Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2132 Military rank promotion, Takahashi returns

Chapter 2132 Military rank promotion, Takahashi returns


Yes, at this moment, Second Lieutenant Liuhua felt really helpless in his heart.

In the past, he didn't really worry about this wing. Anyway, he had a headquarters.

And now, it's all over.

The headquarters clearly ignored them.

The frontal battlefield is in an emergency, and the officer can't get out. What is the reason?

Oh shit!

At this moment, he could only curse in his heart like this.

Anyway, at this time, the command of the headquarters is issued, and he must obey it.

At this time, Second Lieutenant Liuhua really misunderstood their headquarters.

On the frontal battlefield, the officers are indeed in a hurry.

The headquarters is also angry about what happened to the Miyamoto United, but there is also nothing the headquarters can do.

The war on the frontal battlefield is not like before, and their imperial soldiers can sweep everything.

The current frontal battlefield is no longer what they say, and the Chinese soldiers counterattacked very fiercely.

Their soldiers and officers suffered heavy losses.

In the previous frontal battlefield, at the beginning, not to mention major officers, even lieutenant officers, there were countless deaths, and not many died at all.

However, the current frontal battlefield is completely different.

Not to mention the major officer, even the middle officer, the major officer, and even the major general are all likely to die.

Officer Dazuo died on the frontal battlefield. At this time, the death of the captain of the Miyamoto regiment, Dazuo, is not a big deal. This is completely understandable for their headquarters.

For such a thing to happen, they also want to send officers to come immediately, but unfortunately, there is really no manpower now.

The battlefield has become so big, and the battles are one after another.

And they, whether soldiers or officers, need it.

Originally, the Miyamoto Regiment was also the reserve force of the headquarters, and they were going to go to the frontal battlefield immediately after they had a rest.

Who knows, what I got now is such a news.

Now, what kind of regiment can the Miyamoto regiment without officers be called?

The meaning of the officer of the headquarters is to wait for a while, the officer will not be dispatched, and after that, the second lieutenant on the frontal battlefield will disrupt the Miyamoto regiment and replenish it to other troops. Solve the urgent need.

However, this matter still needs to be reported to the Ministry of the Army, and no one else will care about it. The uncle of Colonel Miyamoto, Lieutenant General Miyamoto Yuliang, must be informed.

Who told the captain of the regiment to have an uncle lieutenant general in the Ministry of War.

As for the Miyamoto United team, whether they really want to disrupt supplements or reorganize, they all need to ask Lieutenant General Miyamoto Yuliang for instructions.

Otherwise, once Lieutenant General Miyamoto Yuliang pursues it later, they will not be able to bear this responsibility.

The lieutenant generals of the Ministry of War are not something the major generals and lieutenant generals in their headquarters can offend.

The Ministry of War is born to be one level higher than them no matter what military rank it is.

In a word, at this time, their headquarters is also very difficult to do.

It's not that I don't want to send officers, but that there are really no manpower to send.

Their headquarters knew in their hearts that at this time, even sending a major officer would be useless, so it would be better not to send them.

So, at the end of the telegram is an order for temporary promotion.

The second lieutenant Liuhua and the second lieutenant Takahashi were promoted, and they were directly promoted to major officers to control the current situation of the Miyamoto Regiment in disarray.

The line of fire was promoted.

The headquarters cannot be dispatched, but it can raise your military rank and temporarily let you take control of the situation here.

However, even if he was promoted to a major officer, the Second Lieutenant Liuhua at this time was not happy at all.

To put it nicely, at this time, I have been promoted to a major officer here, what will happen after that?

It is a joke that such a large regiment can be controlled by a major officer who has been promoted by two second lieutenant officers.

This is completely a thankless thing, and it's okay to do it well.

If it is not done well, what will be the final result?It must be serious.


After yelling and scolding for a while, Second Lieutenant Liuhua could only accept this.

Afterwards, he walked up to the corpse, squatted on the ground, untied the shroud, and took off the rank of the major officer on top of the blood-stained uniforms of the two major officers.

After getting up, he threw it to a chief Cao next to him, and said expressionlessly, "Put it on for me!"

"Hi Yi!"

After receiving the order, Chief Cao immediately took over, and he was replaced by Second Lieutenant Liuhua, oh no, Major Liuhua.

Regarding this point, these little devils were only surprised by this, and then understood.

They speculated that, looking at it this way, the headquarters did not send any officers, but let them, the second lieutenant officer, directly succeed the major officer.

It's normal, it's not like this kind of promotion has never happened before.

They now fully understand this.

Besides, it doesn't care about their affairs, anyway, as long as they do their own affairs well.

"Go find firewood and prepare for cremation!"

After saying this, Major Liuhua turned around and walked towards the headquarters tent.

The order has been issued, there is nothing he can do now, just wait.

Since the headquarters has not sent officers to come here, it has not said who is responsible for pursuing it.

So, don't worry about it for the time being, just wait and see, and wait and see what happens next.

As for the confession, the headquarters didn't ask for it now, and they were promoted to the military rank, so let alone talk about it.

No matter what it is, let's talk about it when the time comes.

"Hi Yi!"


These little devils are directly taking orders.

It is normal for the battlefield to be cremated.

The soldiers of their dead empire all did this, and the battlefield was cremated.

This is true whether you are an officer or a soldier.

No one can be an exception.

They also don't have the conditions to transport the corpse back.

In the end, the only thing that can be brought back is the urn.

time flies.

Lieutenant Takahashi, who was in the woods, was almost approaching the camp.

He still doesn't know at this time that he has been promoted to a major officer, right now, if he knows that he has been promoted to a major officer and no officers are sent to the headquarters, he doesn't know what kind of feeling he will feel in his heart .

You should be happy when your rank is promoted.

But think about other things, or forget it.

You can tell by looking at the sergeants and chiefs following him.

Downcast, no energy, no morale.

If the officers of their headquarters were to see and know this point, they would probably be pissed to death!
Soon, Second Lieutenant Takahashi came out of the camp with these chief Caos and sergeants, as well as the soldiers and the corpses they carried.

(End of this chapter)

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