Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2116 Consultation and Investigation

Chapter 2116 Consultation and Investigation

The first Cao Chang, who was relatively older, gave the order, and there were not many devil soldiers who actually acted.

This is also human nature. In such a mess now, the soldiers under his own control have long since gone to nowhere.

And now, the situation is like this again, these little devil soldiers really don't know who to listen to.

It's not that they don't listen, it's that they have lost their minds now and don't know what to do.

The previous charge and pursuit was also in a situation of anger, and there was a breath in my heart against them, supporting them, and charged.

But now, with their own momentum vented, at this time, they really lost their minds.

However, fortunately, the rest of the Devil Army Cao and Cao Chiefs are still very good. Under the current situation, they know what they should do and what they should do.

Therefore, they all walked out among the soldiers in chaos, and all gathered together.

Moreover, they were all single-minded, and carried out the orders of the older Cao Chang.

Anyway, no matter what, these sergeants and cao chiefs at this time, they are really united.

Because, they are very clear in their hearts, there are hundreds of soldiers, and it is not easy to lead without the suppression of real officers at this time.

And these sergeants and chiefs, there are 30 to [-] people. If they don't unite at this time, who knows what will happen in the next time.

If everything is going well, now they can only all unite and unite in front of these soldiers.

Only in this way can the soldiers below be deterred and let them understand that even if there are no officers present, they must carry out the orders.

Otherwise, let's bear the consequences together!

This point, these military cao and cao chiefs, are clear in their hearts.

So, at this time, they must unite. Only in this way can things develop in a better way.

Otherwise, who knows what will happen in the blind pursuit in the next time.

Besides, the elimination team that has received strict training has already gone ahead to pursue it.

In this case, according to the strong fighting power of the elimination team, they will definitely be able to complete the task of hunting down the murderer.

They were behind, just to be on the safe side.

So, keep chasing, no, the difference between fast and slow is not very big.

Of course, this is just the thoughts in the minds of these sergeants and chiefs.

At this time, if their thoughts were known by the captain of the elimination team, they would really be pissed off.

Although the idea is good, don't you know, if you come, the insurance will be great.

It's a pity that the captain of the elimination team at this time will not know about this situation.

"Hi Yi!"


Finally, under the suppression of the [-] or [-] sergeants and Cao Chang, these little devil soldiers began to take orders and act.

More than 30 little devil soldiers went straight forward and slowly began to investigate.

Similarly, there were another [-] to [-] other little devil soldiers who began to scout around.

As for the remaining hundreds of devil soldiers, they, at this time, began to be vigilant.

Of course, they were also thinking about what to do next.

New officers and everything!
As for the twenty or thirty chief Caos and sergeants, they gathered together, with serious faces, and started talking and discussing.

"Tell me, what should we do in the next time?"

The older Cao Chang who gave the order at the beginning looked at the colleagues in front of him and said.

He knew very clearly in his heart that relying on them tightly, it would be impossible to arrange these hundreds of imperial soldiers in the next time. , To come up with a solution in a short time, otherwise, who knows what will happen in the next thing.

He also knows an important thing, that is, if this matter can be resolved satisfactorily under the current situation, it will be a great credit, enough for one of them, or A few people were promoted to lieutenant officer.

There is no doubt about this.

At this time, although he no longer has this ambition, he understands that someone must take the lead in this matter.

Otherwise, no one will take the lead, it will not work at all.

So, at this moment, he directly raised it.



"Yes, we have to discuss what to do next."

"At the very least, we have to make sure that before the arrival of the officers sent by the headquarters, we must not cause chaos in the camp."

"Yes, we must maintain stability during this period of time, otherwise, when the officers arrive later, we Sergeant Cao and Chief Cao will be the first to be implicated."


Regarding this point, the sergeants and chiefs beside them were also very clear in their hearts.

So, for this opinion, at this time, they have nothing to say, and they directly support it with all their strength.

After all, this is also related to their own future, and they must contribute at this time.

It's impossible to mess around like before.

In the past, military officers would step up, but now, they must.

The most important thing is that some of the smart military officers and officers among them also saw an opportunity, an opportunity, on top of this matter.

A good enough opportunity for them to be promoted if done well.

Thinking of this, their hearts instantly became hot.

Therefore, in the following time, these little devils, Sergeant Cao and Cao Chang, immediately started discussions and started discussions.

Time passed, and the rescue work nearby was almost completed.

The lightly wounded were treated quickly, while the seriously wounded were immediately sent back to the camp for treatment.

Treatment here is definitely not possible, there is no such condition at all.

In addition, the devil soldiers in charge of the investigation also completed the investigation at this time, and came to these sergeants and cao chiefs, and began to report,


Several leading devils came here.

"Tell me, what's the situation, what was detected?"


Several Cao Chang asked.

"Report, there are few clues and traces in the front, and there are many traces 100 meters away on the left and right sides."


At this time, the devil soldiers who came back also immediately started reporting, telling the sergeants and chief cao all the things they had scouted.

(End of this chapter)

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