Chapter 2299

In this way, Leopard became the deputy battalion commander. He didn't know what the deputy battalion commander would do. Yang Fei continued, "Okay, since everyone agrees that Comrade Leopard will become the deputy battalion commander of our battalion, then I Let me tell you in detail what Leopard does as the deputy battalion commander!"

At this time, Shouhou and Liu Ji were secretly delighted. They both thought that there was something hidden here.

And the fire stick immediately understood, if Yang Fei made things difficult for them, wouldn't it be a hidden needle in the cotton?
However, they all pricked up their ears and continued to listen to what Yang Fei had to say.

"Now that Leopard has become our deputy battalion commander, I announce that the deputy battalion commander, Comrade Baozi, will continue to serve as the company commander of the third company, mainly responsible for the construction of the company. Take charge of our camp’s food and grass issues!”

At this point, the fire stick immediately blushed, he didn't know that Leopard didn't know, Yang Fei said that, didn't he just let him continue to play his bandit style and continue to rob food?

"Battalion Commander, what do you mean? How should I be responsible for this matter of food and grass?" Leopard still gave Yang Fei enough face and deliberately said the word Battalion Commander in front of so many people!
"That's right, the head of the regiment promised us that the regiment will be responsible for some food and grass for our camp, and the headquarters will also give it to us. Therefore, these things will be handed over to your camp. Of course, if the food and grass are not enough, you have to think about it a little bit." One way!" Yang Fei smiled.

Everyone thought there was no problem with this, but the firestick suddenly stood up, "Commander, maybe it's not that simple?"

Yang Fei was a little surprised, how could the fire stick stand up, he smiled, "Sit down first, if you have something to say, sit down and talk!"

The fire stick said, "We are already soldiers of the Eighth Route Army. We are short of food and grass. What can we do? We have to find a way in the battalion!"

"You don't need to think of a way for this. Comrade Leopard will definitely tell me when the time comes, let's figure out a way together!" Yang Fei said.

No flaws.

Leopard also thinks that this is not such a simple problem, but in the final analysis, everything here seems to be going in a direction that is not good for him, but this kind of disadvantage is something you cannot see or touch! "Okay, I promise you!"

Leopard spoke.

The fire stick has nothing to say.

"Well, okay, in this case, Comrade Leopard, I will now appoint you as the deputy battalion commander of our Tiger Battalion and the company commander of the third company. Comrade Huohuoguner, you will be the deputy company commander of the third company and also the instructor!"

As soon as the result of Yang Fei's appointment came out, everyone agreed.

After the meeting, the fire stick frowned, looked at the leopard and asked, "Brother, I think Yang Fei is trying to pick on us on purpose!"

"Did you see it?" Leopard asked.

"No, but listen to his tone, we are in charge of the logistics work, and if our logistics work can't keep up, he and the regiment will join us for a copy. We're not just biting the bullet and waiting for Yang Fei to come. beat?"

The fire stick was a little unhappy.

"Don't think too much about this matter. If we don't do it, they will do it in the second company and the first company! Don't forget, I was the deputy battalion commander at that time, and you were also unified!" Leopard said.

"Could it be that we're just letting them dictate?" Firestick clenched his fists fiercely, "If we knew this earlier, we would still be the deputy battalion commander?" asked Firestick.

"What's wrong!" Leopard said, "Okay, this matter is over, what we have to do now is to concentrate on thinking about how we should connect with the regiment, burn the fire stick, don't you Say, I really like this job!"

"Like it?" The fire stick was a little strange, "This is a thankless thing!"

"Forget it, at least we brothers can be together. Of course the deputy battalion commander has to do something. If I have nothing to do, wouldn't I just be a dead man lying on the bed?" Leopard thought clearly.

He thought in his heart, although being a bandit is very free, it doesn't last long at all, so, under such circumstances, it is better to obey the order and do the task well.

I have to say that it is very good for Leopard at this time to have such awareness. Of course, it is hard to say whether the people below him have this awareness.

"But big brother, is this Yang Fei so kind?" Yu Aiguo greeted them from a distance just after the burner stick finished speaking.

"Where are you all here? Wait for me!" Yu Aiguo trotted over.

Seeing that Yu Aiguo was still holding some newspapers and a few books, the fire stick was a little confused, "Instructor, you are..."

Yu Aiguo said with a smile, "Oh, you mean this?" Yu Aiguo continued, "These are some party newspapers and some books. You are all deputy battalion commanders and instructors. I believe you can do a good job of these things. It is about our party and some materials about our Eighth Route Army. I think that only those who love the party and the country can be a responsible revolutionary soldier. You can take this book, Comrade Firestick, this newspaper, Comrade newspaper, these things , are things that we regard as treasures!"

"Don't be kidding, these are books and newspapers! Instructor, how can these be treasures?" The fire stick flipped through the books.

"Haha, of course gold and white jade are priceless things, but there is another thing in this world that is more powerful than gold and white jade! Do you know what it is?" Yu Aiguo asked.

"Time?" The fire stick shook his head.

"There is also knowledge. The brain armed with knowledge is more powerful than the enemy's aircraft and cannons! With knowledge, you can identify what is dirt and what is gold, and use them to arm our heads. You say, this world Is there any difficulty in the world that we can't handle?" Yu Aiguo said.

"Hey, instructor, you're right!" Leopard said with a smile, "Okay, we're going back!"

After finishing speaking, the leopard pulled the fire stick and was about to leave.

"Wait!" Yu Aiguo hurriedly stopped him, "Tomorrow at three o'clock in the afternoon, we will have a meeting on time to study. The meeting will be attended by the two of you, as well as the company commanders and instructors!"

"A meeting?" Leopard was a little surprised, "I'm already the deputy head, and I still have a meeting?"

"Haha, the deputy battalion commander has to have a meeting too! Otherwise, how can you improve?" After speaking, Yu Aiguo left.

The fire stick was a little embarrassed, "I don't know how to read, so you gave me a few books, are you making fun of me?"

"Okay, take it if I give it to you, you think I know a few words!" Leopard said helplessly, "Okay, let's go, let's go!"

The two stood side by side, "I'll know about this matter tomorrow afternoon when I have a meeting and study. Damn it, I haven't been to Mr. Teacher's place a few times. When I come here, I have to study and hold a meeting!"

"Hahaha, deputy battalion commander, brother, I have never been to the teacher's place either!"

The two were chatting and laughing, although they were a little helpless, but it was still relatively big at first!
(End of this chapter)

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