Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 220 Meeting

Chapter 220 Meeting
Night will come soon.

In the headquarters, all the cadres of Lei Zhan and the Wolf Warriors regiment gathered here.

At this time, the brothers of the third battalion had already left, they were replenished with soldiers, and Lei Zhan provided a large amount of equipment to the third battalion, and the third battalion had completely restored its organizational system and combat effectiveness.

Looking at these people who were silent beside him, Lei Zhan smiled slightly. Although these guys are in a meeting, no one is speaking now. They are all sitting there alone, in a daze, and smoking.

"You guys also talk about how our Wolf Warriors will develop next, and how can we better manage the county?"

Lei Zhan scanned the crowd and said.

"You are the leader, listen to you!"

"That's right, listen to you, we just fight and kill devils."

"Yes, such matters are left to you, the political commissar, and the deputy head of the regiment. We only care about killing the devils, and we don't bother to think about things like this."


Hearing Lei Zhan's words, the battalion commanders and company commanders present immediately dropped their picks, and they said one after another.

Especially people like Yang Jian, they can talk about wars, but they should forget about such thought-consuming things as giving opinions.

"You guys!"

Hearing what Yang Jian and the battalion commanders said, political commissar Zhang Jibing and deputy commander Yang Xingguo laughed and cursed.

"Get out, get out, all of you, next, I will discuss with the head of the group and the political commissar, we don't need you."

Yang Xingguo, the deputy head, continued to scold with a smile.

"Ha ha!"

"Okay, let's withdraw first!"

"It's been a day of training, go back and soak your feet well to relieve fatigue."

"That's right, it's up to your big leaders to make decisions about things like this!"


Hearing the words of deputy head Yang Xingguo, Yang Jianlima took the lead, shamelessly, and left.

Seeing Yang Jian taking the lead, the remaining battalion and company commanders all smiled, got up and left while talking.

After all, the soldiers who have been training for a day are very tired. It is better to go back and rest. This kind of important matter should be left to the big leaders.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing everyone leave and what they said, Lei Zhan also laughed out loud.

For this group of soldiers under him, he really has nothing to do. They are absolutely screaming and charging forward when they kill little devils and go to the battlefield, but when it comes to the meeting, they urinate in an instant and say nothing. Said, and some left the scene in a row.

In their opinion, it is better to train soldiers than to hold a meeting. They just follow the instructions, resolutely obey the party's orders, charge forward, and kill the devils.

Of course, Lei Zhan also thought so, as long as he killed devils on the battlefield, that would be enough.

"It's okay to talk about things in the county. After all, our large army is in the county. Even if there is an undercurrent in the county, they don't dare to make any big moves."

After the battalion and company commanders left, Zhang Jibing looked at Lei Zhan and said.

"Well, the key point is the villages around the county seat, the landlords in the villages, and the remaining puppet army traitors from the past. They are all uncertain factors. As soon as the little devil comes, they will definitely turn against each other in an instant and become a little devil. With the knife in your hand, open the way for them to charge, when the time comes, the first to suffer will be our people."

After hearing Zhang Jibing's words, Yang Xingguo paused for a while, thought for a while, and said.


Lei Zhan listened to Zhang Jibing and Yang Xingguo's analysis, and nodded. The two analyzed thoroughly, just as he thought.

"For this matter, I have initially formulated a plan, and I will show it to you."

Lei Zhan looked at the two of them and said.

"it is good."

"What do you think!"

Zhang Jibing and Yang Xingguo responded at the same time. They agreed with Lei Zhan's plan from the very beginning. After all, Lei Zhan knew more than them, and they could only add something.


Seeing that the two had no objections, Lei Zhan said:
"Last time I also said in the meeting that the soldiers in the villages around the county are still very sufficient. After all, what we have to do is to completely build the Lingchuan area into the base of our Eighth Route Army, as if it is our The Holy Land of Revolution is the same as Yan'an.

Only by fully arming the young adults in each village can this step be truly realized.

Just think about it, if there are twenty young and middle-aged soldiers in a village, how many soldiers will the surrounding villages provide for our Eighth Route Army.

After the training is over, they can go home and continue to work, but as soon as the devils come, think about what the devils are facing. In Lingchuan, all the people are soldiers.

Therefore, I think that the next step is to develop the villages around the county seat, including the county seat. Starting tomorrow, we will recruit soldiers. The recruited soldiers will guard the county seat after training.

In addition, we have to use the surrounding mountains to build barracks. Only in this way can we completely develop Lingchuan into the base of our Eighth Route Army. "

Zhang Jibing and Yang Xingguo were almost fascinated by Lei Zhan's words. Their eyes became brighter and brighter. At this time, the two of them had already begun to look forward to the grand occasion after Lingchuan was developed into a base area.

"Yes, we have to do this. In this way, as long as we really develop Lingchuan into a base area, we can still radiate to the surrounding areas. In this way, we can respond to the saying of the great man, 'A single spark can start a prairie fire' !"

Zhang Jibing said excitedly, his face had started to turn red slowly because of the excitement.

"Haha, just do this, I can imagine that the little devils in the future will definitely be hit hard by our development."

Yang Xingguo was also excited and excited.

"Okay! Since this is the case, and none of you have any objections, then, I order!"


As soon as Lei Zhan finished speaking, Zhang Jibing and Yang Xingguo immediately stood up and looked at Lei Zhan with serious faces.

"Tomorrow, the soldiers of the whole regiment, including the left-behind fighters in the Yangjiaoshan base area, will be notified to receive equipment and start to develop the village. Between the three villages, a platoon of soldiers will stay behind, recruit and train, and arm the villagers.

Moreover, the soldiers of the Special War Battalion will start patrolling in the Lingchuan area starting tomorrow, except for training. If any abnormality or enemy situation is found, they will be wiped out on the spot, and I will give them the right to do so.

In addition, the little devils in the Gaoping area have suffered such a big blow, and they will definitely make a comeback. After such a long time, they have not moved at all, and they must be planning something. Therefore, the special warfare battalion will send a special warfare team tomorrow to infiltrate Gaoping and investigate Enemy! "

Lei Zhan gave the orders one by one with a serious face.



After Zhang Jibing and Yang Xingguo took orders, they turned and left.

After the two left, Lei Zhan looked at Karina's room in the distance, and walked outside, he was going to see Karina's place.

(End of this chapter)

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