Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2133 The Worried Major Takahashi

Chapter 2133 The Worried Major Takahashi

Lieutenant Takahashi, with these hundreds of soldiers, carried the corpses to the outside of the camp.

Seeing the camp in front of them, the worries in their hearts were finally let go. Anyway, this camp is their home at this time.

"Back to camp!"

Even Second Lieutenant Takahashi breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Miyamoto and others were killed on the rostrum in this camp, this was before, and now they are absolutely safe.

This point, the Second Lieutenant Takahashi at this time, can guarantee it with his own life.

He believed that the secret murderer, at this time, absolutely did not have such a great energy, and if they came back to kill them, even an assassination would be impossible, which would require a lot of energy and a more complete plan.

Obviously, this is even more difficult. Second Lieutenant Takahashi still can't believe that these dark murderers will come back.

Therefore, based on these analyzes, Second Lieutenant Takahashi can be sure that they are safe now, as long as they enter the camp, they are still [-]% safe.

"Your Mightiness!"

At this time, the devil soldiers who were on guard outside the camp saluted immediately after seeing Second Lieutenant Takahashi's return.

However, when they saw that the corpses brought back by Second Lieutenant Takahashi were all of their own, their eyes could not help but become sad.

They are all soldiers like them, and every time they fight, it is their soldiers who die.

This time, it was their companions who died.

Perhaps, next time, the ones who died might be themselves.

The murderer must have not been caught or killed, otherwise, their returned companions would definitely not have the same expression as they do now.

Victory and defeat can't be hidden on the battlefield at all, but can be seen from their expressions.


Second Lieutenant Takahashi nodded and walked directly into the camp without saying anything.

He knew that even if he wanted to know the situation in the camp now, it would be impossible at all. What did the soldiers standing guard know? It would be better to go to the camp and ask Second Lieutenant Liuhua.

At this time, he didn't know that he and Second Lieutenant Liuhua had already been promoted to major officers.

"Take the corpse and prepare for cremation. Presumably, Second Lieutenant Liuhua has already made arrangements."

After entering the camp, Second Lieutenant Takahashi ordered directly to the soldiers with corpses beside him.

"Hi Yi!"


The soldiers who received the order immediately took the corpses and walked towards the rostrum.

It was not very far from the rostrum, and they could all see that firewood had begun to pile up next to the corpse on the rostrum.

"Go back to camp!"

As for the soldiers behind him, Second Lieutenant Takahashi asked them to return to the camp and wait for the next step.

"Hi Yi!"

After these devil soldiers received the order, they also left directly.

What's more, these little devils, the idea in their hearts now is to go back and take a good rest.

They have done what they should do, even if they are doing something, they still have to wait for the next order, so there is no rush at all.


Second Lieutenant Takahashi sighed, shook his head helplessly, and walked towards the headquarters tent.

The current situation is not as simple as they thought.

On the way back, Lieutenant Takahashi thought about it for a while. He believed that these hidden murderers were here to target them specifically. This way, there was definitely a purpose. Otherwise, they would not have taken such a big risk. , only for the officers in their Miyamoto Wing.

Therefore, these murderers, they must have a plan.

As for what he was drawing, he couldn't think of it at this time, and he was very confused.

However, he believes that as long as he goes back and thinks about it, strokes it, or discusses it with Second Lieutenant Liuhua, he will know what they are planning.

The Hongshan area is not very big, what they want to do, they should be plotting something in the Hongshan area.

Even if it is farther away, it is in the Hongshan area, Guanshan and Qingshan areas, these three areas.

He still doesn't know what is in these three areas and is so important, so he needs to ask Second Lieutenant Liuhua to see if he knows.

Soon, Second Lieutenant Takahashi came outside the headquarters tent.

Without stopping, Second Lieutenant Takahashi stepped forward, opened the curtain, and walked in.

As soon as he entered the tent, he saw Second Lieutenant Liuhua sitting by the desk.

"Liuhua-jun, what's going on?"

Seeing Second Lieutenant Liuhua, Second Lieutenant Takahashi immediately asked.

"Oh, Takahashi-kun is back!"

Hearing Second Lieutenant Takahashi's words, Second Lieutenant Liuhua, no, he is already a major officer now, but Second Lieutenant Takahashi didn't know it yet, and Major Liuhua said, "It's almost done, we just have to wait."

While speaking, he got up and stood up.

"Mr. Liuhua, you...!"

However, when Second Lieutenant Takahashi was about to say something else, he saw the military rank of Second Lieutenant Liuhua, which was different.

"Master... Major!"

Seeing the rank of Major, Second Lieutenant Takahashi's eyes widened, his face was full of disbelief, and he stuttered.

He was full of doubts in his heart, what was going on.

Why in the blink of an eye, he just went out for a trip, and when he came back, the second lieutenant Liuhua, who was at the same level, became a major officer.

Could it be that he deliberately got the military rank off the corpse and put it on for himself.

However, as soon as he thought of this, he vetoed it. At such a juncture, imperial officers would not do such a thing, it was too boring.

"Ha ha!"

As for Major Liuhua, after seeing Second Lieutenant Takahashi's surprise, he smiled wryly.

He didn't explain, and came directly to Second Lieutenant Takahashi, and took out the ranks of the other two major officers from his pocket.

And, under Lieutenant Takahashi's surprised gaze, he tore off his military rank and put on him the rank of Major Commander.

"Liuhua-jun, what is going on?"

Takahashi was very puzzled, so he asked directly.

"Mr. Takahashi, it was an order from the headquarters at this time. Now both of us are genuine officers who don't leave."

Shao Zuo Liuhua smiled wryly, how could he explain it? It would be better to just say the telegram from the headquarters: "That's right, the telegram from the headquarters...!"

In this way, Major Liuhua told Major Takahashi the telegram sent to him by the headquarters.


Hearing this, Major Takahashi was also speechless. What the hell is the headquarters doing? By promoting the two of them to Major at this time, will the matter in this regiment be resolved? Impossible .

The two of them don't have such a great ability, and Major Takahashi is still self-aware about this order.

If the two of them really relied on their own abilities to be promoted to major officers, then that's uncertain, and they can still handle this matter.

Unfortunately, this is not the case.

Therefore, at this time, his heart is also very helpless.

I was also completely puzzled, how could the headquarters issue such an order?

Could it be that the form of the frontal battlefield is really so severe?
Thinking of this, Major Takahashi's face became even more sad!
(End of this chapter)

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