Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2288 Collection Work

Chapter 2288 Collection Work
This is a new problem, and the new problem is enough to give Yang Fei a headache. It stands to reason that if the bandits saw that it was the Eighth Route Army, they would never shoot easily. Opinion?

Besides, at this moment, these bandits dared to shoot. It was really too bold. He dared to shoot before he made trouble for them.

Just like that, Yang Fei looked at Liu Ji and asked, "The leopard has seen you, can he also think of me?"

The thin monkey immediately said, "Commander, we met a leopard, of course we have to talk about our acquaintance, but as soon as we said it, that leopard seemed to have gone crazy, he came to trouble us, look, we Now, only a suit of clothes is left, nothing else!"

Yang Fei gritted his teeth, "This dog must have a problem with me!"

"Battalion Commander, last time you had a marksmanship competition, you knocked down their flagpole from such a long distance. This they dare to fight us?" Liu Ji asked.

"Anything is possible!" Yang Fei said.

At this time, a militiaman came in, "Captain, are those two people from last night released?"

Only then did Yang Fei remember that Shen Gouzi and Hu Dahai were still with him.

Yang Fei quickly said, "Yes, according to what I said yesterday, let Hu Dahai go first, by the way, don't let them come to see me! Just let them go!"

After hearing Yang Fei's words, the militia soldier nodded, "Okay, I understand!"

Liu Ji quickly asked, "Battle Commander, what are Shen Gouzi and Hu Dahai doing here?"

"Hehe, these two guys came quietly last night and were stopped by Company Commander Zhao's militia fighters. Hehe, I thought I was superior, but I didn't expect that we were still superior!" Yang Fei said.

"Battalion Commander, let's think about what we should do here!"

The thin monkey was a little anxious, because they had become toothless wolves after all, they had no people but no weapons, so what was there to guard?
Yang Fei looked at him angrily, "You two bastards, how did you do it, you can't even keep a pistol!"

Liu Ji felt a little troubled, "Who knew that bandit would be so arrogant after hearing your name!"

"Last time we offended them, this time, they are looking for us to seek revenge! Hehe, well, I like any kind of opponent. I will definitely decide Leopard. If he falls into my hands, But he is so good-looking!" Yang Fei'er said viciously.

"Why do you think this bandit is doing this? Why did he dare to intercept us? I can't figure this out!" Liu Ji was still a little dull.

"Okay, it doesn't matter whether you can figure it out or not. What's important is that we quickly find a way to find that bandit. This bandit is like a sharp sword stuck in our throats!" said the thin monkey.

"But this is easier said than done?" Yang Fei said, "I'm afraid that this dog, leopard and leopard don't want to see me, maybe they will shoot me to death if they see me!" Yang Fei also knew that what he did last time was indeed a little too much , the two of them made an agreement to break through the gate of the arsenal, and then divide the things equally, but Yang Fei loaded the good equipment into the car without authorization.

To put it bluntly, Yang Fei was thinking of their troops, but to put it bluntly, Yang Fei had no faith, and it was precisely because of this that the leopard might look down on Yang Fei.

Although he is a righteous army against the Japanese, Leopard also admires him very much, but in the final analysis, Yang Fei's personal behavior directly makes Leopard look down on him!
Speaking of which, the leopards here intercepted Yang Fei's weapons and equipment, so they were naturally very happy.

Leopard is naturally very happy as the first master, but the fire stick who is the second master is a little scared!

"Brother, tell me, we have robbed the Eighth Route Army, will the Eighth Route Army come to retaliate against us?" Burning Firestick said.

"Revenge?" Leopard sneered, "You don't know who we robbed, this guy is Yang Fei, you heard it too, you don't know how many soldiers he has, at most two companies, this time They went to fight the devil's stronghold, let us know, it's Yang Fei's bad luck!"

Burning Fire Stick was still a little worried, "Boss, you don't know that we are going to join the Eighth Route Army now, tell me, if the Eighth Route Army finds out about this, will we have a good end?"

Leopard hesitated for a moment, "How could it be such a coincidence, we took refuge in Li Jiguang, a regiment commander, and Yang Fei was a battalion commander, it's obvious who is older and who is younger! Besides, let's take refuge in the Eighth Route Army, take these weapons Sending the equipment over is also considered Xiao Jing's Eighth Route Army, and we went to the Eighth Route Army, and the treatment might be very good!"

"Yeah!" Even though the burner stick nodded, he was still a little uneasy.

"As the second leader, at that time, maybe I will be a battalion commander of Li Jiguang, and you will be the deputy battalion commander. We will sit on an equal footing with Yang Fei, and there is no difference between high and low. Think about it, we have traveled all the way, and finally reached this mountain. , but this mountain is not our territory, and the ground is not stable, so we can't stand on it either, besides, let's take a rest here, and we will go to the county seat at noon, it's no trouble!" Leopard said.

"Okay, I hope we don't have anything to do with Yang Fei again, this guy, we can't afford to mess with him, he's just a thorn in the side!" said the burner stick.

"Well, that's right, then tell everyone to rest in place for an hour, and then we will go to the county seat!"

Leopard said.

"By the way, the boss, the informant we sent came back, and told me just now that Li Jiguang decided to send someone to discuss with us about defecting!" said the burner stick.

"Hehe, come in person? That's a good idea. Let's wait here. I want to see what kind of treatment this Li Jiguang will give me. If the treatment is not good, we can also go to the national army!" After Leopard finished speaking, Sitting on the ground, he smoked with a cigarette stick.

"Big boss, we don't know that this place is a bit far from the territory of the national army, and there are checkpoints of the Japanese devils on the way, and it will be even more difficult to pass through!" Burning Firestick said, "It's only here from the Eighth Route Army. Get closer!"

"Hey!" Leopard sighed, "If the Japanese devils did not launch a surprise attack on us, I, Leopard, would not have suffered such a big loss. Most of our weapon preparations have not been brought out, and I am one hundred and eighty Good brother, there is only such a little left now, it is really useless!"

"Keep the green hills here, don't worry about running out of firewood, the big masters, in my opinion, we need to preserve our strength now, and then settle the score with the Japanese devils!" He had a very thorough analysis of the current situation, and defecting to the national army would naturally lead to a better standard of living, but this was not a good plan.

(End of this chapter)

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