Chapter 2115
Yes, on the battlefield, this is actually the case.

The power of grenades and small-caliber shells is not very great. As long as they can find cover, there is no problem in avoiding their lives.

But, once you haven't found a bunker, its lethality is definitely extremely violent. Its power is not like a heavy artillery shell, which can shock people to death when it hits the ground.

It's the fragments flying around indiscriminately, these debris, these things, are the real powerful ones.

That thing, like a sharp blade, is spinning at a high speed, as long as it is scratched on the body, it will definitely be a deep gash.

This is still to say that there is no fatal point.

If it is scratched on the head or on the neck, under such circumstances, it is completely fatal, and it is much stronger than the power of a bullet.

So, at this time, the ordinary little devil soldiers who were chasing from behind, and the soldiers who charged at the front, encountered this situation now.

The fragments flew randomly and splashed in all directions, piercing their bodies like sharp knives, or causing a penetrating wound to their bodies.

The power of a grenade is not very great.

However, the layout of this booby trap is not just a grenade.

The grenades they carried were not many, but, under the situation in front of them, if more than 40 grenades exploded together, the power would definitely not be small.

In addition, in the woods, the ground is full of stone flakes, as well as blasted sawdust, etc., these things, under the blessing of the grenade explosion, directly bless its original power several times There are more.

It can be said that among the one hundred devil soldiers who were shrouded in the explosion area and pinched, they can survive, definitely not more than 30 people.

The rest must be dead, even if there is no death, it is still a serious injury.

Under the current conditions, as long as they are seriously injured, they have no chance of surviving, and what awaits them is still death. This is beyond doubt.

On the battlefield, after being injured, the most fearful thing is that the medical condition will fail.

"Whoosh whoosh!"


The explosion, after this, is not the end, the fragments he flew in all directions extended in all directions.

This time, the devil soldiers who followed closely also suffered disaster.





Those who rushed to the front were directly pierced by fragments through their necks, or shot into their heads or chests, and fell to the ground instantly to die.

The lighter ones also fell to the ground with serious injuries.

In an instant, there were screams again and again.

At this moment, as the explosion started, the little devils who were chasing after them, their energy to charge and their indomitable momentum instantly collapsed.

It's that simple, the explosion this time knocked back the little devils who were charging and chasing them back to their original form in an instant.

The aura that had been condensed all the way before that disappeared at this moment.



The hundreds of ghost soldiers surviving behind, their charging tendency, stopped immediately at this moment.

The key point is that under the situation in front of you, it is impossible not to stop.

There is no one who is not afraid of death. Without the leadership of an officer, they don't know what kind of situation is ahead. If they rush to attack like this, who knows what will happen.

Who knows if the explosion will continue, if it continues, then if they rush over like this, they are courting death.

Even though they wanted revenge, they wouldn't do it so foolishly for such an obvious act of courting death.

Humans have self-knowledge, not to mention these little devils who are like animals, they are not fools.

It is very important to avenge the captain and the officers.

But, your own life is also very important.

The premise of revenge is to save one's own life, only in this way can one take revenge.

This is what the little devils who were chasing after him were thinking at this moment.

Peeking at each other.

Yes, that's it.

I have lingering fears.

This explosion instantly made these little devils who had been stunned by their anger wake up.

Although they are now more angry and murderous in their hearts.

However, the explosion scene in front of them gave them a calmness that they didn't have before.

This calmness made the hundreds of devil soldiers stop in place.





At this time, the explosion ended, and the screams of devils came from the explosion area immediately.

At this time, in the woods, such screams resounded, which seemed a little strange and shrill.

"Rescue, rescue quickly!"

"Medical soldiers!"


The Devil Sergeant Cao and Cao Chiefs outside who were not affected by the explosion immediately began to issue orders.

"Hi Yi!"


The ghost soldiers who received the order immediately stepped forward to search, and the following medical soldiers also stepped forward immediately to start treating them.

Although the pursuit will continue, the treatment at this time must not be stopped.

You can't just look at your soldiers and die in front of you like this.

Rescue, begin.

At this time, pursuit has become less important than before.

"Come two teams, immediately investigate the surrounding situation, and delay the pursuit!"

At this time, an older Cao Chang stood up and ordered directly.

At the same time, Sergeant Cao and Cao Chang in the team all stood up and came to his side.

They didn't think of this before, and besides, what's the use of thinking of this.

All the soldiers started to charge.

They were nothing but Cao Chang and Sergeant Cao. Under such circumstances, even if they gave orders, no one would obey them.

So, I can only follow the charge, rush into the woods, and wait for the opportunity.

Now, it was different. The explosion in front of them seemed like a timely rain to them.

In an instant, these soldiers stopped their advance.

In this case, there is no need to blindly charge and chase as before.

You can give an order to investigate first, and then go after the situation after confirming the situation.

At this time, the orders of a sergeant or a chief cao may not be useful.

However, all these military cao and cao chiefs are gathered together, which is very deterrent.

In any case, the Sergeant Cao and Chief Cao are one level higher than the big soldiers like them.

If they don't obey the order, they will be shot, and they will have no chance of redressing their grievances.

"Don't go soon!"



The sergeants and chiefs who surrounded them looked at the soldiers in front of them and immediately scolded them.

In their view, at this time, they are officers.

As for the soldiers in front of them, they had to listen to them.

As the saying goes, holding a chicken feather as an arrow is also very useful under certain circumstances.

Right now, this is a good example.

(End of this chapter)

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