Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2102 The beheading operation is over

Chapter 2102 The beheading operation is over
In fact, at this time, the little devils in the elimination team are worried, which is completely normal.

I have been busy for so long and in such a large circle, if the final result is not as expected, then everything is really over.

Anyway, in the final result, as long as they fail, all their previous plans will come to naught.

What special forces members, what promotions, etc., are all in vain.

In fact, it is for themselves, otherwise, at this moment, they would not be so anxious in their hearts.

The worry now is that I am worried that I will not get what I planned before.

Of course, the anxiety in their hearts is just the beginning.

In any case, others don't know, but they do know how powerful the fighting power of Hideo Miyamoto and the others are.

It is precisely this that makes them feel inexplicably more confident at this time.

They believed that in the next period of time, Hideo Miyamotojima and the others would definitely be nothing but a blockbuster.

Absolutely, absolutely, will amaze everyone.


"All stop!"

At this moment, Major Hideo Miyamoto, with the ten special forces around him, jumped onto the rostrum with a single leap.

Moreover, they also raised their hands and made a throwing motion. What they were holding in their hands was a real ball of mud.

If Major Miyamotojima Hideo and the others had directly acted at this time, then I believe that the heads and faces of Miyamoto Colonel, Fujii Nakasa, and Nishirin Nakazuo would all be covered in mud.

Of course, such a situation will never happen. Anyway, these people in front of them are all officers. Even if it is for the exercise, it is enough for them to stand beside the officers. Throwing a ball of mud, besides, given them ten guts at this time, they would never dare to do such a thing.

If we do it now, Miyamoto and others may not blame them, but they will definitely be miserable when the exercise is over, and they believe in this.

Therefore, at this time, Miyamoto Hideo and the others were only holding the mud ball in their hands, and did not make any further moves at all.

Of course, under the expectant eyes of Miyamoto Nakasa and others, and under the surprised eyes of Fujii Nakasa and Nishibayashi Nakasa, Major Miyamoto Hideo and the ten team members around him came directly to Miyamoto Nakasa and Fujii Nakasa. Waiting for someone's side.

The occurrence of this scene also represented the official end of this exercise.

The decapitation operation is perfectly completed.

Everything is the best performance now. If they have guns in their hands, none of the current Miyamoto Osamu and Fujii Nakasa will survive. There is only one officer waiting for them. The result, that is death.

So, what does the current situation on the rostrum represent? It just represents the end and success of this beheading operation.

Undoubtedly, Major Hideo Miyamotojima and others at this time succeeded, and they perfectly completed their beheading exercise.



At this time, the devil soldiers who were fighting under the rostrum also stopped.

The devil soldiers in charge of defense in the fortification looked at the rostrum at this time, all of them were horrified.

It is simply unbelievable that under such circumstances, under the circumstances that they have an advantage over their strength, they have failed.

It can be said that they didn't even see the shadow of Major Miyamotojima Hideo and others. At this time, they had already failed, and they still got the current result.

You know, before, they thought in their hearts that they were sure to win, no matter what, they were sure to win.

Because, in terms of military strength, they have an absolute advantage, and so on.

However, they never thought that they and others would fail.

The result that finally happened, they can't accept it now.


"Ha ha!"


However, compared to the stunned soldiers defending the fortifications at this time, the devil soldiers in the elimination team were different, they laughed heartily.

This refreshing feeling is as refreshing and smooth as drinking a bowl of iced sour plum soup in the scorching heat of June.

Their feeling at this time is completely different from those little devils defending in this fortification, it is different.

It was completely different. The little devils defending in the fortification felt frustrated, failed, and discouraged at this moment.

As for the little devils in the elimination team, their hearts are completely different. In their hearts, at this moment, there is nothing but excitement.

Yes, only excitement.

Excitement is the only thought and feeling in their hearts at this time.

Because, everything they have done before, after winning this exercise, all their efforts will be rewarded.

Although this is not a real battle at all, they are not fools. At certain times, battles that are not real battles often play a more important role. Undoubtedly, this exercise at this time is exactly like this fighting.

So, at this time, their hearts were extremely excited.

As for the ghost soldiers in charge of fortification defense, they also know now that the result has already happened and is destined. No matter what they say now, it is useless. For this result, they can only accept it now. , There is no chance to refute at all, and the result has become a foregone conclusion.

Either way, accept it!
Now they can only do this!
"Ha ha!"

At this moment, Colonel Miyamoto, who was on the rostrum, immediately laughed.

Looking at Major Miyamoto Hidetoshi in front of him, he was very satisfied. Miyamoto Hideo did not disappoint him, and successfully completed the mission of beheading, which made Fujii Nakasa and others look at him with admiration at this moment.

In Miyamoto's heart, at this moment, he also thought that Fujii Nakasa and the others, after seeing this result, should let go of the hanging heart.

"Haha, Your Excellency, congratulations!"

Fujii Nakasa directly said to Miyamoto Colonel, seeing this result, in his heart, at this time, he was undoubtedly very happy and happy.

Besides, Hideo Miyamoto is the nephew of Colonel Miyamoto, congratulations, it is completely possible and should be.

"Yes, Your Excellency, Captain, congratulations!"

"Ha ha!"


The same is true for Lieutenant Commander Xilin and other minor officers at this time.

Each of them has their own plans in their hearts. For the sake of their future selves, they now understand what they should do.

"OK OK!"

Colonel Miyamoto was very satisfied, but he still acted as expected, and said very calmly: "The exercise has ended successfully, this is the beheading operation in special operations, directly cutting off the enemy's brain, let The whole body of the enemy is paralyzed. Of course, this is just a drill, and the actual combat effect cannot be achieved. However, I believe that you can deduce it in your heart. So, the mission I told you before, you You also have to know in your heart, what should you do in the next time."

When he said this, a smile appeared on Miyamoto's face,

However, at this time, what he didn't know, and what all the little devils didn't know, was that in the woods right in front of the rostrum where they were, the muzzles of black guns were pointing at them , It's like the gaze of the god of death!
(End of this chapter)

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