Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2101 They are starting to worry

Chapter 2101 They are starting to worry
After waiting for such a long time, I finally got my chance by this fellow, Miyamoto Hideo.

So, at this moment, without the slightest hesitation, he directly ordered the beheading operation with a look of excitement on his face.

As for the ten special forces members beside him, they were even more excited at this moment. They had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

The twenty or so soldiers in front of them are not enough for them to fight at all, and they are not enjoyable at all, so at this time, they really want to enter the rostrum immediately, facing their regiment captain, and The rest of the officers, complete the beheading operation directly.

Only by killing all the officers on the rostrum, will they have a real sense of honor and be regarded as real special forces members.

In any case, this is a beheading operation, it is their recognition of themselves, and it is also their own experience.

Earlier, their team leader, Major Miyamoto Hideo, had already told them that as long as Neng Ou successfully completed the beheading operation of this exercise, after that, it was time for them to go out on a mission.

After waiting for such a long time, now it is finally coming true, so, at this time, the ten special forces members who follow Major Hideo Miyamotojima will have such excitement in their hearts.

After waiting for such a long time, it is finally going to succeed. Can they not be excited? They will definitely be excited, and they are still extremely excited.

"Keep going!"

After knocking down all the [-] or so soldiers in front of him, Major Hideo Miyamoto ordered again.

In his heart, he was also excited at this time. In fact, his current thoughts are no different from those of his team members. time, is exactly the same.

"Hi Yi!"


As for the ten team members around Hideo Miyamotojima, after hearing his order at this time, they immediately started to act excitedly.

There is nothing unusual around, only the fighting in the fortifications in front of the rostrum is chaotic.

In the chaos, no one found that such a situation had appeared and happened.

Even Miyamoto Osamu and Fujii Nakasa on the rostrum didn't notice this order.

Although they were thinking in their hearts that the soldiers in charge of guarding the fortification had failed at this time, but they still don't know what kind of beheading action this Major Hideo Miyamotojima and others are going to give them.

They only know about this plan now, but they don't know where Miyamoto Hideo and others are operating.

Even Colonel Miyamoto, who finally made the plan, didn't know this.

At this time, Colonel Miyamoto only had expectations in his heart.

As for Fujii Nakazuo and others, the same is true in my heart, I am very looking forward to it, I want to see, in the next time, what is the performance of this Miyamotojima Hideo and others, and how to give them these officers, come The last decapitation operation.

For this, in their hearts, they are looking forward to this moment.

At this time, behind the rostrum where they couldn't see, Major Hideo Miyamoto led his ten team members and lurked over at the fastest speed.

At this time, they have already driven to the edge behind the rostrum. As long as they pass the corner, they can go to the rostrum and complete the final beheading operation.

After coming to this corner, Major Hideo Miyamoto nodded to his ten team members, expressing immediate action.

The team members who saw his movements also nodded at this time, expressing their understanding.

So, they act instantly.


At this time, these little devils fighting in the fortifications in front of the rostrum have reached a feverish stage.

It has to be said that the combat effectiveness of this elimination team is still acceptable. Although there are not many of them left now, there are already quite a few soldiers who were knocked down by them.

From this point, it can be seen that soldiers who have undergone special training are completely different from soldiers who have not undergone special training.

It can be seen from the combat power at this time.

After all, seeing is believing anyway.

The current situation is like this. In the past, after hearing such a situation, they were disdainful and didn't take it to heart.

In their eyes, no matter how well you train, but when you go to the battlefield, what you play will not have that great effect at all.

And the most important point is that at the beginning of the battle, the two sides are still competing for the firepower of artillery and machine guns and so on.

As long as these passes, it really doesn't matter how that person's combat effectiveness is.

Besides, no matter how strong you are in training, your body can't resist guns and ammunition at all.

At that time, if you are hit by a bullet, all your fighting power will be wiped out.

So, under such circumstances, these officers didn't care at all before.

However, the scene in front of them really opened the eyes of Fujii Nakazuo, Nishirin Nakazuo and others.

In this case, as long as they are engaged in hand-to-hand combat on the battlefield, their imperial soldiers will definitely win.

So, under such circumstances, Fujii Nakazusa, Nishibayashi Nakazuo and the others are completely relieved of this matter at this time. Before, no matter what, they were still a little worried. However, at this moment, seeing the scene in front of him, the worries in his heart disappeared immediately.

The hanging heart also fell to the ground.

Now that there is nothing to worry about in their hearts, then all that remains in their hearts is excitement. After completing the mission, they will get military merit and be promoted.




At this time, only the remaining soldiers of the elimination team were fighting tenaciously, and they were all thinking in their hearts, it is now this time, captain, what are you doing, why haven't you acted yet.

They are all going to die now, you haven't come out yet, when do you want to come out.

Come out quickly!
This was the thought in the hearts of the few remaining members of the elimination team.

It can be said that their task at this time has basically been completed. It has been delayed for such a long time and attracted firepower, which is completely enough.

But, under such circumstances, why haven't you come out, what are you doing.

If they can't come out, when they are all killed and the soldiers in these fortifications all return to defense, they will all be finished.

So, at this time, their hearts are even more worried!

(End of this chapter)

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