Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2096 Attack in Progress

Chapter 2096 Attack in Progress

The plans and strategies of the devils in this elimination team have been formulated before.

The person who formulated this attack plan was Major Hideo Miyamotojima.

The devils in the elimination team, or their military chiefs, have not yet completed their training, so without this vision, such a plan cannot be formulated.

However, Major Hideo Miyamotojima, death is safe. He is capable of formulating such a plan. After special warfare training, his eyes have been broadened. When he sees this plan, he knows how to carry out the beheading operation.

The plan he made was completely based on the position in front of him and the defensive deployment of the devil soldiers in it.

Because, this is an exercise, there is no exercise with live ammunition, and it is still a beheading operation.

Under such circumstances, if you want to complete the beheading operation, you must go to the rostrum in person, and go to the side of Miyamoto Osamu and Fujii Nakasa and others. Only in this way can the beheading operation be considered as over.

Hideo Miyamoto knew in his heart that it was so troublesome because it was a drill and could not be shot with live ammunition.

If it is really on the battlefield, in the middle of the battle, it will be completely different from what it is now, and there will be no such trouble at all.

At that time, they can directly complete the long-range sniper killing, and kill the commander, the military chief officer, etc., and that's it.

This is when the chief military officer is outside, as in the present case, Miyamoto and others are all outside, if the battle situation and intelligence are like this, they can complete the sniper kill.

If it is said that military chiefs and commanders are in tents and headquarters, then another method must be used.

Anyway, for this point, for himself, Miyamoto Hideo has incomparably huge confidence.

He believed in himself, under the current situation, the plan he made was completely possible.

As long as they complete it according to their own plan, there is absolutely no problem, and the final victory will also belong to them.

Everything comes from knowing the opponent and having confidence in yourself!
The battlefield at this time.

These more than 20 little devil soldiers crawled forward directly after entering 30 meters during the charge.

They successfully escaped the balls of mud and mud blocks thrown by the little devils in this position.

At the moment of dodging, after seeing the balls of mud flying overhead, the more than 30 devils from the elimination team who entered within [-] meters immediately stood up as fast as possible, and at the same time put the guns in their hands. These mud balls were thrown fiercely at the soldiers in the fortification in front of them.

"Whoosh whoosh!"


In an instant, the twenty balls of mud, after drawing a parabola in the air, smashed on the bodies of the twenty little devils in the fortification.





Looking at the scene, these twenty devil soldiers, maybe their faces, maybe their heads, their necks, their eyes, their bodies, etc., were directly covered by mud balls.

It's okay to say that it hits the body, but the feeling of these mud balls hitting the head organs is not so good.

It's not very painful, but it's disgusting!
It looks like mud, and it is really mud, but, look at it, after hitting it on the body, the feeling and appearance are no different from poop.

There is no smell, but imagining this feeling in my mind is not good, and it makes these little devils feel sick in their hearts.

I have to say, this is the power of Papa.

On the battlefield, these beasts didn't feel this, but after being hit by the mud ball during this small exercise, they did feel this way.

The devil soldiers who were beaten were very angry. They wanted to fight back immediately, but before the battle started, there was a rule. After being hit by mud, they were immediately eliminated and waited in place without saying a word , and can't take any action, just wait in place for the end of the exercise.

Getting hit means death!

This point was stipulated at the beginning of the exercise.

So, under such circumstances, no matter how angry these devil soldiers were in their hearts, they had to endure the anger in their hearts and wait in place.

Being immobile is all they need to do now!
"Ha ha!"

"Not bad!"


At this time, Miyamoto Nakazusa, Fujii Nakasa, Nishirin Nakasa and others on the rostrum nodded in satisfaction after seeing this scene.

The mud group's attack is very good, and the tactics they use to eliminate the team are also acceptable. Yes, they are satisfied.

This was what Miyamoto and the others were thinking at this time.


"Ha ha!"

As for Yang Hu, Lei Ming and others on the big tree sniper position outside, after seeing this scene, they immediately laughed.

At this moment, holding these little devils in front of them, this exercise was like watching a play.

These little devil soldiers are now monkeys with mud balls in their hands, acting for them.

Although these little devils have performed well and are remarkable, but these little devils are enemies, they are simply a group of inhuman things.

So, under such circumstances, these little devils are acting for them.

And they are the audience who really decide the life and death of these little devils!


At this time of the exercise battlefield, the twenty or so soldiers of the devil's first attack team who stood up and attacked immediately fell down again after throwing the first round, and began to roll in different directions.



As for the ghost soldiers in the fortifications in front of them, what happened to them? They were in anger, holding a ball of mud in their hands, and threw it at the twenty or so people rolling on the ground.

No matter what, they all wanted to kill these twenty or so people first.

However, in doing so, they overlooked another point, the most critical point.

That is, the second attack team in the woods, also more than [-] devil soldiers, rushed out at the fastest speed.

Their speed, after training before, is very fast, so when the other little devils in this fortification reacted, the twenty-odd devil soldiers in the second team had already put the guns in their hands. The mud ball was thrown over fiercely.

And, after throwing it over, they also avoided and continued to move forward at the fastest speed.

It wasn't until this time that the little devils in the fortifications were able to throw out the mud balls in their hands.

At this moment, a large amount of mud, like hail, was thrown at the forty or so devil soldiers.

However, at this moment, the mutant rebirth!

(End of this chapter)

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