Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 213 A cheap person

Chapter 213 A cheap person

After hearing the sound of gunshots, the expressions of Lei Zhan, Yang Jian, Yang Fei, and Lei Ming suddenly changed, because the gunshots coming from the room were not the sound of [-] Dagai and Czech-style and Zhongzheng rifles, but It was the sound of bastard box pistols.

The soldiers who went in to search were not equipped with pistols like bastard boxes at all.

Thinking of this, Lei Zhan immediately ran towards the room where the gunfire sounded with the three of them and the special forces team.

After coming out of the room, Lei Zhan leaned against the wall, glanced inside, and immediately saw the two soldiers of the Sharp Knife Battalion lying on the ground.

At this time, the two soldiers were all lying in a pool of blood, and in front of the soldiers lying down, there was a big bed, and on top of the big bed, there were two women with fierce faces.

The two women were disheveled, revealing a large area, and they were facing the door with their guns.

There was actually a phone on the wooden table next to the big bed, which surprised Lei Zhan.


It seemed that Lei Zhan had been spotted, and the two villains shot immediately. Fortunately, Lei Zhan dodged quickly, otherwise, he would definitely be hit in the head.

"Oh shit!"

Seeing this scene, Yang Fei and others cursed with bad expressions.

Ignoring the people next to him, Lei Zhan pulled out the bastard box from Yang Jian's waist, rolled over, and entered the room.


Seeing this scene, Yang Jian was startled and wanted to call Lei Zhan to stop, but Yang Fei behind him gave him a hammer, and then Yang Jian stopped talking. Thinking of Lei Zhan's skill, he didn't think so much. worried.

Seeing a person rushing in from the door, the two vicious women suddenly showed a fierce look on their faces, aimed the guns in their hands at Lei Zhan on the ground, and immediately pulled the trigger.


It's a pity that they are fast, and Lei Zhan's speed is even faster. When the two villains just reacted, Lei Zhan had already shot.

Two shots were fired, just hitting the hands of the two wicked women holding the guns, and the guns fell to the ground immediately.


The two vicious women covered their injured hands with pained faces, and glared at Lei Zhan who stood up on the ground. Their eyes wanted to eat Lei Zhan.

"Damn, dare to kill my comrade-in-arms!"

Lei Zhan let out a murderous roar, just in time there was a big knife in front of the table, Lei Zhan picked it up, and quickly slashed at the two wicked women on the bed.


Seeing this scene, the two wicked women screamed in fear, jumped off the bed, and were about to run away.

What's even more shameful is that the two villains were not wearing any clothes underneath, only a small red gown was on their upper body, and the gown was basically open, so shameless!
Lei Zhan was unmoved, looking at one of the villains who were about to run away along the wall, Lei Zhan jumped up suddenly, turned his strong body in the air, raised the knife in his hand, and slammed it against the wall The wicked woman on the side slashed over.


Seeing that there was no hope of escape and the big knife slashing above her head, the wicked woman screamed in despair. She was already captured by Lei Zhan's aura.


This wicked woman was scared to pee on the spot.


Without the slightest hesitation, Lei Zhan slashed down with the big knife in his hand, and with a puff, the vicious woman was cut open in two, and blood spattered everywhere.


At this time, another wicked woman who was running towards the other side was about to escape to the window not far away.

If she could see it from the front, a smile appeared on the face of this evil woman. She knew that as long as she could jump out of the window in front of her, she would definitely escape safely.


Looking at the evil woman who fled to the bed, Lei Zhan's cold face flashed murderousness again, he grabbed the big knife in his hand, and threw it at the evil woman.


There was no surprise at all, when great hope rose in the vicious woman's heart, the big knife directly penetrated her heart in the back of her chest.

Accompanied by the sound of 'thump', the wicked woman was directly fixed on the wooden wall by the big knife, and the blood immediately flowed down on the knife body.

The process of Lei Zhan killing the two vicious women seemed to be slow, but in fact it only took a moment.

"Good kill!"

At this time, Yang Jian and the others ran in with the soldiers. When they saw the soldiers in the pool of blood on the ground, and the wicked woman who was killed by Lei Zhan, they immediately applauded loudly.

Their soldiers can't die in vain, after all they are warriors who fight against devils, unexpectedly they died in the hands of two bandit wives.

"Pass down the order, be sure to be vigilant against the people in the cottage, kill them all, and leave no one behind!"

Lei Zhan ordered loudly.

The soldiers who heard the order quickly sent a message.

After this incident, Lei Zhan knew that he must not be merciful to the evil bandits, and must maintain [-]% vigilance, otherwise, he must be the one who was injured.

The evil bandits are all poisonous snakes, no matter men or women, as long as they find the right opportunity, they will definitely bite back, causing benevolent soldiers to be injured or even killed.

The scene in front of you is the best example.

Originally, there were no casualties in this battle, and Lei Zhan was very happy in his heart, but after the two soldiers sacrificed due to carelessness or kindness, Lei Zhan's mood suddenly became bad.

Including Yang Jian and Yang Fei in front of them, they all looked ugly. It's okay to die on the battlefield, but it's a pity to die at the hands of two bandit wives.

"Accidents cannot be avoided, and the soldiers can only be more vigilant!"

After Lei Zhan finished speaking, he raised his foot and walked out of the room.

Yang Jian and the others looked at each other and were about to follow.

"Jingle Bell……!"

Just when everyone was about to leave, the phone on the wooden table next to the big bed suddenly rang.

Everyone who heard the ringing of the phone stopped immediately.

Yang Jian and Yang Fei looked at Lei Zhan who was about to walk out of the door and stopped to see what instructions Lei Zhan had and whether he would answer the phone or not.

After hearing the phone ringing, Lei Zhan frowned, turned around and walked towards the ringing phone without any hesitation.

"Jingle Bell!"

Lei Zhan came to the wooden table, picked up the phone, and waited for the person on the other side to speak.

"Zhang Dalong, what's going on, what's the matter with the gunshots on your side?"

There was silence on the phone for a few seconds, and then there was a questioning voice.

Lei Zhan could hear from the voice that this person was not only dissatisfied with Zhang Dalong, but also faintly disdainful.

"Is it causing trouble again? Don't think that with Master Zhang protecting you, you can be lawless. Don't piss me off. I will bring a cannon to flatten your old mountain, damn it!"

The people over there heard that Lei Zhan didn't make a sound, and he immediately cursed angrily. It seemed that he was also very dissatisfied with Zhang Dalong from Laodao Mountain.

Hearing this person's tone, even though he has never met, Lei Zhan's favorable impression of this person greatly increased. From the tone, it can be heard that this person should be an upright person.

"I am Lei Zhan!"

Hearing this, Lei Zhan said in an extremely calm tone.

After Lei Zhan's words were spoken, the phone fell silent...

(End of this chapter)

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