Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 224 The Cunning Su Yunuan

Chapter 224 The Cunning Su Yunuan
"I'll talk about your matter later. I'll go out and have a look first. Besides, don't tell anyone about my meeting with you!"

After Lei Zhan finished speaking with a serious face, he got up and walked outside.

Karina looked at the departing Lei Zhan, a thoughtful expression appeared on his cute face, and she frowned slightly. She had a guess in her heart that the noise outside was too coincidental. , after all, Keiko Yoshishima had just left her place not long ago.

"Damn it, who the hell...did it!"

As soon as he came out of the yard, Lei Zhan heard the roaring sound in the yard not far from the next door. The sound belonged to Yang Jian.

Lei Zhan looked at the entrance of the courtyard not far away, which was already brightly lit, and a group of soldiers held torches to illuminate the entire entrance of the courtyard.

The bad premonition in Lei Zhan's heart became stronger and stronger. Thinking of this, Lei Zhan couldn't help speeding up his pace.

"Here comes the head!"

"Here comes the head!"


Some soldiers saw Lei Zhan coming, and immediately felt that the backbone had arrived, and began to shout, and made way for Lei Zhan.

Zhang Jibing, Yang Xingguo and others who heard the shouts of the soldiers immediately stepped out of the crowd.


"Old Ray!"


Under the leadership of Zhang Jibing, the battalion and company commanders began to greet Lei Zhan, but their faces were all extremely ugly.


Lei Zhan nodded with a serious face and walked towards the crowd.


At this moment, Ma Chen was sobbing on the ground hugging two night watchmen, his eyes were full of astonishing killing intent.

After Ma Chen joined the team, these two night watchmen treated Ma Chen very well, like brothers.

Ma Chen never expected that these two brothers who were so kind to him would be brutally killed.


Lei Zhan entered the crowd and saw two blood-stained soldiers lying on the ground, his eyes immediately turned red, and his body exuded a strong murderous aura.

Especially when he saw the blood-stained piece of cloth held by one of the soldiers, the murderous intent in Lei Zhan's heart became even colder.

Su Yunuan, Fangshima Keiko, this incident must have been done by this vicious RB girl, otherwise, there would be no cloth from Karina's clothes in the hands of the dead warrior.

This is framing, if Lei Zhan hadn't gone to Karina's room tonight, and hadn't seen Karina and Su Yunuan fighting, then maybe Lei Zhan would really believe this framing.

"Keiko Fangshima, I will kill you and let you die under cruel punishment!"

Lei Zhan swore secretly in his heart, after all, Su Yunuan, Keiko Fangdao, could not be killed at this time, the plan had not been completed, and Keiko Fangdao could not die yet.

Looking at Lei Zhan who was silent on the spot with red eyes, all the soldiers fell silent.

They could feel the killing intent from Lei Zhan, Lei Zhan was like a lion about to erupt.

"Ah! What's the matter? It's scary!"

Suddenly, an exclamation came, and the sound was accompanied by fear.

Su Yunuan arrived. At this time, when she saw the corpses of the night watchmen on the ground, she immediately exclaimed, her eyes were terrified, and even her body began to tremble in fear.

The soldiers glanced at Su Yunuan, then turned their heads, and set their sights on the dead comrade again.


Seeing Su Yunuan's performance, Lei Zhan suppressed the murderous intent in his heart. Lei Zhan really had to admire Su Yunuan's acting skills. The acting was so good. If Lei Zhan didn't know her true identity, he would say Maybe you will really be deceived.

Looking at the woman who suddenly appeared in front of them, Zhang Jibing and the others all showed puzzlement and doubt on their faces, and all looked at Lei Zhan.

Sensing the eyes of his comrades in arms, Lei Zhan frowned, shook his head slightly, and signaled them to keep quiet.

Su Yunuan looked at the sad-faced Chinese soldiers in front of her, and her heart was full of joy. By doing this, she could be regarded as a preliminary avenge for the dead warriors of the empire.

"Tap Tap!"

In this quiet night, the sound of footsteps coming again is so piercing.

Karina is here.

When Karina came and saw the dead warrior lying on the ground, the lovely Liang suddenly flashed a killing intent.

She looked at Keiko Fangshima, who was terrified beside her, with murderous intent in her eyes.

She knew in her heart that this matter must have something to do with Keiko Fangshima, but she couldn't say it directly. After all, her identity in the Wolf Warriors was also doubtful.

"Ha ha!"

Su Yunuan, who noticed Karina's arrival, immediately burst into laughter in her heart. If Karina didn't come, her plan would really be difficult to carry on.

The arrival of Karina did not attract the attention of the soldiers.

There were only Zhang Jibing and the battalion and company commanders, their eyes were constantly switching between Su Yunuan and Karina. The battalion and company commanders were still very suspicious of the identities of the two women in front of them, especially after this incident happened tonight. matter.

They had to doubt the identities of the two women. Karina could say that, after all, she had been in the headquarters for a long time and nothing had happened.

But Su Yunuan is hard to say, just came here today, such a big thing happened.

If there were hints from Lei Zhan from time to time, Zhang Jibing and the soldiers would have already acted.

"Unsurprisingly, it should be done by the little devil."

Zhang Jibing came to Lei Zhan's side, looked at the bleeding soldiers on the ground, and said with a sad face.

"Well, after all, the terrible blow we gave the little devils this time completely hurt them, so that's why we retaliated against us like this."

Yang Xingguo said with a sullen face.

"Well, based on the news from the headquarters, the little devils are currently in short supply. That's why they want to use this method of assassination to take revenge on us."

Yang Jian said with a look of hatred.

The rest of the battalion and company commanders, upon hearing the analysis, nodded in agreement. This matter was done by the little devil, and it can already be concluded.

"Hey! Carry it down, cremate it, and bury it in the Wolf Warrior Tomb!"

Hearing everyone's analysis, Lei Zhan sighed, and suddenly became firm, and said loudly: "The blood of the soldiers will not be shed in vain, and the blood will be paid with blood!"

"eye for eye!"

"eye for eye!"


Hearing Lei Zhan's words, the soldiers immediately yelled, their tone full of astonishing killing intent.

Hearing Lei Zhan's order, the soldiers set up Ma Chen, who was sobbing in his arms, and several soldiers stepped forward, with grief-stricken faces, lifted the blood-stained soldier and walked out of the yard.

"Hey, wait, look at what this soldier is holding in his hand?"

Suddenly, Su Yunuan's exclamation sounded again. Judging from her tone, she seemed to have made some amazing discovery.

Hearing Su Yunuan's voice, the soldiers stopped in an instant.

Karina's eyes suddenly shrank!
(End of this chapter)

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