Chapter 211
Lei Zhan led Lei Ming and the sniper team to move quickly through the forest, approaching the cottage in the middle of Laodao Mountain on the other side of Laodao Mountain at the fastest speed.

Moreover, as he continued to move forward, Lei Zhan had already found a sniper position that was very suitable for sniping.


Laolu Mountain, cottage.

Everyone in the cottage who heard the croaking of the old black bird rushed out of the room one after another. Everyone was holding a brand new medium-sized rifle, and a dozen people were holding several Czech light machine guns. A light machine gun.

The recruited bandits in the cottage quickly entered the fortifications in front of the cottage, set up light and heavy machine guns, and with a look of vigilance on their faces, pointed their cold muzzles at the path up the mountain below and the forest on one side among.

At this moment, two middle-aged men wearing national army uniforms with open arms came out of the room in the center of the cottage. The two men were walking while wearing belts, their faces , all wearing a woman's lipstick and lip prints.

I wonder what these two guys did in the room just now?
When the two came to the fortification, the bandits inside the fortification greeted one after another: "Hi, the second master!"

"Hello, battalion commander, deputy battalion commander!"

The disheveled bandits dressed in national army uniforms called the two people in front of them differently.

These two people are the first head and second head of the old mountain, the major battalion commander Zheng Dalong, the captain and the deputy battalion commander Zheng Lin, the former second head of the old old head.

"Brother, it seems that it's not the third child who came back. If the third child brought someone back, the black ravens would not panic. After all, we have been in Laolu mountain for so long, and the black ravens have never flew out of the forest in such a panic. Pass."

The second master, Zheng Lin, looked at the forest below with a serious face, and said to the elder brother Zheng Dalong beside him.

"You are right. If there were not a large number of people going up the mountain, there would never be such a big commotion!"

The master Zheng Dalong nodded, and his face was extremely serious. He also felt that something was abnormal now.

Especially after the third child brought people down the mountain, he couldn't let go of his heart, and always felt that something was going to happen.

At the same time, he regretted endlessly in his heart, regretted setting up this situation. Originally, he thought that Lingchuan's Wolf Warriors would definitely suffer great damage after the war, but the third child left with his people and did not return for such a long time.

Coupled with the intense gunshots in the distance just now, and the sound of explosions, Zheng Dalong felt that things had exceeded his expectations and imagination.

Especially when he thought of the few transactions he made with the little devil, if Shangfeng found out, he would definitely not be able to afford it.

Under the guise of the national army, to do evil things, the officers will never let him go.

"Damn it! Give me a close watch. No matter who goes up the mountain, I will kill everyone. Don't let anyone go!"

After thinking so much, Zheng Dalong made a decision in his heart. Just in case, no matter who goes up the mountain, he will be shot to death, even if the officers of the national army go up the mountain, they will all be shot to death.

Because he had expected that something happened to the third child.


Hearing the command of the master, the bandit soldiers responded loudly, and at the same time pulled the bolt of the gun and put on the safety.

"Don't worry big brother, with heavy machine guns and light machine guns, even a regiment of troops can't attack our Laopa Mountain!"

Hearing the decision made by the elder brother, the second son Zheng Lin finally showed a smile on his face. He was very satisfied with the decision made by the elder brother.

Originally, he was very disgusted with the recruitment of the national army. When he was a soldier under other people, how could he have the freedom to be the emperor of the land on the old mountain? up.

Being a soldier, there are so many constraints, making the whole body uncomfortable and unhappy.

"Well, I hope!"

Hearing what the second child said, Zheng Dalong said with a smile on his face, but the worry hidden deep in his eyes did not show.

Afterwards, the two smoked and waited in the fortification.


At this time, Lei Zhan had already found a sniper position on the side of Laolu Mountain, on a densely forested highland, and Lei Ming and the sniper team also found their own advantageous sniper positions nearby.

This position is slightly higher than the fortifications in the center of the Laolushan cottage, because the dense forest is full of them, which just allows them to hide better.

In this way, the heavy firepower in the old Laoshan cottage will be suppressed in an instant.For Lei Zhan and the snipers, it is better to count and kill them one by one by head.


Yang Fei also led the members of the special warfare battalion, and quickly approached the fortifications in the mountains on both sides.

After Lei Zhan trained them for a long time, they became more proficient in fighting in the jungle. Every team member would hide himself very well during the process of advancing, so as not to be discovered by the bandits on the fortifications of the cottage.

Ten minutes later, Yang Fei led the soldiers of the Special War Battalion to the designated location. They were less than 10 meters away from the fortifications above the cottage.

They hid well and were not discovered by the bandits in the fortifications of the cottage.

At this time, Yang Fei and the special forces members were all on standby, waiting for the battle signal from Lei Zhan. As soon as the signal sounded, they would immediately attack and kill all the traitors on the cottage.


Lei Zhan was lying on top of the rock, and there was a horizontal rock the size of a person in front of him, which was a very good cover.

Lei Zhan observed Yang Fei and the special forces members in the forest through the scope. Others could not find them, but Lei Zhan could. After all, their forest combat techniques were all taught by Lei Zhan.

Seeing that all the soldiers of the Special Operations Battalion had arrived at the combat location, Lei Zhan aimed at the laughing heavy machine gunner in the fortification below.


Without the slightest hesitation, Lei Zhan immediately pulled the trigger.

"Haha, with this heavy machine gun, who the hell can..."

The heavy machine gunner in this copycat fortification was bragging with his companions. But before he finished speaking, a bloody hole appeared on his head in an instant.

The guy kept a smile on his face and fell directly on top of the heavy machine gun.


The penetrating power of the sniper bullets is very strong. After passing through the head of the heavy machine gunner, it will directly carry the blood, and penetrate the chest of the companion next to the heavy machine gun against the soil bag.

This guy also had an unbelievable expression on his face, so he died!
The people next to the heavy machine gunner were stunned the moment they were splashed with red and white brains on their faces, and they stared blankly in front of them, unable to believe the sudden scene in front of them.

"Fuck him. Damn, do it!"

After the first master heard the gunshots, he yelled, and immediately lay down in the fortification with the second master, not even daring to lose his head!

(End of this chapter)

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