Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2284 Suspicious Spy

Chapter 2284 Suspicious Spy

Yang Fei came out of the regiment headquarters, rode a horse and Daguang quickly ran to Huoguang Village.

Along the way, they never stopped, and the scarf bought by Shen Ling around his neck was blown by the wind.

When they got to the village, they got off their horses, and Yang Fei and Da Guang walked up the mountain.

Braving the wind, Shen Wanxi and Hu Dahai rushed over, "Let's go up the mountain!"

Along the way, he had never seen a sentry post before, so Shen Wanxi was very happy, "It seems that this factory director is nothing more than that, and no one came to guard him!"

"Be careful, Yang Fei is a vegetarian?" Hu Dahai said.

"Go, on the mountain, I want to see what Yang Fei's aircraft and cannon look like!" As they said, the two of them walked and hid, and they reached the mountain pass. There were two soldiers guarding the mountain pass. They seemed to be tired from standing. and sat down on a rock to rest.

Hu Dahai called him aside, "Go this way, there is no one here!"

They climbed up along the hill, then jumped down and hid again.

Yang Fei went up the mountain and saw that Zhao Qifa’s militiamen had already guarded him, so he went to find Zhao Qifa, “I want to thank you today, my troops will come tomorrow, and I have nothing to thank you for. There are no more steamed buns, one steamed bun for each person as a thank you!"

Zhao Qifa quickly shook his head, "What are you talking about, you are all revolutionary comrades, how could I want your things, besides, defending the arsenal is also defending our homeland, if I set this precedent, how many people will look down upon it by then I!"

Yang Fei called Zhao Qifa to a room. This room was regarded as a temporary office. There were not many things in it. There was only a table, a wooden bed, a thin quilt, and a big light just beside it. Raised brazier.

The flames glowed red and blue, Yang Fei lit the oil lamp, "Sit down!"

They sat down, and Yang Fei said, "By the way, Lao Zhao, how about the blind date today? Have you already made an appointment?"

For Zhao Qifa's marriage, Yang Fei is still very optimistic. After all, he is a veteran. It would be the best if he could have his own family at this time. After all, this is what all soldiers want in their hearts. of.

Zhao Qifa smiled, "Hey! I don't know,!"

"I don't know?" Yang Fei shook his head, "I'm still waiting to drink your wedding wine, why? Why don't you invite me to drink the wedding wine?"

"Yang Battalion Commander, of course I'm happy that you can come. I'm quite satisfied with that girl, but I don't know how that girl feels about me!" Zhao Qifa said.

"In my opinion, there are not many outstanding people like you. If that girl falls in love with you, I think it's normal!" Yang Fei capitalized.

"Battalion Commander Yang, you can really talk!" Zhao Qifa capitalized.

Yang Fei looked at Zhao Qifa, and still wanted to suck him in and treat him as one of his own companies. If so, they would be able to enrich their revolutionary team.

"By the way, Lao Zhao, I still say that, my revolutionary team welcomes you to join at any time!" Yang Fei said.

Zhao Qifa nodded, "Battalion Commander Yang, as long as everyone agrees, I agree too!"

What he said was ambiguous, but Yang Fei was confused, "Okay, okay!" After finishing speaking, he lit a cigarette, "Come on, smoke!"

Zhao Qifa waved his hand, "Battalion Commander Yang, I won't!"

"No? Let's learn. There are not many revolutionaries who don't know how to smoke. Look at our regiment leader Li who smokes. Political Commissar Wang doesn't smoke, but he likes to drink. Therefore, tobacco and alcohol have never been used. It's something that's in short supply!" Yang Fei said.

He forced a cigarette to Zhao Qifa, Zhao Qifa lit it, choked a few times, but Yang Fei smiled, "Smoked slowly, this cigarette can't be impatient, the more impatient you are, the more uncomfortable you will be!"

"Where did our team go? Cough..." Zhao Qifa just finished his sentence when his throat was cut by the choking smoke, "Cough..."

Yang Fei looked at Zhao Qifa, "If you want to know, then I'll tell you!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Fei flicked the soot on the ground, "They are going to the devil's stronghold, and tonight, I will take down the devil's stronghold!"

"The devil's stronghold?" Zhao Qifa looked at Yang Fei in surprise, "This devil's stronghold is ten kilometers away from our Huoguang Village! Can it work?" Zhao Qifa asked.

"Why can't it work? The soldiers of the Eighth Route Army walked out on their legs. Most of our revolutionary comrades came from climbing snow-capped mountains and crossing grasslands. If you think about it, we have experienced all kinds of difficulties. You say, how can we still go through the grass? What are we afraid of?" Yang Fei said.

"Well, Battalion Commander Yang..." Zhao Qifa wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it because he was stuck in his throat.

"Just say anything, don't hesitate here!" Yang Fei said.

"What I want to say is that if there is an opportunity to fight devils in the future, call our militiamen, and our militiamen can still fight devils!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Are you going to fight devils?" Yang Fei asked.

"Yes, one more person means more strength!" Zhao Qifa said.

"If there is a suitable time, I think I will ask you for help, but you should understand that we are the Eighth Route Army and you are the militia. I... have no way to command you!" Yang Fei was deliberately embarrassed.

Zhao Qifa shook his head, "No, no, no, when the time comes, you can command, and we can charge!"

"I'm afraid this is a bit embarrassing. We are all militiamen after all, and we are short of weapons and ammunition. I'm afraid that on the battlefield..." Before Yang Fei could finish speaking, Zhao Qifa said, "Battalion Commander Yang, we have long wanted to fight devils." Oh, the devil came to our place at that time and killed many people, look at this arsenal, it was destroyed by the devil, if you don't say anything else, just say this revenge, we must avenge it!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Okay!" Yang Fei immediately agreed, "I don't have any wine here, if there is wine, I really want to have a drink with you!"

"Okay! If you have time tomorrow, let's drink together!" Zhao Qifa said.

At this time, a rush of footsteps suddenly sounded outside the door, "Captain Zhao, Captain Zhao!"

Zhao Qifa quickly stood up, went to open the door, and a militia soldier hurriedly said, "Captain Zhao, we found two suspicious-looking people who looked like spies of the devil, so we arrested them!"

Upon hearing this, Zhao Qifa hurriedly said, "Hurry up and bring me here!"

Yang Fei was also very excited. They had just settled down here, and someone came to spy on the information. This feeling is good. If it is really a devil, why not ask the devil about the current situation?

However, Yang Fei was too happy, "Let us go, we are your factory director's friends!"

Upon hearing this, Yang Fei was stunned, "Isn't this voice Shen Gouzi's? What is this guy doing here?"

(End of this chapter)

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