Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2280 Unexplainable

Chapter 2280 Unexplainable
county seat.regimental headquarters.

Li Jiguang was talking to Wang Wei about the construction of the base area when Shen Wanxi ran in.

"Head! Head!"

Li Jiguang and Wang Wei quickly stood up and looked at him, "Captain Shen? What's wrong?"

"Is something wrong?" Wang Wei asked quickly.

At this time, Wang Wei was really worried that some accidents would happen at this time. Anyway, he didn't want any accidents to happen at this time.

"No, no, no!" Shen Wanxi gasped, "Leader, I'm here to tell you something!"

Wang Wei poured Shen Wanxi a glass of water, "Sit down and speak slowly!"

Shen Wanxi sat down and looked at Li Jiguang, "Leader, come, sign for me!"

Li Jiguang was a little baffled, "Sign? What do you sign?"

"That..." Shen Wanxi took a sip of water, "Captain, I'll go to Yang Fei to get some weapons. Yang Fei said that you must have your signature. I came all the way here, just to find you quickly Sign it, so I can go to Yang Fei to get something!" Then, Shen Wanxi took another sip of water.

Hearing this, Wang Wei immediately burst out laughing. He has been a political commissar for many years, and he understands Yang Fei's character. To put it in terms of broken walls and ruins, it is not so much an arsenal as it is an abandoned dilapidated factory. What is in it?I'm afraid he doesn't even have a decent gun, how can Yang Fei give it to him?Asking Li Jiguang to sign is just a sloppy eye and pushed the initiative to Li Jiguang.

Li Jiguang also understood that Yang Fei wanted to save face, and he just said that he got a lot of thanks for the good baby. He was obviously jealous, and Shen Wanxi was here at this time. so!"

Li Jiguang summed it up in his mind, "It's like this. The arsenal that Yang Fei took over is directly under the headquarters. Do you understand what that means?" Li Jiguang looked at Shen Wanxi, and Shen Wanxi touched his head. If you fly there, you won’t be able to get anything!”

"To put it bluntly, that's what it means!" Li Jiguang looked at Shen Wanxi and said.

"I don't understand. The arsenal is right in front of our eyes. Why is this gun so difficult?" Shen Wanxi complained.

"This thing has to be directly approved by the head of the headquarters. The factory like Yang Fei's is all mass-produced, and the headquarters will transport it away in large quantities to where it is needed. Therefore, I'm afraid I dare not sign your request! "Li Jiguang said.

After hearing this, Shen Wanxi was surprised, "Big? Commander, you mean that Yang Fei is a big arsenal?"

"Yes!" Li Jiguang said.

"Speaking of which, Yang Fei has been promoted!" Shen Wanxi stood up after speaking, "He must buy me a drink!"

"Well, yes, that's the truth!" Li Jiguang finally got over the panic, and didn't let his own people think about the arsenal. He wants the arsenal to be completed and completed. He himself knows that this is not easy, and he will leave it to Yang Fei. Li Jiguang knew that it would be unfair to Yang Fei to replace Yang Fei again, but this is a special period, he must do this, and must consider the problem for the overall situation!

"Okay, head, then I'll go first! I'll go find Yang Fei and let this kid have a treat!"

After saying that, Shen Wanxi was about to leave, Li Jiguang hurriedly said, "Battalion Commander Shen, you should hurry to your station first!"

"Okay, okay!" Shen Wanxi nodded quickly.

And at this moment, Hu Dahai came running over. As soon as the two of them met, Hu Dahai immediately scolded, "Dog, you are so shameless, just run away on my horse!"

"Hey, old Hu, what's wrong with me riding a horse, don't you still drink my wine?" Shen Wanxi said, then ran away with a smile.

Seeing this, Hu Dahai quickly found Li Jiguang, "Leader, hurry up, sign for me, I'm leaving! I'm going to settle the score with Shen Wanxi!"

"Okay, you sit down!" Li Jiguang asked him to sit down, seeing Hu Dahai's angry but very tired look, Li Jiguang really felt angry and funny. What was angry was that all the people in their group and Yang Fei Yang Fei is even more virtuous!The funny thing is that these people are all unambiguous in their wars, and they are still a little childish!
For them, Li Jiguang gave them more care and tolerance, including chasing and fighting like bear children, Li Jiguang didn't care at all.

Hu Dahai looked at Li Jiguang, "Captain, it's Shen Wanxi and Shen Gouzi who are too mean to steal my horse and run away!"

"Okay, let's not talk about this, do you want my signature, and then go to Yang Fei to get weapons and ammunition?" Li Jiguang.

"Hey, don't let you know about this, yes, I just came to ask you to sign, hey!" Hu Dahai smiled and looked at Li Jiguang, waiting for him to sign, and hurried away.

Li Jiguang laughed, Wang Wei also laughed, Li Jiguang told Hu Dahai again, he can't decide this matter!

Hu Dahai was a little puzzled, "Leader, this should be treated equally. If you sign for Shen Gouzi, you must also sign for me. If you don't sign for me, that's partiality!" Hu Dahai said.

"Okay, let's go, I didn't sign for him, and of course, I won't sign for you!" Li Jiguang said.

"Oh!" With a cry, Hu Dahai stood up and left.

Wang Wei looked at Li Jiguang, "Old Li, what should you do in the future?"

"I'll talk about it later. I won't let them do anything in the arsenal for the time being. I sent a job letter to the headquarters, asking them to equip us with technical personnel and teachers! We must learn these things!"

"Well, that's the only way to go. Anyway, we don't know anything. If we know a little bit, our brains will be smarter. If we are smarter, we will have more opportunities to rely on our hands. It is better to make things by ourselves than to keep grabbing others! "Wang Wei said.

"Political commissar, you are right, so the arsenal is the top priority. I am afraid that Yang Fei is not willing to be lonely. While promoting the construction of the arsenal, he is looking for opportunities to fight devils on the other hand!"

"Don't tell me, there is really such a possibility!" Wang Wei said.

"So, I hurried Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai to the station. Once they got there, Yang Fei would be in the hinterland of the base. It would be much more difficult to find devils!" Li Jiguang said.

(End of this chapter)

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