Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 221 Entering Karina's Room at Night

Chapter 221 Entering Karina's Room at Night

At this time, Karina was in the room, sitting on the edge of the bed and meditating, playing with a delicate golden dagger in her hand.

At this moment, she wondered whether she should reveal her identity to Lei Zhan. After all, her plan and starting point were good. If she confessed to Lei Zhan, she might get unexpected results.

After all, she is different from Keiko Yoshishima. After all, Keiko Yoshishima is an RB person, an out-and-out RB spy. Karina can be [-]% sure that Keiko Yoshishima's purpose is to fight against thunder, and even the entire war pack of wolves.

After all, the little devil had failed in the battle against Lei Zhan's Wolf Warriors on the frontal battlefield. Besides, Karina had also heard about the strength of the little devil in each major zone, and she was a little tight, and now she couldn't spare any troops to fight Lei Zhan fought for revenge, so Keiko Yoshishima must have been sent to make trouble, and even carry out a plan to cause heavy losses to the Wolf Warriors.

Karina was contemplating, unable to make a decision for a long time in her heart, now she faced two choices, one is to directly confess her identity to Lei Zhan, and there are benefits that can be brought to Lei Zhan, the other is to go directly to Fang Keiko Shima's room, kill Keiko Yoshishima.


Thinking of this, Karina suddenly pulled out the golden dagger, with a fierce murderous look in her eyes.


Lei Zhan was about to arrive at Karina's room at this time, Lei Zhan looked around and found nothing unusual.

After a few dodges, Lei Zhan came outside Karina's room.


Lei Zhan knocked on the door of Karina's room.


Hearing the knock on the door, Karina, who was sitting on the bed, suddenly became vigilant, sat up on the bed immediately, and at the same time put the dagger behind her back, and walked cautiously towards the door.


Lei Zhan, who was outside the room, heard Karina's vigilant voice, immediately smiled and replied.


Karina in the room immediately relaxed when she heard Lei Zhan's voice. At the same time, doubts arose in her heart. She didn't know what Lei Zhan was doing here so late.

But when thinking about her hesitant decision just now, Karina decided to take advantage of Lei Zhan's arrival and confess everything in order to formally get Lei Zhan's help and cooperation.


Karina opened the door, and Lei Zhan walked in with a smile.

When Karina saw Lei Zhan's smile, she suddenly felt that what happened during the day was not as simple as she seemed to have missed something.

After Karina closed the door, she turned and walked towards Lei Zhan who was standing in the room, her lovely face was full of doubts.

"The room is very fragrant!"

In fact, Lei Zhan didn't know how to start. He felt that Karina would definitely say it by herself.

Afterwards, Lei Zhan was not polite. After all, there was no extra stool in Karina's room, so Lei Zhan sat directly on Karina's bed.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing Lei Zhan's words, Karina's face flushed a little, and she also came to the bed and sat down without any restraint.

This is the difference between Chinese culture and Western culture. The relationship between men and women is not so closed and backward.

It would be impossible in China. At night, lonely men and widows are sitting in the same room and sitting on the same bed. It would be fun to spread the word.

Both men and women will lose their reputations. It's okay for men to say, but in this era, women are really doomed.

"Captain Lei, do you want to know my real identity?"

Karina hesitated for a while before speaking. At the same time, at the same time, at the moment of saying this, Karina was surprised that she relaxed, without the tension when she made a decision by herself just now.


Hearing Karina's words, Lei Zhan smiled and said: "Miss Karina, please tell me, Lei will listen carefully."

At the same time, Lei Zhan thought in his heart that what he expected was right, Karina really couldn't help it, she couldn't keep her footing, Su Yunuan's arrival really stimulated her.

This also made Lei Zhan more certain about the idea in his heart. There must be a story between Karina and Su Yunuan.

"However, what I want to know more is the story between Miss Karina and Miss Su!"

Before Karina opened her mouth, Lei Zhan continued to say that it would be too late to talk about Karina's identity later, but Lei Zhan was very curious about the story between the two of them.


Hearing Lei Zhan's words, Karina was greatly surprised. She never thought that Lei Zhan could guess the matter between the two of them so easily. Now, Karina didn't know how to answer.

Karina didn't want to mention the previous incident again, after all, that incident hurt her too deeply, and completely broke her relationship with Ishii, from a close foster brother and sister to a current life-and-death enemy.

Karina doesn't want to mention it!

At this moment, Lei Zhan's face suddenly became serious, and his brows were frowned.

Lei Zhan heard footsteps outside, although the footsteps were very soft, but Lei Zhan was absolutely confident in his hearing, there must be someone outside.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, this person is a woman, and she is approaching at a very fast speed.


Seeing Lei Zhan's serious expression, Karina immediately wanted to speak out, she didn't know why Lei Zhan's expression became so serious.


Before Karina could speak, Lei Zhan made a gesture.

At the same time, Lei Zhan pointed to the outside and gestured to Karina with two fingers, signaling that someone was coming outside.

Seeing what Lei Zhan said, Karina showed understanding in her eyes, nodded, and signaled Lei Zhan to take his hand down.


After Lei Zhan took his hands off, he got up and quickly walked to the window of Karina's room, gently opened the window, Lei Zhan jumped out and left Karina's room.

After Lei Zhan jumped out of the room, he didn't leave. He wanted to see what would happen next. At the same time, he already had a guess in his heart. If his prediction was correct, the person outside should be Su Yunuan.


Seeing Lei Zhan leave without righteousness, Karina snorted dissatisfiedly, and then a smile appeared on her face.

Someone came outside, and the person who came would definitely be Keiko Yoshishima. Karina knew Keiko Yoshishima very well, and she knew that Keiko Yoshishima would not allow Karina to destroy her plan.

Coincidentally, Karina also wanted to avenge her past, and took advantage of this opportunity to kill Keiko Yoshishima here, lest Keiko Yoshishima would also delay her plan.


Su Yunuan, who was outside at this time, was smiling and approaching Karina's room with light steps. In Su Yunuan's heart, she was very satisfied with the plan she had just made, although Karina's Her skills are good, but under her plan, Karina will definitely die without a place to bury her!

(End of this chapter)

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