare training is also special warfare training, and it is also unmatched by the rest of the devil soldiers!

I believe that as long as the battle begins, it will definitely not take long. The eleven special bombers who disappeared before can complete the beheading operation.

As a special bomber, Yang Hu still has confidence and judgment in this.

In fact, not only Yang Hu, but even Lei Ming and the rest of the team basically thought so.

At this moment, they are all ready for combat sniping, waiting for the arrival of the last moment, and directly completing the sniping mission.



The ghost captain officer who led the team, after looking at the time on his watch, immediately issued a combat order to the soldiers who were divided into several teams around him: "Start attacking!"

"Hi Yi!"

In an instant, the first team that received the order immediately started to act.

There are a total of seven offensive teams, each with more than 20 soldiers, which is more than enough to deal with the scene in front of us.

The squad leader, the captain, knew in his heart that as long as the attack was carried out according to the plan and divided into stages, they would definitely be able to attract all the firepower, and the victory belonged to them.

I saw that the little devil soldiers of the first team rushed out of the woods with cloth bags filled with mud in their hands, and charged towards the position not far away.

That's right, the attack of the devils in the first team was completely a charge, a desperate style of play.




The little devils in the defensive position also discovered this at this moment, and the officer leading the team in the front immediately gave the order to attack.


However, just in this instant, the distance of 50 meters has been shortened by more than 20 meters.

From this point, it can be seen that people who have received training are completely different from people who have not received training.

This point can be seen from the speed of their charge. The short-term explosive power is very strong.

At the same time, the devil soldiers in the defensive position immediately started to move after receiving the order. They picked up the mud in their hands and started to attack.

However, as for the twenty or so soldiers of the elimination team who charged, they immediately fell down and crawled forward after entering a distance of 30 meters.

"Whoosh whoosh!"


And the mud thrown by the devils in the fortifications fell through at this moment.

It just hit two attacking soldiers.

It can be said that there is no effect at all.

"Ha ha!"

The lieutenant officer who led the elimination team who saw this scene behind him had a smile on his face.

"The second team is ready, the moment the first team attacks, attack immediately!"

At the same time, he also issued a second order.

The echelon attack was completely used by him.

Alternate cover, the effect at this time is really good!

(End of this chapter)

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