Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 226 Koi Sora

Chapter 226 Koi Sora
Watching Lei Zhan leave, a sly look appeared in Su Yunuan's eyes, and then she turned and left.

Su Yunuan thought about her own plan in her heart. Now she has successfully joined the Wolf Warriors and gained Lei Zhan's trust.

The next step is to formulate a perfect "Wolf Slaughter Plan" to severely attack the wolf group, or even destroy it.

Avenge the dead warriors of the empire and let the warriors of the empire rest in peace in the kingdom of the emperor.

Night, as cold as frost.

Outside Lei Zhan's office, it was guarded by soldiers at this time. In the office, Zhang Jibing, Yang Xingguo and Yang Jian were all there.

"That's the way things are, so, how to cooperate next, you also have an idea in your mind."

Lei Zhan looked at the three people in front of him with a serious face, and said that he already had a perfect plan in his heart for Xiaojing Cangkong.

As long as this plan is successful, it will definitely deal a heavy blow to Gao Ping's little devils, and even the entire SX's little devils.

"Well, don't worry, we know what to do!"

When Zhang Jibing and others heard Lei Zhan's words, they all agreed. At the same time, Lei Zhan's words also solved their doubts.

"Also, tell the soldiers going to each village to be careful of the landlords and ruffians in each village."

Lei Zhan added again that he had to arrange things well, otherwise, the losers would be their Wolf Warrior Group. After all, there are uncertainties in every village.

Only by mastering all these factors can we better solve them, develop them better, and seek a better life for the people.


Zhang Jibing and the others nodded again. In their hearts, they admired Lei Zhan very much. After all, what Lei Zhan thought of was always more thoughtful than they thought.

Afterwards, everyone saw that there was nothing wrong, and under the leadership of Zhang Jibing, they all left.

After meditating for a while in the office, Lei Zhan got up and left the office, and walked towards the cell where Kozuo Koi was imprisoned.

Five minutes later, Lei Zhan came to the cell in the headquarters.


Seeing Lei Zhan coming, the soldiers on duty saluted and greeted Lei Zhan immediately.


After Lei Zhan returned the salute with a smile, he entered the cell.

As soon as you enter the cell, there is a pungent smell. This smell is particularly annoying. If you live in this environment for a long time, it can even make your temper very violent. Temperament changed drastically.

The current prison cell has been completely empty, and all the people who were imprisoned by the little devils, and those who were alive, were all released by the soldiers.

Of course, some evildoers were killed by the soldiers on the spot. After all, it is impossible for the soldiers to release some people who endanger the people.

"Ah! Baga! Ah!"

"You guys are dead!"


As soon as he entered the cell, Lei Zhan heard the screams coming from the depths of the cell, as well as Xiaojing Cangkong's scolding.

Hearing Xiaojing Cangkong's screams, Lei Zhan finally showed a smile on his face, and tortured the little devils fiercely. This is what Lei Zhan wanted, to make them suffer for the Chinese people who died tragically. They atone.

Inside the prison cell, the sentries are closely guarded, one post at five steps, one post at ten steps.

"Hello, Captain!"

Seeing Lei Zhan coming, all the soldiers had smiles on their faces, and they all wanted to salute and say hello to Lei Zhan.

"Thank you, brothers!"

Seeing the soldiers guarding in the cell, breathing in the pungent smell in the cell, Lei Zhan's nose suddenly became sore.

"No hard work, Captain, this is our duty!"

When the soldiers heard Lei Zhan's words, they immediately felt warm in their hearts and said one after another.

"Besides, Captain, hearing the screams of the little devil, our hearts are much happier."

One of the soldiers said with a smile.

"it is good!"

Lei Zhan smiled and patted the shoulders of the soldiers, and walked towards the depths of the cell.

After coming to the cell where Xiaojing Cangkong was imprisoned, Lei Zhan found that Xiaojing Cangkong was enjoying the "tiger stool", this rich meal.



Seeing Lei Zhan coming, Xiaojing Cangkong's face became even more ferocious, he glared at Lei Zhan and clenched his fists.

"Hello, Captain!"

The two soldiers who were executing the sentence immediately saluted when they saw Lei Zhan.


After Lei Zhan returned the salute with a smile, he fixed his eyes on Xiaojing Cangkong's face.

Seeing the depths of Xiaojing Cangkong's eyes, Lei Zhan smiled slightly, he had already seen the fear in the depths of Xiaojing Cangkong's eyes, the fear of him, the fear of the Eighth Route Army.

This shows what?
It showed that the result that Lei Zhan wanted was almost achieved.


"Your work without a bit of bushido spirit, you Chinese people, is the work of cowards, all of which are cowards' work, Baga!"

"It's kind of like, you give me the duel work, the warriors of the big RB empire will not die under your insults."

"Our big RB empire will always be strong, and the sun never sets!"

Seeing Lei Zhan, Xiaojing Cangkong began to roar angrily.

As he roared, Lei Zhan found that the spirit and will in Xiaojing Cangkong's eyes, which had been a little loose, began to firm up amidst his own roar.

"Although the sun rises in the east, that definitely does not mean that your RB small island country can be called an empire on which the sun never sets, because the place where the sun rises is still far away from your RB small island country.

People in your island country, what you see is all illusions, but it is your shameless emperor who fooled and fooled you warmongers. "

Lei Zhan looked at Xiaojing sky and began to talk.

"Baga! Your conscience is badly damaged. You must not insult my emperor!"

Hearing Lei Zhan's words, even though Xiaojing Cangkong's heart had already started to shake, he still yelled and cursed.

"In an empire where the sun never sets, it is impossible for the real sun to never set. Do you know that there is a myth in China?

This myth is called "Hou Yi Shooting the Sun". Our Chinese warriors can shoot down the sun from the sky, not to mention the fact that the sun never sets in your mouth!

So, it’s not that the sun never sets, but that it sets every day. It’s just that our Chinese warriors have not fully awakened yet. If our Chinese warriors are fully awakened, your sun never sets, and it will immediately become one day. ! "

Lei Zhan said with a smile, and Lei Zhan spoke in extremely standard Japanese.


Hearing Lei Zhan's incomparably standard, and even better than his standard Japanese, Xiaojing Cangkong was shocked immediately, and even the scolding was weakened.

At the same time, the already firm belief in his heart began to crack again.

(End of this chapter)

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