Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2279 Head's Signature

Chapter 2279 Head's Signature

They didn't wait for Daguang, they could only chat a few words casually in embarrassment and then went back.

After all, what can we talk about without a common topic, it is better to do our own things separately.Anyway, no matter what, don't waste your time here.

When Yang Fei just went back, he heard someone joking outside, this...

Yang Fei subconsciously thought, isn't this voice Shen Gouzi's?
When he was about to leave, he realized that it was too late, "Hey! What do you mean by running away when you see me!"

Yang Fei turned his head and laughed, "Who did I say? It turned out to be you!"

"What? I can't come to see you?" Shen Gouzi came over and asked. "It seems that you owe someone money!"

"Where is there!" Yang Fei scratched his head, "Why are you here?"

"Why can't I come?" After speaking, Shen Wanxi saw Shen Ling beside Yang Fei, "Hehe, no wonder you ran away when you saw me, so there is such a beautiful little girl by your side!"

Shen Ling smiled awkwardly, "Talk!" Then he left!
Shen Wanxi hurried to Yang Fei, "When did you find someone?"

Yang Fei looked at him like a wolf dog who hasn't seen meat for a long time, "Can you control it?"

"Old Yang, can you hide it, kid?" After finishing speaking, Shen Wanxi still didn't forget to look back at Shen Ling's back, "I said, you really got shit luck, kid, so good-looking girl, is she your object?"

Yang Fei patted his arm, "Let me tell you, you can miss anyone, but reporter Shen, you can't, because you don't deserve it!"

Shen Wanxi smiled, "I didn't say I wanted to please other girls. By the way, I came here because I have something to do with you. You said that you are the director of the arsenal. Come on, buddy, I made an agreement with you. Are you ready?" Get some good things for your buddy!"

Yang Fei looked at him with his hands behind his back, "I said you really don't have any money and can't afford it early." He looked behind him, but he didn't find Hu Dahai. "I said, where's Hu Dahai?"

Upon hearing this question, Shen Wanxi immediately said, "Hey, that kid already got down after drinking some wine, no, I'll come over and get some from you first, look, I've brought a squad of soldiers outside , among other things, you have to give me a machine gun!"

"Why?" Yang Fei stared, "Why should I give it to you?"

"Oh?" Shen Wanxi was a little puzzled, "You...why didn't you give it to me? Didn't we agree? You are the director of the arsenal. If I, Shen Wanxi, ask you for something, you will give it to me unconditionally. Did you say that?"

Yang Fei immediately shook his head, "Go, go, when did I say that?"

"Why don't you admit it, I already bought you a drink!" Shen Wanxi persisted, "No matter what, you have to give me something today, let's have a game together as brothers, and we will have more time to help each other in the future!"

"To be honest, Shen Gouzi, you are so persistent, do you believe that I will tell the leader to punish you for your crimes?" Yang Fei asked.

"Ah?" Shen Wanxi didn't understand, what exactly did Yang Fei and the group leader Li Jiguang want to tell him?Why is it that Yang Fei is always right when the words come out of Yang Fei's mouth?
"Yang Fei, what's the matter with you kid? What are you suing me with the head?" Shen Wanxi asked.

"Do you know? When you come to my place, anyone who wants something has to be signed by the head of the group. Okay, the head of the group signed it. I will give you whatever you want. You said you came here alone, what about this word? What about the long signature?" Yang Fei asked.

In fact, Yang Fei is also afraid, not afraid of others, but afraid of the ridicule of Shen Gouzi and Hu Dahai. He Yang Fei is guarding the arsenal, and even his own team cannot equip weapons, how can he give them?
In this way, firstly, Shen Wanxi will give up, and secondly, he can keep this secret!
Then Shen Wanxi laughed when he heard Yang Fei's words, "Yang Fei, you look stingy, I just signed the head's name, can you recognize it? Come on, come on, I'll write one for you right now!" Said After finishing, Shen Wanxi took out a pen from his jacket pocket, and was about to write on paper.

Yang Fei immediately stopped him, "Don't fool me! Really, I think if you have time, you'd better go first and ask the team leader to sign!"

Shen Wanxi became angry all of a sudden, "Should I go to the county again? Am I crazy?"

"If you don't go, I can't give you anything!" Yang Fei said, "It's the aircraft cannon you applied for. I will try to get it for you, but I'm afraid you won't get the signature of the head of the group!"

"Okay, Yang Fei, I want a plane cannon. If the head approves, I'll see how you can give me a plane cannon!"

With that said, Shen Wanxi turned around and left.

And at this moment, I saw Hu Dahai!

Then Hu Dahai got off his horse, saw Shen Wanxi, and even roared, "You dog, you're so mean, you've fed me too much, and you're here to get weapons and equipment?"

"I'm too lazy to talk to you!" Shen Wanxi said.

Hu Dahai looked at Yang Fei, "Old Yang, come on, let's talk about it, is the dog you said a human being?"

"No!" Yang Fei said immediately.

Shen Wanxi didn't want to leave at this time, he wanted to see if Yang Fei could give them the weapons and ammunition without signing.

Hu Dahai laughed all of a sudden, "Since you think so, tell me, are the two of us on the same front?"

"It's not necessarily!" Yang Fei was still sober.

Shen Wanxi laughed all of a sudden, "Haha, it doesn't work! I said Lao Hu, you should think of other ways!"

Hu Dahai's face suddenly changed, "Old Yang, that's right, we are two brothers, but now we have carried guns and fought together, you have to give me some weapons and ammunition, I, Hu Dahai, don't want you for nothing, just tell me , what do you want, I can give you, I will give you as much as I can!"

Yang Fei nodded, "Okay, I want to..."

The two looked at Yang Fei, "What do you want? Tell me!"

"I want the head's signature. If you can bring it to me, I will give you weapons and ammunition! Besides, the weapons and ammunition I want are useless at all!" Yang Fei said deliberately.

After listening to Yang Fei's words, Shen Wanxi rode directly on Hu Dahai's horse, "Got it, I'll come as soon as I go!"

With that said, Shen Wanxi turned the horse's head and patted the horse's buttocks and left.

Hu Dahai wanted to say something, but saw his horse go away, "You dog, you are so shameless!"

"Old Hu, it's not that I, Lao Yang, are not mean enough. You have to be like a dog. Go ahead and give me the signature of the head of the regiment. You can take the guns and ammunition as you like!"

Yang Fei said.

"Okay, that's what you said!" Hu Dahai said.

"Go quickly, after a while, Shen Gouzi approved it for him, but if you don't approve it for you, do you think you are angry?" After Yang Fei finished speaking, Hu Dahai turned his head and ran after him, "Shen Gouzi, what are you going to do for me?" Stop, stop for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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