Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 229 The Emotional Yang Fei

Chapter 229 The Emotional Yang Fei

"Yo, brother-in-law, it's not bad, I hooked up so quickly."

As soon as Su Yunuan left, Lei Zhan heard Yang Fei's teasing voice behind him.

Hearing this voice, Lei Zhan turned around, looked at Yang Fei who came to him, smiled slightly, and saw a big pear on Yang Fei's head.

"Oh, brother-in-law, be careful, I'll go back and tell my sister, you're hooking up with a little girl here!"

Yang Fei, who was hit on the head, immediately cried out in pain, complaining at the same time, and brought out his sister Yang Xiaojing.

In fact, Yang Fei knew Lei Zhan's character in his heart, he was just making fun of Lei Zhan.

"Well, in a few days, I will personally go to Yangjiao Mountain in a few days to pick up your sister and let her take a good look around the county. After all, she is really too busy in Yangjiao Mountain. Our logistics, She's basically managing it."

Lei Zhan sighed, and the beautiful figure of Yang Xiaojing appeared in his mind. He also missed Yang Xiaojing a little now, so he decided to go to Yangjiao Mountain in a few days and take Yang Xiaojing to the county.

"Is that right!"

Hearing Lei Zhan's words, Yang Fei immediately laughed. He couldn't see his sister being tired, after all, she was just a weak woman. Hearing that Lei Zhan planned to take her sister to the county town, Yang Fei was very happy.

"By the way, you are in the team, looking for a soldier or cadre with strong management skills.

Of course, don't let the soldiers who are injured on the battlefield and can't go to the battlefield let them idle in the village. This is not good for them. Find something for them to do and let them help in the logistics.

If there is a suitable one, find one, be your sister's deputy, and share some for your sister. "

Lei Zhan looked at the happy Yang Fei and continued.

After all, Lei Zhan's worries are justified. Soldiers who were injured on the battlefield, they can no longer go to the battlefield because of their injuries. In their hearts, they feel very uncomfortable. Some soldiers, even serious ones, will have the idea of ​​committing suicide .

As a soldier, it is a lifetime regret not to be able to fight the enemy on the battlefield.

Lei Zhan finds something for them to do, manages the logistics, and can be regarded as helping the soldiers fighting on the front line to continue to contribute to the cause of the War of Resistance.

"Well, don't worry, leader, I will give orders."

Yang Fei quickly complied. Hearing this, his face became serious. He is a soldier, and he understands the pain in the hearts of soldiers who cannot go to the battlefield in the village.

"Captain, that girl!"

Afterwards, Yang Fei thought of Su Yunuan, and immediately told Lei Zhan with a smile. Since seeing Su Yunuan, Yang Fei suddenly had a special feeling in his heart.

At the meeting yesterday, Yang Fei was not present. Yang Fei didn't know everything, especially about Su Yunuan.

"Don't touch this woman, Su Yunuan. She is very dangerous. For some things, you can go to the political commissar to learn more about it."

Seeing Yang Fei's appearance, Lei Zhan knew in his heart what Yang Fei was thinking. Lei Zhan would not allow this matter.

"In addition, you keep an eye on the matter of training beggars and hooligans, Su Yunuan, don't touch it at all, otherwise, you will be the one who regrets and suffers!"

Lei Zhan didn't want to reveal Su Yunuan's identity. After all, the more people know about this matter, the more risky it is. After all, the plan cannot be missed. , Yang Fei is still too young.

If Yang Fei was really immersed in it, and his head became hot, something might happen. There is only one thing, Yang Fei is too young.

"But, then..."

Hearing Lei Zhan's words, Yang Fei felt hot in his heart, and immediately wanted to object, but seeing Lei Zhan's stern and oppressive eyes, Yang Fei didn't say what he said.

"She has something to do with the little devil, you can think about it yourself!"

Seeing Yang Fei's appearance, Lei Zhan mentioned Su Yunuan's identity, but did not go into details.


Hearing Lei Zhan's words, Yang Fei's face was immediately filled with astonishment. He couldn't believe that such a good girl had something to do with the little devil.

Yang Fei couldn't believe it, but he understood that Lei Zhan's words could not be false, because Lei Zhan would never lie to him.

Yang Fei felt a little pain in his heart, he knew in his heart that his first ignorant love was about to be cut off.

Slowly, the fierce look in Yang Fei's eyes flashed, and the original firm look returned.

"Don't worry, leader, I know what to do. In addition, Yang Hu is watching over the training of beggars and hooligans. There is no problem."

Yang Fei said with firm eyes.

Seeing Yang Fei recovering so quickly, Lei Zhan's face was immediately filled with satisfaction. In fact, this was also a test for Yang Fei. The purpose was to test Yang Fei's willpower and self-control ability .

In the end, Lei Zhan was not disappointed, and Yang Fei was very good.

"Here is a task for you. For this training and the patrol mission in Lingchuan, you must understand the training of the soldiers with the battalion and company platoon leaders in detail, and select soldiers who perform well or have special skills. , write it down, do you understand?"

Looking at Yang Fei who passed the test, Lei Zhan gave the order.

Lei Zhan has special arrangements for those fighters who perform well and have special skills. This plan has been brewing in his heart for a long time.

If this plan is carried out smoothly, then he can deal another severe blow to the little devil.

"Yes, the task is guaranteed to be completed!"

After receiving the order, Yang Fei saw that Lei Zhan had no other arrangements, turned around and left, took the remaining soldiers of the Special Operations Battalion to Lingchuan, and started the security inspection.

Their first task is to eliminate all hidden dangers in Lingchuan, especially the remaining bandits who target the common people.

Their policy remains the same:
Those who have the blood of Chinese people on their hands, kill them!

As long as you have contact with devils, kill them!

Those who do many evils and plunder the people, kill them!

For the rest, all will be incorporated, organized for training, and contribute to the country!

After Yang Fei left, Lei Zhan returned to the office. He took out the treasure map seized in the Black Tiger Mountain from the drawer, and began to look carefully.

For this treasure map, Lei Zhan has already figured it out. It is the property of the ancestors of the landlords of the Yang family in Dayangzhuang, and there should be a lot of treasures in it.

Now that Lingchuan territory has initially settled down, as long as Su Yunuan's family is killed, the next step is the stage of great development, military expansion, and construction, all of which require money.

There is still a part of the money seized before, but it will not last long, so Lei Zhan decided that as long as Su Yunuan and other devils are killed, he will start working on these treasures immediately.

Dig it out, use it for military purposes, train Xeon fighters, and kill little devils. The next step of Lei Zhan is to target the special operations of the special forces!


Su Yunuan, who came out of the headquarters, had a pretty face full of smiles, and she was very happy that she had the opportunity to send the information out.

(End of this chapter)

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