Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 225 Pull Karina down and die

Chapter 225 Pull Karina down and die


Lei Zhan, who heard Su Yunuan's exclamation, snorted coldly in his heart, with a hint of disdain on the corner of his mouth, thinking in his heart, this vicious woman can finally bear it no longer.

At the same time, Lei Zhan looked at Karina with a hint of apology.

Sensing Lei Zhan's gaze, Karina nodded with killing intent in her eyes. The moment she saw the piece of cloth in the soldier's hand, she immediately understood Keiko Fangshima's intention.

Keiko Fangshima wanted to use Lei Zhan to fight against the warriors of the Wolf Warriors to get rid of her.

"I haven't seen you for so many years, Keiko Fangshima, you haven't changed at all, you are still so vicious, but your plan will not succeed so easily, let's see who can laugh at the end."

Karina looked at Keiko Yoshishima who gave her a smug look, and thought in her heart.

She completely understood the look in Lei Zhan's eyes, and she also knew what to do.

"Captain, it's a piece of cloth!"

At this time, the stopped soldier took the cloth from the dead soldier's hand and handed it to Lei Zhan.

Seeing this piece of cloth, Zhang Jibing, Yang Xingguo, and a group of battalion and company commanders immediately surrounded him. After all, this piece of cloth was found in the hands of dead soldiers. This is an important clue.

At this time, Su Yunuan also came up, pretending to be serious, watching the blue cloth in Lei Zhan's hand.


At this moment, Su Yunuan exclaimed again, turned around and pointed at Karina behind her, and said with a surprised face:

"Why is this piece of cloth similar to the fabric on the pants of this foreigner sister!"

It was this sentence that completely pushed Karina into the bottomless abyss.

As Su Yunuan expected, the soldiers and Eighth Route Army officers who heard her words immediately set their eyes on Karina.

Especially when they saw Karina's blue pants, their expressions suddenly became ugly.

"Damn it, look, there is just a piece of cloth missing from the bottom of this foreign girl's trousers!"



Hearing Yang Jian's words, the soldiers completely erupted, looking at Karina with hatred in their eyes.

Looking at that look, I wish I could kill Karina immediately and avenge my comrades.

Reminiscing that Karina was the girl left behind by the little devil, the soldiers hated Karina even more, and they were even more sure that Karina killed the comrade who died.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing that the ignorant Chinese people had completely entered into her plan, Su Yunuan laughed again in her heart. She liked this feeling and the feeling of being in control.


Glancing sideways at Su Yunuan, who was pretending to be sad, Lei Zhan snorted again. At this time, Lei Zhan had to admire the little devil in front of him, her plan was really good.

"In this case, I have to cooperate with you."

Lei Zhan thought in his heart, turned and looked at Karina.

Seeing Lei Zhan in action, the angry words of the soldiers stopped, and the people around Zhang Jibing also looked at Lei Zhan, they wanted to see how Lei Zhan would solve this matter.

"Pull this hateful foreigner out to me and kill him!"

Lei Zhan pointed at Karina with hatred on his face, and roared, his face was angry, and the murderous aura in his tone was completely dispersed.


Hearing Lei Zhan's order, Yang Jian stepped forward immediately, leading the soldiers to escort Karina, who was smiling wryly, away.

Karina, who was leaving, looked at Su Yunuan with hatred in her eyes.

However, what is strange is that amidst the hatred, there is even a trace of inexplicable pleasure.

Hearing Lei Zhan's order, Zhang Jibin raised his head suddenly. He knew that Lei Zhan was not an arbitrary person, so why did he draw conclusions so easily on this matter.

Suddenly, he found that Lei Zhan was just looking at him, winking at him constantly, and at the same time tilted his nose.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Jibing immediately understood Lei Zhan's intentions.

"Go, comrades, follow me and cut this bitch into pieces!"

Zhang Jibing, who understood Lei Zhan's intention, roared and left with the soldiers around him.

At the same time, the soldiers who lifted their dead comrades also left.


Two minutes later, there were several gunshots outside the command post. The gunshots seemed so piercing in the silent night.


Su Yunuan looked at the enraged Zhina Eight Routes, and immediately hummed happily in her heart. She won, and finally killed Karina.The enemy for many years finally died in her hands.

"Ishii-kun, I've solved the big problem for you. The inheritance of the Horace family belongs to you, haha!"

Su Yunuan was thinking and laughing happily in her heart. At this moment, her thoughts drifted to the distance, to Major General Ishii who was fighting on the frontal battlefield.

Thinking of Major General Ishii's strong and mighty scene, Su Yunuan was instantly fascinated.

"Miss Su, thank you today, if it weren't for you, I still don't know Karina's true face, thank you!"

Looking at Su Yunuan who was distracted, a sneer appeared on Lei Zhan's face, but he immediately hid it and said with a smile on his face.

"Hmm! Ah!"

Su Yunuan, who was interrupted instantly by Lei Zhan, woke up in surprise.

"This is what I should do. After all, I hate little devils the most. I wonder if you can let me join the Eighth Route Army and become your soldier?"

Hearing Lei Zhan's thanks, Su Yunuan immediately took advantage of this matter to ask Lei Zhan to join the Eighth Route Army again.

She felt that the time had come. After all, Karina, the only obstacle, had died. Therefore, no one in Lingchuan could recognize her identity. She thought that the plan could begin.


Hearing Su Yunuan's request, Lei Zhan pretended to think for a while, and then said: "No problem, tomorrow you will truly be a soldier of our Eighth Route Army. You are welcome to join, Miss Su!"

"Yes, Captain!"

Hearing that Lei Zhan agreed, Su Yunuan immediately saluted Lei Zhan with a smile.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing Su Yunuan's appearance, Lei Zhan laughed, but in the depths of Lei Zhan's eyes, there was a cold sneer hidden.

Now Lei Zhan is to stabilize Su Yunuan, so that Su Yunuan can think that he has completely believed in her, and let Su Yunuan boldly carry out his mission. Only in this way can Lei Zhan kill the ghost spies in Lingchuan , eyeliner, etc., all of them will be killed.

Only in this way can the enemy's situation in Lingchuan be truly eliminated and the people live a peaceful life.

"Go back and rest, I have important things to do!"

Lei Zhan finished speaking to Su Yunuan with a smile, turned and left. At this moment, he remembered a very important matter in his heart. If he didn't handle it well, it might arouse Su Yunuan's suspicion again.

This matter is in the prison, the imprisoned lieutenant, Koi Sokong, he must deal with Xiaojing Sokong well.

However, thinking of Xiaojing Cangkong, another plan emerged in Lei Zhan's mind again. If Su Yunuan passes through this plan, this plan can be foolproof, and it can even deal another heavy blow to the little devil!
(End of this chapter)

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