Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 222 Karina's True Ability

Chapter 222 Karina's True Ability
Karina waited in the room, continuing to play with her golden dagger in her hand.

At this time, she also guessed who it was!

Karina's door was pushed open, and Su Yunuan's figure appeared at the door. Su Yunuan looked at Karina who was sitting on the bed with a smile on her face, but behind her smile was all hidden ruthless.


After Su Yunuan entered, she continued to walk towards Karina who was on the bed with a smile.

At this time, Karina did not look at Su Yunuan, and was still concentrating on playing with the golden dagger in her hand.

However, at this time, Karina's eyes showed a strong murderous intent, and the moment she felt Keiko Yoshishima, the sad past in Karina's heart was aroused again.

"Ha, Karina, you...!"

Su Yunuan, Keiko Fangshima, just spoke with a smile, but she didn't finish speaking, so she quickly dodged to one side to hide.


When Karina heard Keiko Fangshima's disgusting voice, without hesitation, she flicked her wrist, and the golden dagger in her hand drew a golden line, attacking Keiko Fangshima.


The golden dagger was dodged by Keiko Yoshishima, and with a bang, it was inserted into the wooden beam.


Keiko Fangshima, who dodged the dagger, immediately lost the smile on her face, revealing a ferocious murderous intent. She looked at Karina who was still sitting on the bed, jumped forward suddenly, turned around, and kicked towards Karina kicked off the head.

If this kick is real, Karina will definitely be killed on the spot.

But Keiko Fangshima had a good idea. She underestimated Karina's skill. After all, the two haven't seen each other for seven or eight years. Karina is no longer the same Karina.

Karina felt a kick from Keiko Yoshishima, slapped the table, and stood up immediately.

Karina's eyes were extremely determined at this moment, she had only one goal, to kill the little devil and wicked woman in front of her.

Karina kicked out directly, and her kicking speed was much faster than Keiko Fangshima.

Judging from the speed of the kick, it is clear whether it is superior or inferior.


Karina's kick directly hit Keiko Yoshishima's ankle, and then Karina jumped up, swinging her leg at Keiko Yoshishima who was about to retreat.


Keiko Yoshishima felt the pain above her ankle, she immediately retracted her legs, and was about to retreat.

But it was too late. Seeing that Karina's leg swing was about to come, Keiko Yoshishima's face turned ruthless. She quickly touched her waist, pulled out a black dagger, and stabbed Karina's leg fiercely. go.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing Keiko Yoshishima who pulled out the dagger, a sneer of disdain appeared on Karina's cute face, Keiko Yoshishima underestimated her too much.

The leg that was originally swinging towards Keiko Yoshishima, under Karina's swing, avoided the dagger in Keiko Yoshishima's hand at a strange angle, and slammed towards Keiko Yoshishima's chest fiercely, slashing down.


Keiko Yoshishima, who didn't expect Karina's weird kick, was immediately slammed on the rabbit on the right chest by Karina's kick, screamed, and fell to the ground behind.


Lei Zhan, who was outside the window, looked at Karina's skill and this weird kick, and his eyes shrank suddenly. He didn't expect that Karina's skill was so good, and Su Yunuan was not Karina's one. combined enemy.

However, Su Yunuan's skill also surprised Lei Zhan. Although it is not as good as Karina, judging by the speed of her kicks, Su Yunuan's skill is also very good, and she should be able to catch one or two moves from him .

According to the actions of Su Yunuan just now and the expression on Su Yunuan's face, Lei Zhan has initially figured out Su Yunuan's identity.

Thinking of this, Lei Zhan stopped contemplating and continued to look inside.


Seeing Keiko Yoshishima who was about to fall to the ground, Karina turned around sharply again, slashed down, and slashed at Keiko Yoshishima again.

Keiko Yoshishima, who fell on the ground, saw this scene, her eyes shrank suddenly, resisting the pain from her right chest, and hid towards the door on one side.


Karina's kick fell through and fell directly to the ground.


Suddenly, Keiko Yoshishima, who was hiding to the side, reached out and grabbed Karina's blue trousers, yanked and tore off a piece of blue cloth.

Then Keiko Yoshishima turned around abruptly, stood up, her movements were very coherent, and she fled out of the door, her figure disappeared in a flash.


Seeing this scene, Karina snorted coldly with an ugly face, and started to chase outside.

"Boom boom boom!"

Suddenly, she heard the sound of knocking on the rear window, and the figure who wanted to move out immediately stopped.

"Wonderful, wonderful!"

After Lei Zhan jumped into the room from the back window, he looked at the angry Karina in front of him, clapped his hands and praised.

The surprise that Karina brought him was really too great. At the same time, Lei Zhan's heart was full of killing intent at this time, but the killing intent was not aimed at Karina, but Su Yunuan. Karina's identity has now been guessed.

"Hmph, why didn't you help me?"

Karina looked at Lei Zhan who was smiling all over her face, and immediately said with dissatisfaction, if Lei Zhan was willing to help just now, she would definitely be able to intercept Keiko Yoshishima here and kill him to prevent future troubles.

What made her angry was that Lei Zhan just watched helplessly and did not help at all. Even Karina at this time doubted whether Lei Zhan was a qualified partner after all.

"Don't be angry, Miss Karina, I have my intentions, don't take it too one-sidedly!"

Hearing Karina's words, Lei Zhan's face became serious again, and Lei Zhan also wanted to take Su Yunuan down on the spot and kill him.

However, there is no benefit in doing so. What Lei Zhan wants to know is whether Su Yunuan's real purpose of approaching him is targeting the entire wolf group, and whether Su Yunuan has any accomplices.

Lei Zhan's purpose is to thoroughly find out Su Yunuan's true identity, and completely eradicate Su Yunuan's family.

Instead of killing Su Yunuan so blindly, it would be of no benefit at all.

After hearing Lei Zhan's words, Dayang Girl Karina fell silent.



"Well, hum!"

At this time, Su Yunuan, who escaped from Karina's room, hid under the courtyard wall in a remote corner of the headquarters, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

She hated, hated that Karina shot so hard.

Moreover, she underestimated Karina's skill too much. After all, she hadn't seen her for seven or eight years. She didn't expect that Karina's skill would become so powerful. She was completely different from seven or eight years ago. Grade up.


Suddenly, the light of the flashlight came on, illuminating Su Yunuan who was hiding at the base of the wall and touching her chest.

Come here, it's the night watchmen of the two wolf regiments!

(End of this chapter)

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