Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 228 Su Yunuan's Actions

Chapter 228 Su Yunuan's Actions
Looking at Xiaojing Kongkong who had been tamed in front of him, Lei Zhan's heart became alive. The first step of the plan has been completed, so the next step is to see if Su Yunuan will take the bait.

As long as Su Yunuan takes the bait, then this plan can be said to be perfect.

As long as a chess piece can be buried among the Japanese army in North China, it will certainly be of great help to their future actions against the Japanese army in North China.

"Give him something to eat, and besides, make sure to disguise the scene."

The goal has been achieved, Lei Zhan and the two soldiers behind him ordered.

Afterwards, Lei Zhan turned around and looked at Xiaojing Cangkong Zuo who was crying with joy, and continued: "In a few days, someone will definitely come to rescue you. I hope you can understand what to do next."

"Don't worry, Captain Lei, I understand that for myself, for my family and loved ones, I will definitely do well."

Hearing Lei Zhan's words, Koi Cangkong quickly assured Lei Zhan.

He cherishes the opportunity that Lei Zhan gave him very much now, because now he has understood and no longer blindly believes in Emperor RB.

Just like waking up from a dream, you will know your true self!
After finishing the order, Lei Zhan patted the shoulders of the two soldiers and walked outside.

Time passed quickly, the east was white, and the sky began to brighten.

Early in the morning, the entire county was bustling with activity, and the large troops began to move out, officially carrying out Lei Zhan's order, and marched towards the planned villages.

The people in the entire county heard the trucks moving and the soldiers' neat steps, and they all walked out of their homes with their clothes on as if they were watching the excitement.

Look left and look again, as if you are looking at a western scene.

But after seeing the soldiers of the Wolf Warriors in action, smiles appeared on the faces of all the people.

They are extremely grateful to the Eighth Route Army and thank the Wolf Warriors. If it weren't for the Wolf Warriors, it would be impossible for them to live such a peaceful life now.

Of course, there were also people with ulterior motives among them, among them were many beggars and hooligans. After seeing this scene, they all started to run back to report to their masters.

An hour later, the transfer was officially completed, and all the warriors of the Wolf Warriors who had received the order left. Among them, the remaining soldiers stationed in the county seat also set up tables and chairs in the open space in the county seat, and began to recruit troops.

The left-behind soldiers began to implement the plan of thunder warfare, recruiting soldiers from the county to garrison their homes.

Of course, there was another group of soldiers who began to arrest beggars and hooligans in the county town. According to Lei Zhan's order, they gathered all of them, took care of food and drink, and practiced hard.

Let these people and the vagrants be useful people. Lei Zhan believes that after the cruel training of the Wolf Warriors Special War Battalion, as long as they are beggars and hooligans who persevere, they must be a good group of recruits.

Especially those local hooligans, who are usually extremely daring. Although they are a bit bullying and fearful, they can't erase their bloody spirit of daring to fight and kill.

As long as you have trained well and received the education of the Eighth Route Army, you must be a qualified soldier.


In the headquarters, Lei Zhan got up early, and gathered together with political commissar Zhang Jibing and deputy head Yang Xingguo.

Moreover, Lei Zhan, Zhang Jibing and Yang Xingguo explained his plan, and got the unanimous approval of both of them. They felt that Lei Zhan's plan was feasible. As long as it succeeded, it would be helpful for the Wolf Warriors, and even the Eighth Route Army in the entire North China theater. huge.

"Captain Lei, recruit Su Xiaonuan, come and report!"

At this moment, Su Xiaonuan, who had already received a new military uniform and put it on, came to the side of Lei Zhan and the other three, saluted and reported loudly.

The three people who were originally talking, heard this voice, except for Lei Zhan, Zhang Jibing and Yang Xingguo, who had their backs to Su Xiaonuan, suddenly had a strong murderous intent in their eyes, but the two hidden Very good, he immediately hid his murderous intent, turned around with a smile, and saw Su Xiaonuan in the Eighth Route Army uniform in front of him.

Including Lei Zhan, when the three of them saw Su Xiaonuan in the uniform of the Eighth Route Army, in their hearts, the three of them really wished to kill this little devil in front of them, because this kind of person wearing the uniform of the Eighth Route Army was simply in front of him. Insulting the Eighth Route Army.

But for future plans, the three of Lei Zhan had to endure it. After all, if you can't bear it, you will make a big mess.

"Well, recruit Su Xiaonuan, hello, welcome to join!"

Zhang Jibing smiled and said kindly.


Yang Xingguo also said with a smile on his face.

"By the way, the two of you go first. Don't forget, you must take good care of that guy Xiaojing. Don't let him run away. Find a way to pry his mouth open. Go!"

Lei Zhan looked at the two people who were saying hello, and gave instructions directly to Zhang Jibing and Yang Xingguo.

"Good job!"

After Zhang Jibing and Yang Xingguo heard Lei Zhan's order and sent encouragement to Su Xiaonuan, they turned and left with a smile to carry out Lei Zhan's order.

The two people who were smiling at first turned around, their smiling faces disappeared in an instant, and a cold expression like ice appeared on their faces.

"Well! I will!"

When Su Xiaonuan heard Lei Zhan's order, her eyes lit up immediately, and as she spoke, she began to think, Xiaojing, could it be Xiaojing Canozuo who disappeared.

The purpose of her coming to Lingchuan was for the Wolf Slaughter Project, but when she arrived, Colonel Takamori told her not to forget to inquire about the whereabouts of Sora Koi and Lieutenant Commander Sakamoto 56.

Colonel Takamori didn't believe the two lieutenants, so he died in the hands of the Wolf Warriors.

Su Xiaonuan, who heard Lei Zhan's order, immediately thought of the Xiaojing mentioned by Lei Zhan, that is, Xiaojing Cangkong who had disappeared.

Thinking of this, Su Xiaonuan made a note in his heart, and decided that he must rescue Xiao Jing Cang Zhongzuo. After all, an imperial elite lieutenant commander still plays a big role in the war in North China.

Moreover, Xiaojing Sokong's military talent is also well-known among all the Japanese officers in the North China battlefield.

Although Cang Zuo Xiaojing was defeated in Lingchuan, Su Xiaonuan believed that as long as she could rescue Cang Zuo Xiaojing, it would not be long before another elite Xiaojing Brigade would appear on the battlefield in North China.

Seeing Su Xiaonuan with a happy face, the corners of Lei Zhan's mouth slightly turned up, and then he smiled and said:
"Su Xiaonuan, you are now a soldier of the Eighth Route Army, so your task today is to go to the recruiting point in the county to help our soldiers recruit. Go, I hope you will do well!"

"Yes, Captain, we promise to complete the task!"

Hearing Lei Zhan's order, Su Xiaonuan immediately became excited. As long as he could go out, he could contact his own people and send the information. Immediately afterwards, Su Xiaonuan saluted Lei Zhan respectfully, then turned and left. go.

Looking at Su Xiaonuan who was leaving, a sneer appeared on Lei Zhan's face. He did it on purpose, and only by letting the rabbit out could he attract the wolves.

"Yo! Brother-in-law, not bad!"

(End of this chapter)

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