Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 230 Liu San Was Arrested

Chapter 230 Liu San Was Arrested
The lame Liu San was running fast in the slums of the county town at this time, and behind him, several soldiers were surrounding him.

At this moment, Liu San was terrified. He didn't know what caused him to be exposed, and he was hunted down by the soldiers of the Wolf Warriors.

At the same time, he was very fortunate in his heart. If he hadn't been trained, he would have been caught by now.

Because of the familiarity of the terrain, the soldiers really didn't catch up with Liu San for a while. Liu San was scurrying around like a cunning fox in the slums.

Don't look at his lameness in normal times, but that's just an appearance, to confuse people and let him hide it better.

"damn it!"

The soldiers behind him were so angry that they cursed their mothers at this time. It was a good thing. The gospel of the beggars. The Wolf Warriors are in charge of food and drink, so they don't let them worry about food. Some other beggars just left with the soldiers .

But the guy in front of him seemed to have taken the drug of insanity and became insane. After seeing them, he didn't care about the three sevens and 21, and ran away, just like a mouse seeing a cat.

This made the soldiers completely puzzled. The soldiers really couldn't figure out why the guy in front of him wanted to run away.

Just run, you still run so fast, you are still running around relying on your familiarity with the terrain, isn't this a soldier who bullies us!

At this time, the entire slum area was surrounded by the soldiers of the Wolf Warriors, and many residents outside also surrounded them, wanting to see what happened.

Among them, the poor residents, men, and beggars in the slum area automatically formed a team to sign up after hearing the news.

They need to eat and survive. The policy of the Eighth Route Army Wolf Regiment is really good. They can learn skills and keep their stomachs full.

This is an extravagant hope that they usually dare not even think about. The most important thing in this era is food. With food, they can live.

After all, the most important thing is to be alive.

Of course, in the slums, good and bad people are mixed, there are everyone, petty theft, hooligans, all kinds of people, people from all walks of life, basically there are.

Lei Zhan, who has experienced various things in his previous life, knows very well that if there is a major problem in a city, then the place where hidden dangers arise is this kind of slum.

Because there are too many uncontrollable factors in it, what does the slum area represent, it represents poverty, worrying about livelihood, worrying about survival, and the people in it, after suffering so much, are hungry every day.

If someone is willing to give them food, money, and let them live, then the people in the slums, no matter what they give, they are willing.

Therefore, Lei Zhan quickly cut through the mess, directly sent troops to suppress them, and gathered all these people together for unified training. In this way, after a period of training, the people with ulterior motives among them can be distinguished from ordinary people. At that time, It's time to kill, it's time to pass.

For the rest, after being trained, as long as they go to the battlefield and kill the devils, they will become real fighters.

This is an approach that kills multiple birds with one stone. It not only solves the problem of soldiers, but also solves the problem of food and clothing for the poor, and also solves the hidden dangers in the county.

As the saying goes, a special period must require special means, and this anti-Japanese period is an incomparably special period, and everything must revolve around killing devils.

Nothing is as important as killing the devils and driving the devils out of China. Only by driving the little devils out of China can the people truly get rid of poverty and live a stable life.

As for now, their personal thoughts are no longer important.

Everything is about the country!

The country breaks the mountains and rivers, expels the Japanese invaders, returns my lands and mountains, and strengthens my great Chinese national prestige!
Regarding the actions of the Eighth Route Army Zhanwolf Regiment, the people on the outskirts agreed very much, and all raised their hands in praise. In normal times, they were often harmed by people in the slums.

Stealers, robbers, and hooligans who bully others are all their "confidantes".

It’s all right now, the Wolf Warriors of the Eighth Route Army took them all away, and went to training in food and drink. The people in the periphery, thank the Eighth Route Army and the Wolf Warriors in their hearts. As long as these people are taken away, their future days will be It's peaceful.


At this time, Liu San, the cripple, ran quickly with a smug smile on his face. He knew in his heart that as long as there were not a large number of wolf warriors intercepting him during the battle, then he would be fine.

At the same time, he also noticed that the number of people in the slums was greatly reduced, so he knew in his heart that it was not that he was exposed, but that all the beggars had been taken away.

"Damn it, you bastard, how can you run like that!"

The soldiers behind were a bit overwhelmed. After all, not all of these fighters had been trained by Lei Zhan, and there were many new recruits among them.

The elite of the Wolf Warriors had basically gone to station outside. In the county town, except for more than half of the soldiers from the Special War Battalion, the rest were recruits.

Of course, less than half of the soldiers from the Special Operations Battalion participated in this round-up, and this operation was led by the cold-faced Yang Hu.

At this time, Yang Hu was waiting outside the slums. His figure was very tall and straight, exuding an indescribable aura all over his body. He still had a cold, expressionless face and straight eyes. Looking at the slums.

At this time, Yang Hu's mind was recalling the scenes when he didn't join the army. If Lei Zhan hadn't appeared, he might still be farming in Dayangzhuang now, and maybe he would be killed by the little devil up.

Thinking of Cuihua's wife who died at the hands of the little devil, killing intent flashed in Yang Hu's eyes again. Yang Hu couldn't let go of Cuihua's death. If he prevented Cuihua from returning to her mother's house that night, he would also There will be no accidents.

Therefore, Yang Hu hated the little devils very much in his heart, and he swore that as long as he was alive, he would fight against the little devils to the end and resolutely kill all the little devils.


Suddenly, Yang Hu saw a figure flashing quickly in the alley of the slum area, and after the figure flashed, the soldiers also appeared in the alley, but the soldiers now were exhausted.


Seeing that it wasn't a soldier from the Special Operations Battalion, Yang Hu snorted immediately, and jumped into the alley in two or three steps, very fast.

"Ha ha!"

Knowing that he was not in danger, Liu San's mentality also changed, and he began to lead the soldiers around in the slums.

He felt that it was not bad to play with the Chinese people like this.

"Oh shit!"


The soldiers behind him, seeing the beggar who was still full of energy in front of him, cursed again, panting heavily, wishing to get the guy in front of him down and fuck him hard.


The lame Liu San was laughing, with a look of disdain on his face, he turned around and was about to run.

However, this time it was not so smooth.


What greeted him was a big foot wearing military leather boots. This big foot was full of violent power, and kicked the crippled Liu San directly on the chest, sending Liu San flying.

"battalion commander!"

"battalion commander!"

The soldiers behind saw Yang Hu with a cold face, and immediately laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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