Chapter 2287
Hear a cock crow outside.

There are still some unclear outside the window, but there are already traces of light.

Yang Fei went out alone, he looked down the mountain, but there was still no one, "Where the hell can they go?"

For Lao Liu and the others, although Yang Fei believed and had confidence in their abilities, but at this moment, there was no news, so he was still a little worried.

At this moment, Yang Fei saw the correspondent, and the correspondent immediately came over to report, "Battle Commander! Battalion Commander, there is no news about Company Commander Liu and the others!"

Yang Fei was immediately taken aback, "What do you mean? Why are there no news from them?"

"Battalion Commander, last time I came to report the victories that Company Commander Liu and the others had won. When I ran over to check this time, I found that they were nowhere to be seen on the way here!"

"Then did you find it? Did they take a small route?" Yang Fei asked anxiously.

"I thought so too, but looking at the messy footprints on the ground, it must have been robbed by bandits!"

As soon as the correspondent said, Yang Fei was stunned immediately, "Bandits? Bandits again? How come there are bandits around here? How come I don't know?"

"Battalion Commander, don't worry, I'll check the situation right away!"

With that said, the correspondent ran away.

Yang Fei's anger came all at once, he hit the devil's stronghold, but was robbed by the bandits!

Yang Fei was furious that no one was alive but no dead body was seen!

He ran back to the house, dragged Da Guang off the bed, "Get up, Lao Tzu!"

After finishing speaking, he quickly found Zhao Qifa again. Zhao Qifa was a little sleepy sitting on the chair. "Company Commander Zhao!"

Zhao Qifa woke up when Yang Fei shouted loudly, "Battalion Commander Yang!"

"Company Commander Zhao, let me ask you, are there bandits near us?" Yang Fei asked.

"Bandits?" Zhao Qifa also felt strange, "I haven't heard of it, how could there be bandits!"

"Could it be bandits who fled here?" Yang Fei asked again.

"It's possible, but where can this bandit come from?" Yang Fei asked again.

"I don't know about this, Battalion Commander Yang, don't worry, what happened?" Zhao Qifa asked.

"I got the news that they had won the battle, and I was waiting for them to come back, but it was already at this point, and there was no sign of them. Just now, my correspondent came over and told me that it was very likely that they were robbed by bandits, so I came here Ask you!" Yang Fei said.

"I'm not too sure about this, but Battalion Commander Yang, don't worry, I'll send someone to investigate the situation. If it's true as you said, we'll hurry to negotiate with the bandits!" Zhao Qifa said.

"Okay!" Yang Fei nodded.

Zhao Qifa quickly sent someone to investigate the situation on the road.

Da Guang was still a little confused, but when he heard about the bandits, he immediately woke up, "Battle Commander, I'm going to fight the bandits!"

"Dog, where are the bandits?" Yang Fei asked.

Daguang didn't dare to speak.

After nine o'clock in the morning, the news came.

Several militiamen came back with Liu Ji and the others.

Yang Fei hurried out to have a look, only to find that Liu Ji and Shouhou were very embarrassed!
They were all ashamed, like eggplants beaten by frost.

"What's wrong?" Yang Fei asked quickly.

They didn't speak, just bowed their heads.

"Let's go, let's talk inside!" Yang Fei said quickly.

He brought them into the house, and asked Daguang to add a little charcoal fire.

"Skinny Monkey, tell me, this time, you are the commander, tell me, what happened?" Yang Fei hurriedly asked.

Skinny Monkey frowned, looked up at Yang Fei, "Battle Commander, this time..."

"What's the matter? Don't be a mother-in-law. If you have something to say, hurry up, I hate you like this the most!" Yang Fei shouted.

"It's embarrassing! I'm embarrassed to say it!" Liu Ji said.

"Dog thing!" Yang Fei stood up, his eyes staring like a bear, "Even if you squatted to pee, you have to explain to me, what's going on? The team I gave you is Like this?
The thin monkey sighed, "Commander, to tell you the truth, we originally attacked the devil's stronghold. This is an indisputable fact, but we seized so many things from the devil, and we walked slowly. Now, it's already five o'clock, and in the end, something happened on the road!"

"What's wrong?" Yang Fei didn't quite believe it, the plot was just too bloody.

"I met a bandit!" the thin monkey said hastily.

"Bandits? There are bandits near this house?" Yang Fei didn't quite believe it. After all, from the thin monkey's mouth, he was the truth.

"That's right, Battalion Commander, and we've seen this bandit before!" said the thin monkey.

"Have you seen it? Is it something?" Yang Fei was a little strange.

"It's... a leopard!" After the thin monkey finished speaking, Yang Fei finally understood.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this! Let me tell you! But, this leopard is not staying on their Phoenix Mountain, so what is he doing here?" Yang Fei was a little surprised.

"I don't know, this bandit seems to have been eyeing us for a long time. We were fighting, but they didn't help us. After we finished fighting, we robbed us on the way!" said the thin monkey, "The battalion commander, it's not just us who disturbed us." Weapons and equipment were robbed by those bastard bandits, and our own guns were also robbed by these bandits!"

"It's unreasonable, I, Yang Fei, have never been so angry!" Seeing that they didn't even have food in their hands, Yang Fei's heart began to bleed, "You dog, I won't leave a single gun for me!" Yang Fei said, "See how I deal with them!"

"Battalion Commander, how to get there? Those bandits don't seem to be many in number, but they are all very tough!" said the thin monkey, "I originally wanted to negotiate with them. Without any explanation, they surrounded us and handed over our weapons!"

"These bandits are too abominable, I understand, this leopard is material for beating devils, but he is also a troublemaker!"

"Who says it's not!" Liu Ji also said at this time, "Commander, why don't we apply for some guns with the regiment, at least we have to use guns to negotiate with the leopards?"

"Where is that bandit, do you know?" Yang Fei asked.

"I know, it's at the center of our place and the devil's stronghold!" After the thin monkey finished speaking, Yang Fei hurriedly looked for the map.

"Is it here?" Yang Fei pointed and asked.

"That's right, right, it's here!" After speaking, Yang Fei immediately said, "When did these bastards pinch Lao Tzu's throat?"

Zhao Qifa took a look at the map at this time, isn't it!If the bandits were really pinching here, Yang Fei's support would become a problem. There was a mountain in the center. Although the mountain was not big, it became a place for these bandits to stay.

(End of this chapter)

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