Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2282 Ghost spirit Shen Wanxi

Chapter 2282 Ghost spirit Shen Wanxi

"Hey, Lao Yang, you have to tell me the truth, you are such a big factory director, you won't even refuse to agree to a little brother's request?" Hu Dahai asked.

Anyway, Hu Dahai at this time was thinking in his heart that he must take away his weapon. He believed that Yang Fei, a big factory director, would not refuse to give it to him. Besides, what he wanted was what he wanted. and not much.

"It's easy to talk about anything, but it's about the weapons and ammunition. It's giving me some headaches. You should understand that our army has regulations, and our army also has an organizational system, right? You need the signature of the head of the regiment, that's fine." , I’ll give it to you, if not, I’m really sorry!” After Yang Fei finished speaking, he grabbed a handful of peanuts on the table and ate them.

"Okay, you are in trouble, and I am also in trouble. I want to get some of your things before I leave, but you still don't give it. It's really a headache. Think about it, have I ever begged you?"

Hu Dahai asked.

"No!" Yang Fei shook his head directly.

"That's right, the first time brother begged you, you rejected me!" Hu Dahai shook his head. "Brother, how do we get along in the future?"

"Hey hey!" Yang Fei smiled, "Go to the head of the group and ask for a signature!"

When Hu Dahai heard this, he picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp, "I didn't take it!" After finishing speaking, he looked at Shen Wanxi, "He took it!"

Yang Fei looked at Shen Wanxi strangely, and Shen Wanxi smiled alone, "Hey, I have it! I have it!"

Hearing this, Yang Fei wanted to run away a little. Could it be that the team leader really approved it?If Shen Wanxi wants it with the leader's signature, what should he do?
Thinking of this, Yang Fei thought, "No, no, according to Shen Gouzi's habit, after getting the leader's signature, he must come directly to get the things. How can he wait for him to drink together?"

Yang Fei raised his head and looked at him, "Come on, let me see what the team leader signed for you!"

"Old Yang, I didn't mean you, I gave it to you, can you understand it?" Shen Wanxi took out a piece of paper from his pocket.

Yang Fei took a look at Da Guang beside him. Da Guang was literate and didn't know many people. At least he could read books and newspapers.

After taking the signature from Shen Wanxi, Yang Fei directly gave it to Da Guang.

Daguang took it over, opened the note, and read it out, "This is to certify that the [-]st Battalion of our department went to the [-] Armory Factory to deploy weapons. There are five crooked handles and one heavy machine gun. I hereby certify. Yang Fei personally signed the [-] Factory !"

After reading, Da Guang looked at Yang Fei.

Yang Fei hurriedly took the note, pointed to it and asked, "Da Guang, take a look, is there the head's name?"

Da Guang looked over and pointed to the three characters at the bottom, "Li Jiguang!"

Hearing this, Yang Fei was stunned immediately, while Shen Wanxi smiled beside him, "Battle Commander Yang, prepare it for me. When the troops march out tomorrow, I'll go over and get it! How about it?"

"Okay!" Yang Fei nodded, then laughed awkwardly, "Hahaha!"

Why did the leader sign it?Doesn't he know that there is nothing in this arsenal?Now that it's signed, where can Yang Fei get him something?

Thinking of this, Yang Fei was very distressed.

He put the note on his body, "All right, all right, I'll take this note, tomorrow, you can go and have a look!"

"Okay, with your words, I feel relieved!" Said, Shen Wanxi held the wine glass, "Come on, Commander Yang, let's have a drink!"

Yang Fei clinked glasses with him, "Hey!"

After drinking this glass of wine, Hu Daguang over there was very upset. The head of the team had said that he had never signed for Shen Wanxi. Did he sign for him this time because he looked down on Hu Dahai?Thinking of this, Hu Dahai really wanted to ask the head of the regiment directly.

So did Yang Fei, he really wanted to finish his drink quickly, and then talk to the group leader about it.

Yang Fei looked at them, the atmosphere in the wine shop was not right, and then looked at Hu Dahai, "Old Hu, where is your signature? Old Shen has it, but you don't?"

Hu Dahai was a little embarrassed, "Okay, let's not talk about it, I, Hu Dahai, usually don't offend anyone, what's the matter? How did you end up offending an uncle who doesn't hurt and grandma doesn't love?"

"Okay, it means you don't have one, so what are you talking about? If you don't, I'll give it to Shen Wanxi first. Who would let him be in the first battalion? Right?" Yang Fei said deliberately.

When Hu Dahai heard this, he immediately became angry, "One bullshit, why can't you give us the second battalion when you can give the first battalion?"

"Okay, sit down!" Yang Fei asked Hu Dahai to sit down, "You have to ask the head of the group about this matter, the head of the group has someone's consideration, don't you think so?"

"I'll ask the team leader in a while!" Hu Dahai said.

"Okay, that's right, what are you complaining about here?" Yang Fei asked.

"But that's not what the head of the group told me. He said that your arsenal is directly under the headquarters. What does that mean? Isn't it the head of the group who can't make the decision? Why can you do everything when you get to Shen Gouzi's place? "

Shen Wanxi didn't speak, just kept smiling, and kept pouring wine into his mouth.

"What did I say, they are in the first battalion, so the treatment is different!" Yang Fei said.

"Okay, okay, don't talk about this! Come, have a drink!"

When they finished drinking a catty of wine, Hu Dahai ran away, Yang Fei hurriedly chased them out with Daguang when he saw the situation, until they were out of the door, Daguang asked, "What's wrong, Battalion Commander? "

"I still don't understand? This Hu Dahai wants to escape the order, hehe, fortunately, Lao Yang is smart!" He said, he looked at Daguang, "learn, go out to drink with these people, if you don't be careful, don't worry. What are you waiting for?"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

After saying this, I heard the voice of the store owner inside, "You can't leave, you haven't paid yet!"

That Shen Wanxi shouted, "That person pays the bill, that person pays the bill, it's not me!"

Yang Fei smiled, "Dog, let's go, let's go see the leader!"

With that said, the two went to the regiment headquarters.

As soon as I arrived at the regiment headquarters, I heard Hu Dahai crying, "Why did you sign Shen Wanxi and not give it to me, regiment leader, did I do something wrong?"

Li Jiguang hurriedly said, "Nonsense! When did I sign Shen Wanxi?"

"Yes, this note is in Yang Fei's hand, and he is still keeping it in his pocket!" Hu Dahai said.

"Okay, why are you crying? I don't see you so often. What are you afraid of? Why? You cry like this with a note written by someone?" Li Jiguang said to the guard, "Go, get Yang Fei here." !"

"Don't look for it, I'm here!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Fei came in slowly, "Head, political commissar, hello!"

When he saw Yang Fei, Li Jiguang stretched out a hand, "Bring me the note!"

"Head, I read it. It is indeed a note asking me to give people weapons and equipment!" After speaking, Yang Fei took it out from his body and handed it to Li Jiguang.

(End of this chapter)

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