Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2283 Go to the arsenal

Chapter 2283 Go to the arsenal
Li Jiguang finished the note, then frowned and read it. After reading it, he laughed loudly, "This Shen Gouzi is Shen Gouzi. I don't know who to ask to write the note, but I dare to give it to you!"

When Yang Fei heard this, he immediately asked, "Head, do you mean this note is fake?"

Wang Wei went to take the note and read it again, and then laughed, "What is it if this is not fake? The word does not express the meaning, and the writing is messy! Battalion Commander Shen made a joke with you!"

"This heavy dog!" Yang Fei immediately grabbed the hat in his hand when he heard this, "See if I don't deal with him!"

When Yang Fei heard this, he felt unwilling. He wanted to find Shen Wanxi to have a good talk, but he dared to play him.

"Okay, you guys go back quickly, it's late at night, what are you doing here?" After finishing speaking, he pointed at Hu Dahai, "It's mainly you, as a battalion commander, you don't even have this level, how can you fight? "

He also took Hu Dahai's accusation to heart, "I know the leader, I can only blame Shen Gouzi for being too cunning!"

"Well, okay, Yang Fei's arsenal, I will never sign casually, I will only sign when it is absolutely necessary, why are you still here, don't you want to go to the station?"

Li Jiguang asked.

"Head, I have already sent a company there, and there are still some things left, we will go there together tomorrow!" Hu Dahai said.

"Well, okay!" Li Jiguang waved his hands and told them to leave quickly.

Just as Yang Fei was about to turn around, he was stopped, "Yang Fei, wait!"

Hu Dahai left, Yang Fei stopped, "Team leader!"


Yang Fei sat down, Li Jiguang looked at him, "I know what you mean, how can I sign for them, what I want to tell you is, you have to be careful to finish the arsenal for me, three months, I will give you Three months. At that time, I will inspect the arsenal. Our time is running out. The devil is exhausted at this point in the war. If we want to deal with them, we must have our own hard power. , What is this hard power? It’s not that there are too many people, it’s not that there are too many guns, but our own complete production system. If there are no people, we will recruit more troops. However, if you never have a production system, we will always lag behind. The devils will occupy our chassis and won't leave!" Li Jiguang's words can be said to be earnest.

"Team battle, don't worry, I will remember!" Yang Fei said.

"Well, I hope you keep these words in your heart, and it can make you think further. Also, this war is different from playing chess. If you make a wrong piece, you can regret a move. However, if you fight and go One wrong step, that is the abyss, we must take one step and look at three steps, we must think about everything, always think about the enemy's intentions, don't blindly grab the enemy and fight! Remember? Li Jiguang patted Yang Fei on the shoulder, "I believe you can understand that these words are some big truths. I, Li Jiguang, will not lie. Today, for your arsenal, I lied to my two battalion commanders!" "

"Head, don't worry, I know what you mean, but the arsenal lacks a lot of things now, the most important thing is the allocation of talents, head, I hope that the headquarters will provide us with this personnel as soon as possible, and, Let the surrounding troops, the weapons and equipment captured in the battle, those that are broken, we need as much as we have, and as much as we can make, we need as much as we can! We can use as much as we can!" Yang Feishou said.

"Well, I have already greeted the headquarters. I believe that the talent is already on the way!" Li Jiguang said.

"Okay, head, then I'll go!" Said, Yang Fei turned and left.

Wang Wei looked at Li Jiguang, "I believe this guy!"

"I believe it too!" Li Jiguang said.

When Hu Dahai stepped out of the regiment headquarters, Shen Wanxi called him aside, "Old Hu!"

Hu Dahai glanced at him, "Hehe, old Shen, what's wrong? Let me go get the equipment with you?"

"Hehe, I made a joke, look at you, you run faster than anyone else!" Shen Wanxi said.

"Tell me, what do you want from me?" Hu Dahai was now one meter away from Shen Wanxi, and tried to keep a distance from him.

"Come here, I'm talking to you!" Shen Wanxi said.

Hu Dahai reluctantly walked over, "Say it!"

"Hey, you still hold grudges, why? Did I steal yours? Or did I rob you?" Shen Wanxi asked.

"Okay, just say what you have, don't ink, I have something to do here!" Hu Dahai said.

"Let me ask you, did the commander tell you that Yang Fei's arsenal is very big?" Shen Wanxi asked.

"Yes, that's what I said!"

Hu Dahai said.

"Then let me ask you, do you want to see what this arsenal looks like?" Shen Wanxi looked around after finishing speaking.

They are like two thieves.

"What do you mean?" Hu Dahai asked.

"In a while, let's go to the arsenal to see how big it is. Yang Fei said that there are aircraft cannons. Have you seen aircraft cannons?" Shen Wanxi asked.

"Go and take a look? I'm afraid Yang Fei won't let you in!" Hu Dahai said and was about to leave.

"Hey!" Shen Wanxi smiled, "Just use him to lead the way. The two of us have been in the army for so long, and it's not easy to get into the arsenal. Besides, Yang Fei only has less than two companies of troops, and they can stick to it." Is it a corner?" Shen Wanxi said.

Hu Dahai wanted to leave, but stopped suddenly, turned to look at Shen Wanxi, "What on earth do you want to go in for? Just to take a look at the aircraft and cannons?"

Shen Wanxi hooked her fingers, "Come here, let me tell you!"

Hu Dahai went over, frowning, and Shen Wanxi said in his ear, "Let's go in and see how powerful this weapon is. Wouldn't it be better if we could point it out?"

Upon hearing this, Hu Dahai said, "This is stealing..."

Before he could finish speaking, Shen Wanxi covered his mouth all of a sudden, "Yang Fei didn't take your things? What is he stealing?"

Hu Dahai thought about it, yes, anyway, there are a lot of things in the arsenal, so they just take some, and I guarantee that no one will find out.

Just like that, Hu Dahai nodded, "Okay, let's go and have a look then!"

"Okay, it's a deal, let's wait here and go to the arsenal with Yang Fei, but we have to follow him!" Shen Wanxi said.

The sky darkened quickly, the moon rose from an unknown direction, and thick mist was poured out. The snow had already melted, and the ground had long been frozen, and the wind that came out of nowhere was not there in winter. The rustling of the fallen leaves.

(End of this chapter)

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