Anti-Japanese Violent Army

Chapter 2298 Appointments

Chapter 2298 Appointments
Seeing Yang Fei leave, the fire stick asked, "Brother, do you trust Yang Fei so much?"

Leopard turned to look at the fire stick, "You forgot one thing!"

After speaking, Leopard turned his head and returned to his station.

The firestick followed, "Brother, what did I forget?"

"You forget whose territory we're on now!"

The fire stick frowned, "But, we can't let them play around!"

"But, who tricked us?" Leopard asked.

"It must be Yang Fei. Although we are in the Eighth Route Army's base, we are nominally recruited by the Eighth Route Army! But brother, I always feel that we are aggrieved!" said Burning Stick.

"I remember that you are not the kind of person who came here. Think about it, when I was not included a few days ago, I didn't want to be included so soon. It was you who kept persuading me to join the eighth road! Why did it change now?" Leopard asked.

"Brother, you should know that what we lacked at that time was nothing but food. We urgently needed a backer on the days when there was no next meal. It was too far to the south of the national army, and besides, there were devils' checkpoints. If it's not the Eighth Route Army, at least we can have enough to eat!" Said the burner stick.

"That's the truth. However, there is a saying that if you come, you will be safe. I want to see how Yang Fei arranges me to be the battalion commander!"

Leopard said.

"Brother, what are we going to do, we have to be careful everywhere. I always feel that Yang Fei is not a good person. Last time we agreed to divide the arsenal equally, but that boy was one step ahead of us! This revenge has not been avenged! Today he You actually took the initiative to bring up this matter, big brother, you can’t be careless!" said the burner stick.

"What you said makes sense, but I just want to see how Yang Fei is!" Leopard said.

"I'm afraid, the deputy battalion commander gave you, but put a lot of pressure on you!" said the fire stick with a sigh.

Leopard turned to look at him, feeling a little nervous.

However, he didn't believe everything he said about the firestick, and his trusted subordinates, on this matter, he couldn't listen to their opinions, he had to make up his own mind, no matter what He said that in the cottage, he is the boss. Even if he becomes the battalion commander in the future, it will be the same. No matter what, he must restrain his subordinates. He knows the rules of the Eighth Route Army very well.

In the afternoon, the meeting started at the leopard's residence.

The main agenda of the meeting was to appoint Leopard as deputy battalion commander.

Everyone present expressed their opposition!
Leopard sat there awkwardly. He had no intention of speaking at first, but now he couldn't speak anymore.

Especially Liu Ji, who keeps saying that he is like a leopard and a bandit. If he is a deputy battalion commander, then he must get rid of these problems first!
Skinny Monkey also said that his leopard needs to be reviewed by the organization!
In short, most of the opponents are supporters of Yang Fei!
However, in Leopard's eyes, they are all Yang Fei's running dogs, because they are afraid that Yang Fei's rights will be shared, which will affect their future paths!

But at this time, Yang Fei said, "Why are you so narrow-minded?"

When Yang Fei said this, Liu Ji and Shouhou were a little surprised!They looked at Yang Fei with their mouths wide open, "Battle Commander, what are we talking about?"

Yang Fei shook his head, "I tell you that!" Yang Fei stood up, "What does our Eighth Route Army do?"

"You beat devils, what's the point?" Liu Ji asked.

"That's right, it's good if you understand this!" Yang Fei said, "Our team is fighting devils, for the liberation of the people and the liberation of mankind, but our team is the only one in China that fights devils?"

"Obviously not, of course, it includes many people, including workers, including farmers, including businessmen, including students! You must know the May [-]th Movement, who was included in it, we must unite with these people! Do you know? So, don’t worry about what Leopard used to do. He’s just digging shit, as long as he hits the devil with his fist, this is what we want to unite with!”

Obviously, these words of Yang Fei were taught by Daguang. Some of these words were excerpted by Daguang, and some were written by himself. Yang Fei has changed a bit!
"Comrades, what time is it now? We must be bold in employing people, and at the same time, we must also increase and impose stricter requirements on the construction of our Eighth Route Army's cadres!" Yang Fei said.

The thin monkey looked at Yang Fei in surprise. The person who used to say "fuck you" was now speaking with a bit of politeness, which made him more convinced of Yang Fei.

"Everyone who is doing it, I believe they understand one thing!" Yang Fei said, "Our team needs some special talents now! Leopards used to be bandits, what happened to bandits? Bandits are still unambiguous in beating devils! Next, I'll let Leopard tell everyone about his anti-Japanese events!" Said, Yang Fei sat down.

Everyone started to applaud, Leopard felt nervous, for the first time he didn't stand up, and the only one who applauded was Firestick!

Under Yang Fei's leadership, Liu Ji and the others reluctantly applauded Leopard.

"I... have nothing to say. I have been listening to what the battalion commander said just now. It is very good. I can't speak. If I beat devils, I won't say anything!"

After saying this, Leopard suddenly became dumb. He sat down and his face suddenly turned red.

What he said in front of their brothers was from his own people and he was familiar with them, but he was not familiar with these people, so he was naturally a little embarrassed!
At this time, Yu Aiguo said, "I agree to let Comrade Leopard be the deputy battalion commander of our battalion. As for the matters that you all care about, I will take care of them. As long as everyone works together to fight against Japan, I think that is far from what we want most." Your life will not be far away! What the battalion commander said just now is very good. The battalion commander’s ideological consciousness is much higher than everyone’s. I think the battalion commander will not misjudge people. Let them join us, so I agree with the battalion commander's opinion and let Comrade Leopard be the deputy battalion commander of our battalion!"

After what Yu Aiguo said, Liu Ji and Shouhou had nothing to say. Who could object to what the trainer had said?
"Okay, I agree, but, instructor, since you said that Leopard can be the deputy battalion commander, but his ideological problems and his recognition of our Eighth Route Army, you have to grasp this point!" Said the thin monkey, "If you If I can guarantee this, I also agree to appoint Comrade Leopard as the deputy battalion commander!"

"Okay, I agree with this. Regarding the party's cultural construction and the recognition of our Eighth Route Army, I personally contacted Comrade Leopard on this point. I believe that since Comrade Leopard is a hero who fights devils, it is natural for him to join our Eighth Route Army." We have a certain understanding of discipline, otherwise, he would not have joined us!"

(End of this chapter)

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