Chapter 212 Attack

"Da da da!"

The moment after Lei Zhan's gun fired, Yang Fei and the special forces members began to brutally attack the bandit soldiers in the fortifications of the cottage.




At the moment of this exchange of fire, more than a dozen bandit soldiers were killed in the fortifications.




Lei Zhan and the sniper team were not idle either, they sniped and killed the bandit soldiers with light machine guns one by one.


The leader Zheng Dalong looked at the subordinates who were killed in the fortification, and those who were hiding in place and did not dare to show their faces, a ball of fire suddenly rose in his heart, and there was great fear mixed in this fire.

He didn't expect that the enemy's firepower was so powerful that they could be completely suppressed in this instant.

The most exasperating thing is that people don't know when they touched it, which makes Zheng Dalong hate these subordinates in front of him.

"Hit them all, I'll kill whoever.

The second master, Zheng Lin, lay on the ground and yelled loudly. Anyway, he didn't dare to stand up now. He could feel the bullets whizzing past above his head. He believed that as long as he stood up, he would definitely be punched into a hole. .

"Grass girl!"

Seeing his subordinates still covering their heads and hiding in place, the leader Zheng Dalong was furious. If this continues, he will be outflanked and wiped out.

He doesn't want to die here, he still has a lot of money that he hasn't spent, and the women on the kang haven't enjoyed enough!

Thinking of this, Zheng Dalong pulled out the pistol at his waist with a sullen expression, and aimed two shots at the immobile men nestled in the fortifications.

Zheng Dalong's marksmanship is still good. After two shots, two of his men were killed by headshots.

"Hurry up and call me!"

Accompanied by Zheng Dalong's roar, the terrified bandit soldiers, looking at their comrades who were killed in front of them, held up their guns tremblingly, got up slowly, and began to fight back.


Because of the fear in their hearts, the bandit soldiers shot their guns trembling all over. All the bullets went to the west, and they didn't hit a single special forces member at all.

Not only did they fail to hit the special forces, the moment the bandit soldiers stood up in the fortification, immediately more than a dozen bandits fell into the fortification again.

The moment he fell to the ground, the bandit's head and neck began to gurgle blood, and in a short while, a large area of ​​the ground within the fortification was dyed red.

Seeing this scene, Zheng Lin, the second head of the family, no longer had the brave demeanor of the past. He shuddered on the ground, and fear was revealed in his eyes. It was the first time since he became a bandit that he felt that death was so close to him. , he doesn't want to die, he wants to live!

"Oh shit!"

"Give me heavy machine guns, light machine guns, hurry up, fire suppression!"

Zheng Dalong roared angrily, and at the same time his heart began to feel cold, he had a premonition that he would not survive today, but no matter what, he had to fight, until the end, no one knew what the result would be.

However, none of the bandits who heard Zheng Dalong's order dared to hold light and heavy machine guns. They knew very well in their hearts that whoever holds the light machine gun or the heavy machine gun will die.


Seeing the indifferent subordinates, Zhang Dalong fired two shots again, and two more bandit soldiers fell to the ground.

After the two bandits fell, the bandit soldiers finally couldn't suppress the fear in their hearts. Several of them slowly climbed to the side of the light machine gun and the heavy machine gun.





The reality is cruel. As soon as the bandit soldiers stood up, they were shot in the head by the soldiers of Lei Zhan and the sniper team before they came to shoot.

In relief and unwillingness, the bandit soldiers holding light machine guns and driving heavy machine guns fell to the ground with headshots.


Yang Fei quickly approached with the special forces team members!
At this time, Yang Jian and Feng Xiaoliu pressed up together, and now the real army is pressing down.

After 1 minute, Yang Fei and Yang Jian successfully merged.

"Use a grenade!"

Seeing Yang Jian pressing up, Yang Fei smiled slightly and roared!
Afterwards, more than a dozen soldiers from the Special Operations Battalion and more than a dozen soldiers from the Sharp Knife Battalion took out grenades one after another, knocked them open, and threw them into the fortifications of the cottage 50 meters away.

In an instant, more than 20 black sweet potato grenades smashed into the fortifications like hailstones. Under the horrified eyes of the bandits, the sweet potato grenades roared.


"Bang Ka!"



At this moment, the fortifications in the entire cottage, including more than 200 bandit soldiers, were all shrouded in flames and explosions.


Among them, accompanied by blown heads, internal organs, blood sausage, and their screams of fear before death.

At this moment, the bandit soldiers paid the due price for their treasonous actions.

Half a minute later, the explosion ended, and the place was full of thick gunpowder smoke. The two battalion commanders, Yang Fei and Yang Jian, who saw this scene, immediately led the soldiers to surround them upwards.

They want to wipe out the traitors!

"Let's go, go down and have a look!"

Seeing Yang Fei, Yang Jian and the soldiers below surrounded the fortifications and the cottage, Lei Zhan ran down with Lei Ming and the soldiers of the sniper team.


"Da da da!"

The soldiers of the Special Operations Battalion and the Sharp Knife Battalion surrounded them, without the slightest hesitation, they shot at the bandits inside the fortifications.

After a while, the battle is over!
Yang Fei and Yang Jian saw Lei Zhan running not far away, and immediately turned to salute.

"Report to the commander, the enemy has been wiped out!"

Yang Fei reported.


After Lei Zhan heard this, he nodded in satisfaction, and glanced at the fortifications, and Lei Zhan saw the two masters of Laojishan who were bombed and killed next to him.

As long as these two bandit leaders die, the operation will be considered a success. Traitors must die, and Lei Zhan will never show any mercy.

"Clean the battlefield and take away all usable supplies! Also, check any place in the cottage, don't miss anything!"

Lei Zhan looked at the cottage in front of him, and ordered, he heard from Feng Xiaoliu that the bandits on Laogu Mountain had existed for more than ten years.

Now, what Lei Zhan has to do is to take all these things away, to help the people, and to support the Eighth Route Army's anti-Japanese cause.

You must know that not all the Eighth Route Army is as rich as the Wolf Warriors. There is no shortage of guns or food. There are still many Eighth Route Army soldiers in many places who are suffering. Therefore, Lei Zhan is going to help them and support them.

Be united and friendly, fight the little devils better, strive to wipe out all the little devils in the Chinese battlefield one day earlier, and prevent the little devils from withdrawing from RB. Anyway, there is only one belief that Lei Zhan insists on. Traitors and little devils, all killed, all exterminated In the Chinese battlefield!


Suddenly, the sound of gunshots came from the room in the middle of the cottage!

(End of this chapter)

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